Request ID43 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 1-H-1 (n,el) SIG,DA  10 MeV-20 MeV 4 pi 1-2 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Standard impact on all subfields 29-APR-11 13-MAY-11 Y

Requester: Dr Allan D. CARLSON at NIST, USA

Project (context): NIST, Neutron Cross-Section Standards (, CSEWG, WPEC

This neutron cross section standard is perhaps the most important of the standards [1]. All of the other standards have been measured relative to it. Any improvement in this standard improves all standards and other cross sections that have been directly or indirectly measured relative to this standard. It helps form the basis of the neutron cross section libraries. There is very large leverage associated with improvements in this cross section. A problem at about 14 MeV is shown in reference [2].

[1] A.D. Carlson, et al., International Evaluation of Neutron Cross Section Standards, Nuclear Data Sheets 110 (2009) 3215-3324.
[2] N. Boukharouba, et al., Measurement of the n-p elastic scattering angular distribution at 14.9 MeV, Phys. Rev. C 82, 014001 (2010).
[3] N. Boukharouba, et al., Measurement of the n-p elastic scattering angular distribution at 10 MeV, Phys. Rev. C 65, 014004 (2001).

1%-2% over most of the angular range. Very little data are available at small center-of-mass angles so the emphasis should be placed there.

Justification document:
The nature of the standards makes a simple answer to the question difficult. Since essentially all cross section data depend on the standards, any improvement in this standard will improve data for any neutronics calculation.
This neutron cross section standard is perhaps the most important of the standards. All of the other standards have been measured relative to it. Any improvement in this standard improves all standards and other cross sections that have been directly or indirectly measured relative to this standard. It helps form the basis of the neutron cross section libraries. There is very large leverage associated with improvements in this cross section.

Comment from requester:

Review comment:

Arjan Plompen: New measurement efforts should seriously consider measuring the angular distribution for the outgoing neutron at the incident energies of 10 and 14.9 MeV tackled by the Ohio University collaboration while covering the forward angles and with good overlap with those data at backward angle [2,3]. Ideally they should answer the question concerning the degree of the Legendre polynomial required for the targeted uncertainty and allow the coefficients to be established accurately.

Don Smith: [...] improvements in the standards can almost always be justified. The H(n,n)H standard is certainly an important one. [...] this impacts on all technical areas but certainly more so at higher energies, e.g., in the HE tail of the fission neutron spectrum (or for fusion applications) [...]

Mark Chadwick: The sensivity of many experiments to this cross section is essentially one.

Allan Carlson in response to questions raised by Arjan Plompen:

A) It is very difficult to make absolute measurements of the hydrogen angular distribution with high accuracy. Instead it is much easier to make relative measurements. But to normalize the relative data to the hydrogen total elastic cross section requires either a rather complete measurement of the relative angular distribution or very good models to assist in the extrapolation to the angular region that was not measured (in the reference [2,3]). [...] it must be emphasized that this normalization aspect is very important.

B) It is disturbing that there are differences of 0.5 to 1% between the Arndt et al. and ENDF/B-VII evaluations of the total elastic cross section in the 10-20 MeV energy region. Part of this is because of the databases being used in the evaluations. For example, the Abfalterer et al. data were not used in the Arndt PWA analysis but they were included in the Hale (ENDF/B-VII) work. They had significant weight in the Hale evaluation due to the small experimental uncertainties so the evaluation is similar to those data. [...] It would be very valuable if each group used exactly the same database and compared their results.

C) Improvements in measurements of the total cross section are also worthwhile. The most recent work has used TOF techniques with white sources. These measurements are good but I would suggest that making a measurement at a single point with a (nearly) monoenergetic source for which very good background measurements are possible could provide even smaller uncertainty. In the 50’s and 60’s, a number of total cross section measurements were made in the MeV energy region with fraction of a percent uncertainties. I expect we could probably do a little better now. Note the detailed process described in Fast Neutron Physics for accurate total cross section measurements. An important point for the total cross section work (but not for the angular distribution work) is a very accurate determination of the energy of the neutrons. An error of 20 keV in the energy scale for a 1 MeV cross section measurement causes about a 1% error in the cross section. This effect is less however at higher neutron energies.

