Collection and Analysis of Fire Events (2010-2013) – Extensions in the Database and Applications: Fire Project Report

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The Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) Working Group on Risk Assessment (WGRISK) (formerly PWG5) established in 1996 a Task Group to review the status and maturity of methods used in fire risk assessment for operating NPP. This group concluded in 2000 that “The shortage of fire analysis data is one of the major deficiencies in the present fire risk assessment.” Based on these conclusions, several OECD member countries agreed to establish the International Fire Data Exchange Project (OECD FIRE) under the umbrella of the CSNI to encourage multilateral co-operation in the collection and analysis of data related to fire events in NPP. The project was formally launched in January 2003 for a three-year period with nine countries, which was followed by two four-year terms (phase two and phase three) with the addition of three further countries. Phase four started in 2014, and members anticipate that a further term for the project will start in 2016.