[Institutes] [Reference types] [Journals] [Reports] [Books+Conferences]
[Compounds] [Particles] [Facilities] [Sources]
[Result codes] [Additional Results] [Methods] [Detectors] [Analysis] [Data Headings] [Data Units]
[SF2 Particles] [SF3 Products] [SF3 Processes] [SF5 Branch] [SF6 Parameter]
[SF7 Particle Considered] [SF8 Modifiers] [SF9 data Types] [Cinda]

Particle codes

*                MFQ Special quantity (nu, alpha, etc.)            
ALF         ALF  MFQ Alpha (capture-to-fission cs ratio)           
ALR         ALF  MFQ Alpha at resonance                            
AP          FY   FY  Most probable mass                            
APA         FY   FY  Most probable mass as a fn. of angle          
APP         FY   FY  Most probable mass for given fragment energy  
APR         FY   FY  Most probable mass at resonance               
CO          COR  COR Angular correlation                           
COD         COR  COR Angular correlation d/dE'                     
COP         COR  COR Partial angular correlation                   
CP4         CSP  CSP Partial differential d/dAngle * 4pi           
CRP         CSP  CSP Cross section at resonance                    
CS          CS   CS  Cross section                                 
CS4         CS   CS  Differential d/dAngle * 4pi                   
CS4         CS   CS  Differential d/dAngle * 4pi                   
CS+         CS   CS  Cross section (nonstandard)                   
CSP         CSP  CSP Partial cross section                         
CSP4        CSP  CSP Partial differential d/dAngle * 4pi           
CSR         CS   CS  Cross section at resonance                    
CST         CST  CST Temperature dependent cross section           
D2*              MFQ Special quantity, dAngle/dE'                  
D2P         DAA  DA  Partial double differential dAngle1/dAngle2   
D3A         D3A  DAE Triple differential dAngle1/dAngle2/dE'       
D3E         D3E  DAE Triple differential dAngle/dE1'/dE2'          
D4A         D4A  DAE Quadruple diff. dAng1/dAng2/dE1'/dE2'         
DA          DA   DA  Differential d/dAngle                         
DA*              MFQ Special quantity, d/dAngle                    
DAA         DAA  DA  Double differential dAngle1/dAngle2           
DAE         DAE  DAE Double differential dAngle/dE'                
DAP         DAP  DAP Partial differential d/dAngle                 
DE          DE   DE  Differential d/dE'                            
DE4         DE   DE  Differential d/dAngle/dE' * 4pi               
DE*              MFQ Special quantity, d/dE'                       
DE4         DE   DE  Differential d/dAngle/dE' * 4pi               
DEP         DEP  DEP Energy spectrum for specific group            
DN          CSN  CSP Diff. by no. of outgoing neutrons             
DP          DP   DE  Diff.by linear momentum of outg.part.         
DPP         DP   DE  Diff.by lin.mom.of outg.part.,partl react.    
DPR         DAP  DAP Partial angular distribution at resonance     
DT          DT   DA  Diff.by 4-momentum transfer squared           
E           KE   E   Kinetic energy                                
EA          KE   E   Kinetic energy as a fn. of angle              
EP          KE   E   Kinetic energy for specific groups            
EA          KE   E   Kinetic energy as a fn. of angle              
EC          EC   COR Energy correlation                            
EDA         KE   E   Kinetic energy, differential, d/dAngle        
EP          KE   E   Kinetic energy for specific groups            
ETA         ETA  MFQ Neutron yield (Eta)                           
ETR         ETA  MFQ Neutron yield (Eta) at resonance              
FAT         FRS  FY  Fiss.fragm.ang.distr.,Temp.-dep.Leg. coeff.   