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to



Additional file attached:
Additional file attached:

Request ID46 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 27-CO-59 (n,g) SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry Fast fission, D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
New measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are requested to solve C/E discrepancy. See SPA_CE_Cf252.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:
Non-threshold reactions measured in fast spectra such as the 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) spectrum tend to have their spectrum averaged cross section dominated by scattering contributions and ‘room-return’ neutrons. Experiments should be designed to minimize these contributions and maximize the reaction rate from the primary source. For new experiments best estimates must be provided by detailed Monte Carlo calculation of the spectrum realized in the experiment and the Monte Carlo model must be made available to IRDFF to facilitate validation of new proposals for the cross section. In all cases it is advised to publish both the fully corrected SACS and the measured reaction rates of the primary reaction and the monitor reactions used for normalization and validation of the model. The measured reaction rates must be provided with a full covariance matrix.

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:SPA_CE_Cf252.pdf

Request ID47 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 90-TH-232 (n,f) SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry Fast fission, D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
New measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are requested to solve C/E discrepancy. See SPA_CE_Cf252.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:
Non-threshold reactions measured in fast spectra such as the 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) spectrum tend to have their spectrum averaged cross section dominated by scattering contributions and ‘room-return’ neutrons. Experiments should be designed to minimize these contributions and maximize the reaction rate from the primary source. For new experiments best estimates must be provided by detailed Monte Carlo calculation of the spectrum realized in the experiment and the Monte Carlo model must be made available to IRDFF to facilitate validation of new proposals for the cross section. In all cases it is advised to publish both the fully corrected SACS and the measured reaction rates of the primary reaction and the monitor reactions used for normalization and validation of the model. The measured reaction rates must be provided with a full covariance matrix.

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:SPA_CE_Cf252.pdf

Request ID48 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 30-ZN-67 (n,p) SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry Fast fission, fusion, medical 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
Measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are missing for validation purposes.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:

Request ID49 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 42-MO-92 (n,p)Nb-92m SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry Fast fission, D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
New measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are requested to solve C/E discrepancy. See SPA_CE_Cf252.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:SPA_CE_Cf252.pdf

Request ID50 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 28-NI-60 (n,p) SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry Fast fission, D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
New measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are requested to solve C/E discrepancy. See SPA_CE_Cf252.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to



Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:SPA_CE_Cf252.pdf

Request ID51 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 26-FE-54 (n,a) SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry Fast fission, D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
Measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are missing for validation purposes, especially for improvement of the prompt fission neutron spectrum at high energy. See Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to




Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf

Request ID52 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 33-AS-75 (n,2n) SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].
Following a recommendation from the IAEA Data Development Project on Neutron Standards [Pronyaev2013], the IRDFF project supports SACS measurements of high-threshold (above 10 MeV) dosimetry cross-sections in well-characterized 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) neutron fields in order to improve the cross sections and/or the high-energy part of the prompt fission neutron spectra.

Comment from requester:
Measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are missing for validation purposes and for improvement of the cross section and prompt fission neutron spectrum above 10 MeV. See Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.
  • [Pronyaev2013] V.G. Pronyaev, A.D. Carlson and R. Capote Noy, “Toward a New Evaluation of Neutron Standards”, IAEA Technical Meeting, 8-12 July 2013, INDC(NDS)-0641.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf

Request ID53 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 39-Y-89 (n,2n) SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].
Following a recommendation from the IAEA Data Development Project on Neutron Standards [Pronyaev2013], the IRDFF project supports SACS measurements of high-threshold (above 10 MeV) dosimetry cross-sections in well-characterized 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) neutron fields in order to improve the cross sections and/or the high-energy part of the prompt fission neutron spectra.

Comment from requester:
Measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are missing for validation purposes and for improvement of the cross section and prompt fission neutron spectrum above 10 MeV. See Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.
  • [Pronyaev2013] V.G. Pronyaev, A.D. Carlson and R. Capote Noy, “Toward a New Evaluation of Neutron Standards”, IAEA Technical Meeting, 8-12 July 2013, INDC(NDS)-0641.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to




Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf

Request ID54 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 25-MN-55 (n,g) SIG/SPA  235U(n,f)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry Fast fission, D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
New measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are requested to solve C/E discrepancy. See SPA_CE_U235.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:
Non-threshold reactions measured in fast spectra such as the 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) spectrum tend to have their spectrum averaged cross section dominated by scattering contributions and ‘room-return’ neutrons. Experiments should be designed to minimize these contributions and maximize the reaction rate from the primary source. For new experiments best estimates must be provided by detailed Monte Carlo calculation of the spectrum realized in the experiment and the Monte Carlo model must be made available to IRDFF to facilitate validation of new proposals for the cross section. In all cases it is advised to publish both the fully corrected SACS and the measured reaction rates of the primary reaction and the monitor reactions used for normalization and validation of the model. The measured reaction rates must be provided with a full covariance matrix.

