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Legacy books on:
  • Importance: The Adjoint Function
  • Nuclear Reactor Kinetics and Control
  • Thermodynamics: Frontiers and Foundations (2009)

by Dr. J.D. Lewins

Dr. J.D. Lewins (Curriculum vitae), owner of the copyright, released three of his books for a free of charge distribution by the NEA Data Bank.
Requests should be submitted from their abstracts.
Once received, these books cannot be further copied or sold.

I. J.D. Lewins: Importance: The Adjoint Function : The Physical Basis of Variational and Perturbation Theory in Transport and Diffusion Problems, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 582 pages, 1966

Introduction: Continuous Systems and the Variational Principle
 1. The Fundamental Variational Principle
 2. The Importance Function
 3. Adjoint Equations
 4. Variational Methods
 5. Perturbation and Iterative Methods
 6. Non-Linear Theory
 Addendum: Dr. J.D. Lewins: Minimum critical mass and flat flux in a 2-group model, Annals of Nuclear Energy 31 (2004) 541-576

II. J.D. Lewins: Nuclear Reactor Kinetics and Control, Pergamon Press, London, 275 pages, 1978

 1. Introductory Review
 2. Neutron and Precursor Equations
 3. Elementary Solutions of the Kinetics Equations at Low Power
 4. Linear Reactor Process Dynamics with Feedback
 5. Power Reactor Control Systems
 6. Fluctuations and Reactor Noise
 7. Safety and Reliability
 8. Non Linear Systems ; Stability and Control
 9. Analogue Computing Addendum: Jay Basken and Jeffery D. Lewins: Power Series Solution of the Reactor Kinetics Equations, Nuclear Science and Engineering: 122, 407-436 (1996) (authorised for distribution with the book: courtesy of American Nuclear Society)

III. J.D. Lewins: Thermodynamics: Frontiers and Foundations, electronic publishing, ISBN 978-2-9534095-1-2, 468 pages, 2009

Preface by Sir Alan Cottrell
 1. Four-Square Foundations: The Laws of Thermodynamics
 2. Maximum Entropy and Minimum Energy: The Master Functions and Equations
 3. Ideal Gases and their Applications
 4. Real Fluids and Some Applications
 5. Van der Waals: A Model for Real Fluids
 6. Surface Tension: Bubbles and Drops
 7. Inert and Reactive Mixtures; An introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics (with 'gibbs' program)
 8. Radiation Thermodynamics: Solar Power Potential
 9. Outposts of the Empire
 10. A Glimpse into Statistical Thermodynamics
The books are stored in PDF format with bookmarks organized by chapters and sections to facilitate the electronic 'navigation' within. Corrigenda for the books are also provided. Each page with a correction has a hyperlink to the corresponding correction and a pointer from the corrigenda back to the original page.

Last modified: 06 November 2018
