Stakeholder Involvement in Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities

International Lessons Learnt

ISBN : 978-92-64-99011-1
Adobe Acrobat PDF Document - on 9/3/20 at 10:38 AM
- Adobe Acrobat PDF Document on 12/20/19 at 2:46 PM

Significant numbers of nuclear facilities will need to be decommissioned in the coming decades. In this context, NEA member countries are placing increasing emphasis on the involvement of stakeholders in the associated decision procedures. This study reviews decommissioning experience with a view to identifying stakeholder concerns and best practice in addressing them. The lessons learnt about the end of the facility life cycle can also contribute to better foresight in siting and building new facilities. This report will be of interest to all major players in the field of decommissioning, in particular policy makers, implementers, regulators and representatives of local host communities.