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:SPA_CE_U235.pdf

Request ID55 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 92-U-238 (n,g) SIG/SPA  235U(n,f)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry Fast fission, D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
New measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are requested to solve C/E discrepancy. See SPA_CE_U235.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:
Non-threshold reactions measured in fast spectra such as the 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) spectrum tend to have their spectrum averaged cross section dominated by scattering contributions and ‘room-return’ neutrons. Experiments should be designed to minimize these contributions and maximize the reaction rate from the primary source. For new experiments best estimates must be provided by detailed Monte Carlo calculation of the spectrum realized in the experiment and the Monte Carlo model must be made available to IRDFF to facilitate validation of new proposals for the cross section. In all cases it is advised to publish both the fully corrected SACS and the measured reaction rates of the primary reaction and the monitor reactions used for normalization and validation of the model. The measured reaction rates must be provided with a full covariance matrix.

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:SPA_CE_U235.pdf

Request ID56 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 29-CU-63 (n,g) SIG/SPA  235U(n,f)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry Fast fission, D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
New measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are requested to solve C/E discrepancy. See SPA_CE_U235.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:
Non-threshold reactions measured in fast spectra such as the 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) spectrum tend to have their spectrum averaged cross section dominated by scattering contributions and ‘room-return’ neutrons. Experiments should be designed to minimize these contributions and maximize the reaction rate from the primary source. For new experiments best estimates must be provided by detailed Monte Carlo calculation of the spectrum realized in the experiment and the Monte Carlo model must be made available to IRDFF to facilitate validation of new proposals for the cross section. In all cases it is advised to publish both the fully corrected SACS and the measured reaction rates of the primary reaction and the monitor reactions used for normalization and validation of the model. The measured reaction rates must be provided with a full covariance matrix.

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:SPA_CE_U235.pdf

Request ID57 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 57-LA-139 (n,g) SIG/SPA  235U(n,f)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry Fast fission, D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
New measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are requested to solve C/E discrepancy. See SPA_CE_U235.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:
Non-threshold reactions measured in fast spectra such as the 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) spectrum tend to have their spectrum averaged cross section dominated by scattering contributions and ‘room-return’ neutrons. Experiments should be designed to minimize these contributions and maximize the reaction rate from the primary source. For new experiments best estimates must be provided by detailed Monte Carlo calculation of the spectrum realized in the experiment and the Monte Carlo model must be made available to IRDFF to facilitate validation of new proposals for the cross section. In all cases it is advised to publish both the fully corrected SACS and the measured reaction rates of the primary reaction and the monitor reactions used for normalization and validation of the model. The measured reaction rates must be provided with a full covariance matrix.

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:SPA_CE_U235.pdf

Request ID58 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 45-RH-103 (n,inl)Rh-103m SIG/SPA  235U(n,f)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry Fast fission, D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
New measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are requested to solve C/E discrepancy. See SPA_CE_U235.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to



Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:SPA_CE_U235.pdf

Request ID59 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 69-TM-169 (n,2n) SIG/SPA  235U(n,f)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].
Following a recommendation from the IAEA Data Development Project on Neutron Standards [Pronyaev2013], the IRDFF project supports SACS measurements of high-threshold (above 10 MeV) dosimetry cross-sections in well-characterized 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) neutron fields in order to improve the cross sections and/or the high-energy part of the prompt fission neutron spectra.