FC          DA   DA  Cosine coefficient                            
FCP         DAP  DAP Partial cosine coefficient                    
FFA         FRS  FY  Fission fragment angular distribution d/dA    
FL          DA   DA  Legendre coefficient                          
FLP         DAP  DAP Partial Legendre coefficient                  
FLT         DAT  DA  Temperature-dependent Legendre coefficient    
FS          DA   DA  Sine coefficient                              
FS2         DA   DA  Sine**2 coefficient                           
FY          FY   FY  Fission product yield                         
FYA         FY   FY  Fission product yield as fn. of angle         
FYE         FY   FY  Fission product yield, differental, d/dE      
FYP         FY   FY  Fiss.prod.yield as fn.of sec.part.energy      
FYS         FY   FY  Production cross section of fission products  
FYZ         FY   FY  Fission mass yield                            
G*          NUD  MFQ Yield of half-life group                      
GZ          NUD  MFQ Yield of half-life group                      
IAP         INT  INT Cs integral over inc.en for partl.angle       
IDA         INT  INT Cross section integral over inc.en., d/dAngle 
IAR         INT  INT Cs integral over inc.en. at resonance         
IDE         INT  INT Cs integral over inc.en., d/dE'               
INP         INT  INT Cs integral over inc.en.for given E' or level 
INT         INT  INT Cross section integral over incident energy   
INT4        INT  INT Cs integral over inc.en., d/dAngle * 4pi      
IP4         INT  INT Cs integral over inc.en.,d/dA*4pi,for E'or lvl
IT4         INT  INT Cs integral over inc.en., d/dAngle * 4pi      
ITR         INT  INT Cs integral over inc.en.,at resonance         
KER         KER  SQ  Kerma factor                                  
L           AMP  L   Length or amplitude                           
LP          AMP  L   Partial length or amplitude                   
LC          LMC  COR Linear momentum correlation                   
LCP         LMC  COR Partial linear momentum correlation           
LP          AMP  L   Partial length or amplitude                   
MC          EMC  COR Effective mass correlation                    
MLT         MLT  MLT Multiplicity                                  
MTA         MLT  MLT Multiplicity d/dA                             
MTE         MLT  MLT Multiplicity, partial or d/dE                 
MTR         MLT  MLT Multiplicity at resonance                     
NQ          NQ   NQ  Nuclear quantity                              
NU          NU   MFQ Neutron yield (nu-bar)                        
NUD         NUD  MFQ Delayed neutron yield (nu-bar delayed)        
NUE         NUF  MFQ Neutron yield dep.on sec.particle energy      
NUF         NUF  MFQ Neutron yield for fiss.fragments              
NUP         NU   MFQ Probability for emission of N neutrons        
NUR         NU   MFQ Neutron yield at resonance                    
P*               MFQ Partial yield for special quantity            
P3A         POD  POL Analyzing power dA1/dA2/dE1 for 2 particles   
P4A         POD  POL Anal.power dA1/dA2/dE1/dE2 for 2 particles    
PDE         POD  POL Differential polarization, d/dAngle/dE'       
PDT         POD  POL Differential polarization, d/d(-t)            
PN          NUD  MFQ Delayed neutron emission probability          
PO          POL  POL Polarization                                  
POD         POD  POL Differential polarization, d/dAngle           
POF         POL  POL Polarization fitting coefficient              
POT         POT  CS  Potential scattering cross section            
PPD         POD  POL Partial differential polarization, d/dAngle   
PPF         POL  POL Partial polarization fitting coefficient      
PPO         POL  POL Partial polarization                          
PTD         POD  POL Differential polarization, d/dAngle, tensor   
PTP         POD  POL Partial diff.polarization, d/dAngle, tensor   
PY          PY   PY  Product yield (other than fission)            
PY+         PY   PY  Product yield(other than fission, nonstandard)
PY2         PY   PY  Double-diff. Product yield d/dAngle/dEnergy   
PYA         PY   PY  Product yield d/dAngle                        
PYP         PY   PY  Partial product yield                         
PYPA        PY   PY  Partial product yield d/dAngle                
PYQ         PY   PY  Partial product yield d/dAngle                
PZ          MLT  MLT Partial multiplicity                          
PZR         MLT  MLT Partial multiplicity at resonance             
RE          RP   RP  Resonance energy                              
RI          RI   RI  Resonance integral                            
RIL         RI   RI  Resonance integral over limited energy range  
RP          RP   RP  Resonance parameter                           
RP*              MFQ Special quantity at resonance                 
RPE         KE   E   Resonance kinetic energy                      
RPP         RP   RP  Partial resonance parameter                   
RR          RR   RR  Reaction rate                                 
RRP         RR   RR  Partial reaction rate                         
SIF         SIF  SQ  Self-indication function                      
SP          SPC  SP  Secondary energy spectrum                     
SPA         SPC  SP  Secondary energy spectrum as a funct.of angle 
SPP         SPC  SP  Partial sec. energy spectrum (for given level)
SPR         SPC  SP  Spectrum at resonance                         
TD2         TTD  TTD Differential thick target yield, d/dAngle/dE' 
TDA         TTD  TTD Differential thick target yield, d/dAngle     
TDE         TTD  TTD Differential thick target yield, d/dE'        
TDP         TTD  TTD Partial diff. thick target yield, d/dAngle    
TSL         TSL  CS  Thermal-neutron scattering cross section      
TT          TT   TT  Thick target yield                            
TT+         TT   TT  Thick target yield (nonstandard)              
TTP         TTP  TTP Partial thick target yield                    
YAE         MLT  MLT Double-diff. mutiplicity for thick target     
ZP          CHG  FY  Most probable charge                          
ZPA         CHG  FY  Most probable charge as a fn. of angle        
ZPP         CHG  FY  Most probable charge for given fragment energy