Comment from requester:
New measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are requested to solve C/E discrepancy and for improvement of the cross section and prompt fission neutron spectrum above 10 MeV. See CE_U235_and_HighThreshold.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.
  • [Pronyaev2013] V.G. Pronyaev, A.D. Carlson and R. Capote Noy, “Toward a New Evaluation of Neutron Standards”, IAEA Technical Meeting, 8-12 July 2013, INDC(NDS)-0641.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:CE_U235_and_HighThreshold.pdf

Request ID60 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 29-CU-65 (n,2n) SIG/SPA  235U(n,f)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].
Following a recommendation from the IAEA Data Development Project on Neutron Standards [Pronyaev2013], the IRDFF project supports SACS measurements of high-threshold (above 10 MeV) dosimetry cross-sections in well-characterized 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) neutron fields in order to improve the cross sections and/or the high-energy part of the prompt fission neutron spectra.

Comment from requester:
Measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are missing for validation purposes and for improvement of the cross section and prompt fission neutron spectrum above 10 MeV. See Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.
  • [Pronyaev2013] V.G. Pronyaev, A.D. Carlson and R. Capote Noy, “Toward a New Evaluation of Neutron Standards”, IAEA Technical Meeting, 8-12 July 2013, INDC(NDS)-0641.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf

Request ID61 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 25-MN-55 (n,2n) SIG/SPA  235U(n,f)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].
Following a recommendation from the IAEA Data Development Project on Neutron Standards [Pronyaev2013], the IRDFF project supports SACS measurements of high-threshold (above 10 MeV) dosimetry cross-sections in well-characterized 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) neutron fields in order to improve the cross sections and/or the high-energy part of the prompt fission neutron spectra.

Comment from requester:
New measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are requested to solve C/E discrepancy and for improvement of the cross section and prompt fission neutron spectrum above 10 MeV. See SPA_CE_U235.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.
  • [Pronyaev2013] V.G. Pronyaev, A.D. Carlson and R. Capote Noy, “Toward a New Evaluation of Neutron Standards”, IAEA Technical Meeting, 8-12 July 2013, INDC(NDS)-0641.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to



Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:SPA_CE_U235.pdf

Request ID62 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 28-NI-58 (n,2n) SIG/SPA  235U(n,f)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].
Following a recommendation from the IAEA Data Development Project on Neutron Standards [Pronyaev2013], the IRDFF project supports SACS measurements of high-threshold (above 10 MeV) dosimetry cross-sections in well-characterized 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) neutron fields in order to improve the cross sections and/or the high-energy part of the prompt fission neutron spectra.

Comment from requester:
New measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are requested to solve C/E discrepancy and for improvement of the cross section and prompt fission neutron spectrum above 10 MeV. See SPA_CE_U235.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.
  • [Pronyaev2013] V.G. Pronyaev, A.D. Carlson and R. Capote Noy, “Toward a New Evaluation of Neutron Standards”, IAEA Technical Meeting, 8-12 July 2013, INDC(NDS)-0641.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to



Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:SPA_CE_U235.pdf

Request ID63 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 95-AM-241 (n,f) SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)-235U(n,f)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry Fast fission, D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
Measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are missing for validation purposes.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:
Non-threshold reactions measured in fast spectra such as the 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) spectrum tend to have their spectrum averaged cross section dominated by scattering contributions and ‘room-return’ neutrons. Experiments should be designed to minimize these contributions and maximize the reaction rate from the primary source. For new experiments best estimates must be provided by detailed Monte Carlo calculation of the spectrum realized in the experiment and the Monte Carlo model must be made available to IRDFF to facilitate validation of new proposals for the cross section. In all cases it is advised to publish both the fully corrected SACS and the measured reaction rates of the primary reaction and the monitor reactions used for normalization and validation of the model. The measured reaction rates must be provided with a full covariance matrix.

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:

Request ID64 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 15-P-31 (n,p) SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)-235U(n,f)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry Fast fission, D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
Measurements of the 252Cf(sf)-spectrum-averaged cross section are missing for validation purposes. New measurements of the 235U(n,f)-spectrum-averaged cross section are requested to solve C/E discrepancy. See SPA_CE_Cf252U235.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:SPA_CE_Cf252U235.pdf

Request ID65 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 92-U-238 (n,2n) SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)-235U(n,f)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry Fast fission, D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
New measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are requested to solve C/E discrepancy and for improvement of the prompt fission neutron spectrum at high energy. See CE_Cf252U235_and_HighThreshold.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:CE_Cf252U235_and_HighThreshold.pdf

Request ID66 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 49-IN-115 (n,2n)In-114m SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)-235U(n,f)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].
Following a recommendation from the IAEA Data Development Project on Neutron Standards [Pronyaev2013], the IRDFF project supports SACS measurements of high-threshold (above 10 MeV) dosimetry cross-sections in well-characterized 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) neutron fields in order to improve the cross sections and/or the high-energy part of the prompt fission neutron spectra.

Comment from requester:
Measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are missing for validation purposes and for improvement of the cross section and prompt fission neutron spectrum above 10 MeV. See Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.
  • [Pronyaev2013] V.G. Pronyaev, A.D. Carlson and R. Capote Noy, “Toward a New Evaluation of Neutron Standards”, IAEA Technical Meeting, 8-12 July 2013, INDC(NDS)-0641.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf

Request ID67 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 59-PR-141 (n,2n) SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)-235U(n,f)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].
Following a recommendation from the IAEA Data Development Project on Neutron Standards [Pronyaev2013], the IRDFF project supports SACS measurements of high-threshold (above 10 MeV) dosimetry cross-sections in well-characterized 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) neutron fields in order to improve the cross sections and/or the high-energy part of the prompt fission neutron spectra.

Comment from requester:
Measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are missing for validation purposes and for improvement of the cross section and prompt fission neutron spectrum above 10 MeV. See Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.
  • [Pronyaev2013] V.G. Pronyaev, A.D. Carlson and R. Capote Noy, “Toward a New Evaluation of Neutron Standards”, IAEA Technical Meeting, 8-12 July 2013, INDC(NDS)-0641.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf

Request ID68 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 24-CR-52 (n,2n) SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)-235U(n,f)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].
Following a recommendation from the IAEA Data Development Project on Neutron Standards [Pronyaev2013], the IRDFF project supports SACS measurements of high-threshold (above 10 MeV) dosimetry cross-sections in well-characterized 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) neutron fields in order to improve the cross sections and/or the high-energy part of the prompt fission neutron spectra.

Comment from requester:
Measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are missing for validation purposes and for improvement of the cross section and prompt fission neutron spectrum above 10 MeV. See Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.
  • [Pronyaev2013] V.G. Pronyaev, A.D. Carlson and R. Capote Noy, “Toward a New Evaluation of Neutron Standards”, IAEA Technical Meeting, 8-12 July 2013, INDC(NDS)-0641.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf

Request ID69 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 11-NA-23 (n,2n) SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)-235U(n,f)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].
Following a recommendation from the IAEA Data Development Project on Neutron Standards [Pronyaev2013], the IRDFF project supports SACS measurements of high-threshold (above 10 MeV) dosimetry cross-sections in well-characterized 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) neutron fields in order to improve the cross sections and/or the high-energy part of the prompt fission neutron spectra.

Comment from requester:
Measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are missing for validation purposes and for improvement of the cross section and prompt fission neutron spectrum above 10 MeV. See Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.
  • [Pronyaev2013] V.G. Pronyaev, A.D. Carlson and R. Capote Noy, “Toward a New Evaluation of Neutron Standards”, IAEA Technical Meeting, 8-12 July 2013, INDC(NDS)-0641.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to



Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf

Request ID70 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 13-AL-27 (n,2n) SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)-235U(n,f)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].
Following a recommendation from the IAEA Data Development Project on Neutron Standards [Pronyaev2013], the IRDFF project supports SACS measurements of high-threshold (above 10 MeV) dosimetry cross-sections in well-characterized 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) neutron fields in order to improve the cross sections and/or the high-energy part of the prompt fission neutron spectra.

Comment from requester:
Measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are missing for validation purposes and for improvement of the cross section and prompt fission neutron spectrum above 10 MeV. See Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.
  • [Pronyaev2013] V.G. Pronyaev, A.D. Carlson and R. Capote Noy, “Toward a New Evaluation of Neutron Standards”, IAEA Technical Meeting, 8-12 July 2013, INDC(NDS)-0641.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf

Request ID71 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 22-TI-46 (n,2n) SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)-235U(n,f)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].
Following a recommendation from the IAEA Data Development Project on Neutron Standards [Pronyaev2013], the IRDFF project supports SACS measurements of high-threshold (above 10 MeV) dosimetry cross-sections in well-characterized 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) neutron fields in order to improve the cross sections and/or the high-energy part of the prompt fission neutron spectra.

Comment from requester:
Measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are requested for validation purposes in 235U(n,f) neutron fields, for solving C/E discrepancy in 252Cf(sf) fields, and for improvement of the cross section and prompt fission neutron spectrum above 10 MeV. See CE_Cf252U235_and_HighThreshold.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.
  • [Pronyaev2013] V.G. Pronyaev, A.D. Carlson and R. Capote Noy, “Toward a New Evaluation of Neutron Standards”, IAEA Technical Meeting, 8-12 July 2013, INDC(NDS)-0641.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:CE_Cf252U235_and_HighThreshold.pdf

Request ID72 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 50-SN-117 (n,inl)Sn-117m SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)-235U(n,f)  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry Fast fission, D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Mr Christophe DESTOUCHES at CAD-DER, FR

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
The Sn-117(n,n') reaction has by far the lowest reaction threshold and would probe the energy region in the 100 keV range [Destouches2016,2017]. The cross section database is poor. A new evaluation of the cross section is needed, as well as integral measurements in well-characterised neutron fields.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL, September 2017.
  • [Destouches2016] C. Destouches, EPJ Conferences 111, 01002 (2016).
  • [Destouches2017] C. Destouches, et al., The 117Sn(n,n')117mSn reaction: a suitable candidate to investigate the epithermal neutron spectrum by reactor dosimetry techniques, Int. Conf. on Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE), Bled, Slovenia, September 11-14, 2017 (NENE 2017 Proceedings).

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to

Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Sn117(n,n)Sn117m.pdf

Request ID73 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 22-TI-47 (n,np) SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)-235U(n,f)  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry D-T fusion, high-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].
Following a recommendation from the IAEA Data Development Project on Neutron Standards [Pronyaev2013], the IRDFF project supports SACS measurements of high-threshold (above 10 MeV) dosimetry cross-sections in well-characterized 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) neutron fields in order to improve the cross sections and/or the high-energy part of the prompt fission neutron spectra.

Comment from requester:
Measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are missing for validation purposes and for improvement of the cross section and prompt fission neutron spectrum above 10 MeV.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.
  • [Pronyaev2013] V.G. Pronyaev, A.D. Carlson and R. Capote Noy, “Toward a New Evaluation of Neutron Standards”, IAEA Technical Meeting, 8-12 July 2013, INDC(NDS)-0641.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:

Request ID74 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 22-TI-48 (n,np) SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)-235U(n,f)  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry D-T fusion, high-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].
Following a recommendation from the IAEA Data Development Project on Neutron Standards [Pronyaev2013], the IRDFF project supports SACS measurements of high-threshold (above 10 MeV) dosimetry cross-sections in well-characterized 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) neutron fields in order to improve the cross sections and/or the high-energy part of the prompt fission neutron spectra.

Comment from requester:
Measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are missing for validation purposes and for improvement of the cross section and prompt fission neutron spectrum above 10 MeV.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.
  • [Pronyaev2013] V.G. Pronyaev, A.D. Carlson and R. Capote Noy, “Toward a New Evaluation of Neutron Standards”, IAEA Technical Meeting, 8-12 July 2013, INDC(NDS)-0641.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:

Request ID75 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 22-TI-49 (n,np) SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)-235U(n,f)  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry D-T fusion, high-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].
Following a recommendation from the IAEA Data Development Project on Neutron Standards [Pronyaev2013], the IRDFF project supports SACS measurements of high-threshold (above 10 MeV) dosimetry cross-sections in well-characterized 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) neutron fields in order to improve the cross sections and/or the high-energy part of the prompt fission neutron spectra.

Comment from requester:
Measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are missing for validation purposes and for improvement of the cross section and prompt fission neutron spectrum above 10 MeV.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.
  • [Pronyaev2013] V.G. Pronyaev, A.D. Carlson and R. Capote Noy, “Toward a New Evaluation of Neutron Standards”, IAEA Technical Meeting, 8-12 July 2013, INDC(NDS)-0641.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:

Request ID76 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 26-FE-54 (n,2n) SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)-235U(n,f)  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry High-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].
Following a recommendation from the IAEA Data Development Project on Neutron Standards [Pronyaev2013], the IRDFF project supports SACS measurements of high-threshold (above 10 MeV) dosimetry cross-sections in well-characterized 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) neutron fields in order to improve the cross sections and/or the high-energy part of the prompt fission neutron spectra.

Comment from requester:
Measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are missing for validation purposes and for improvement of the cross section and prompt fission neutron spectrum above 10 MeV. See Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.
  • [Pronyaev2013] V.G. Pronyaev, A.D. Carlson and R. Capote Noy, “Toward a New Evaluation of Neutron Standards”, IAEA Technical Meeting, 8-12 July 2013, INDC(NDS)-0641.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf

Request ID77 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 69-TM-169 (n,3n) SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)-235U(n,f)  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry High-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].
Following a recommendation from the IAEA Data Development Project on Neutron Standards [Pronyaev2013], the IRDFF project supports SACS measurements of high-threshold (above 10 MeV) dosimetry cross-sections in well-characterized 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) neutron fields in order to improve the cross sections and/or the high-energy part of the prompt fission neutron spectra.

Comment from requester:
Measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are missing for validation purposes and for improvement of the cross section and prompt fission neutron spectrum above 10 MeV. See Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.
  • [Pronyaev2013] V.G. Pronyaev, A.D. Carlson and R. Capote Noy, “Toward a New Evaluation of Neutron Standards”, IAEA Technical Meeting, 8-12 July 2013, INDC(NDS)-0641.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to



Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf

Request ID78 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 83-BI-209 (n,3n) SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)-235U(n,f)  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry High-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].
Following a recommendation from the IAEA Data Development Project on Neutron Standards [Pronyaev2013], the IRDFF project supports SACS measurements of high-threshold (above 10 MeV) dosimetry cross-sections in well-characterized 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) neutron fields in order to improve the cross sections and/or the high-energy part of the prompt fission neutron spectra.

Comment from requester:
Measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are missing for validation purposes and for improvement of the cross section and prompt fission neutron spectrum above 10 MeV. See Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.
  • [Pronyaev2013] V.G. Pronyaev, A.D. Carlson and R. Capote Noy, “Toward a New Evaluation of Neutron Standards”, IAEA Technical Meeting, 8-12 July 2013, INDC(NDS)-0641.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to



Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf

Request ID79 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 27-CO-59 (n,3n) SIG/SPA  252Cf(sf)-235U(n,f)  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry High-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].
Following a recommendation from the IAEA Data Development Project on Neutron Standards [Pronyaev2013], the IRDFF project supports SACS measurements of high-threshold (above 10 MeV) dosimetry cross-sections in well-characterized 252Cf(sf) and 235U(nth,f) neutron fields in order to improve the cross sections and/or the high-energy part of the prompt fission neutron spectra.

Comment from requester:
Measurements of the spectrum-averaged cross section are missing for validation purposes and for improvement of the cross section and prompt fission neutron spectrum above 10 MeV. See Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf below.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.
  • [Pronyaev2013] V.G. Pronyaev, A.D. Carlson and R. Capote Noy, “Toward a New Evaluation of Neutron Standards”, IAEA Technical Meeting, 8-12 July 2013, INDC(NDS)-0641.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Cf252U235_HighThreshold.pdf

Request ID80 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 50-SN-117 (n,inl)Sn-117m SIG  5 MeV-10 MeV  2-5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry Fast fission, D-T fusion 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Mr Christophe DESTOUCHES at CAD-DER, FR

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
The Sn-117(n,n') reaction has by far the lowest reaction threshold and would probe the energy region in the 100 keV range [Destouches2016,2017]. The cross section database is poor. A new evaluation of the cross section is needed, as well as integral measurements in well-characterised neutron fields.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL, September 2017.
  • [Destouches2016] C. Destouches, EPJ Conferences 111, 01002 (2016).
  • [Destouches2017] C. Destouches, et al., The 117Sn(n,n')117mSn reaction: a suitable candidate to investigate the epithermal neutron spectrum by reactor dosimetry techniques, Int. Conf. on Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE), Bled, Slovenia, September 11-14, 2017 (NENE 2017 Proceedings).

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Sn117(n,n)Sn117m.pdf

Request ID81 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 26-FE-0 (n,x)Mn-54 SIG  15 MeV-100 MeV  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry High-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
The IRDFF project strives to evaluate, and eventually add to the library, high-threshold reactions with cross section plateaus located between 15/20 MeV and 100/150 MeV to meet the requirements of the accelerator-driven high-energy neutron sources. Note that it is important to know the cross section tail up to 100/150 MeV in order to allow the deconvolution of high-energy quasi-monoenergetic neutron source spectra.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to



Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:

Request ID82 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 39-Y-89 (n,p) SIG  15 MeV-100 MeV  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry High-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
The IRDFF project strives to evaluate, and eventually add to the library, high-threshold reactions with cross section plateaus located between 15/20 MeV and 100/150 MeV to meet the requirements of the accelerator-driven high-energy neutron sources. Note that it is important to know the cross section tail up to 100/150 MeV in order to allow the deconvolution of high-energy quasi-monoenergetic neutron source spectra.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to

Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Y89(n,xn).pdf

Request ID83 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 39-Y-89 (n,xn) x=2-4 SIG  15MeV/Thr.-100 MeV  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry High-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
The IRDFF project strives to evaluate, and eventually add to the library, high-threshold reactions with cross section plateaus located between 15/20 MeV and 100/150 MeV to meet the requirements of the accelerator-driven high-energy neutron sources. Note that it is important to know the cross section tail up to 100/150 MeV in order to allow the deconvolution of high-energy quasi-monoenergetic neutron source spectra.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to



Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Y89(n,xn).pdf

Request ID84 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 22-TI-0 (n,x)Sc-46 SIG  15 MeV-100 MeV  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry High-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
The IRDFF project strives to evaluate, and eventually add to the library, high-threshold reactions with cross section plateaus located between 15/20 MeV and 100/150 MeV to meet the requirements of the accelerator-driven high-energy neutron sources. Note that it is important to know the cross section tail up to 100/150 MeV in order to allow the deconvolution of high-energy quasi-monoenergetic neutron source spectra.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:

Request ID85 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 22-TI-0 (n,x)Sc-47 SIG  15 MeV-100 MeV  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry High-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
The IRDFF project strives to evaluate, and eventually add to the library, high-threshold reactions with cross section plateaus located between 15/20 MeV and 100/150 MeV to meet the requirements of the accelerator-driven high-energy neutron sources. Note that it is important to know the cross section tail up to 100/150 MeV in order to allow the deconvolution of high-energy quasi-monoenergetic neutron source spectra.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:

Request ID86 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 22-TI-0 (n,x)Sc-48 SIG  15 MeV-100 MeV  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry High-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
The IRDFF project strives to evaluate, and eventually add to the library, high-threshold reactions with cross section plateaus located between 15/20 MeV and 100/150 MeV to meet the requirements of the accelerator-driven high-energy neutron sources. Note that it is important to know the cross section tail up to 100/150 MeV in order to allow the deconvolution of high-energy quasi-monoenergetic neutron source spectra.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:

Request ID87 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 71-LU-175 (n,xn) x=2-4 SIG  15MeV/Thr.-100 MeV  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry High-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
The IRDFF project strives to evaluate, and eventually add to the library, high-threshold reactions with cross section plateaus located between 15/20 MeV and 100/150 MeV to meet the requirements of the accelerator-driven high-energy neutron sources. Note that it is important to know the cross section tail up to 100/150 MeV in order to allow the deconvolution of high-energy quasi-monoenergetic neutron source spectra.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to

Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Lu(n,xn).pdf

Request ID88 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 41-NB-93 (n,xn) x=2-4 SIG  15MeV/Thr.-100 MeV  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry High-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
The IRDFF project strives to evaluate, and eventually add to the library, high-threshold reactions with cross section plateaus located between 15/20 MeV and 100/150 MeV to meet the requirements of the accelerator-driven high-energy neutron sources. Note that it is important to know the cross section tail up to 100/150 MeV in order to allow the deconvolution of high-energy quasi-monoenergetic neutron source spectra.
The present request concerns the following reactions:


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


  • M. Majerle, P. Bem, et al., Au, Bi, Co and Nb cross-section measured by quasimonoenergetic neutrons from p+7Li reaction in the energy range of 18-36 MeV, Nuclear Physics A 953 (2016) 139


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Nb(n,xn).pdf

Request ID89 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 29-CU-63 (n,2n) SIG  20 MeV-100 MeV  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry High-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
The IRDFF project strives to evaluate, and eventually add to the library, high-threshold reactions with cross section plateaus located between 15/20 MeV and 100/150 MeV to meet the requirements of the accelerator-driven high-energy neutron sources. Note that it is important to know the cross section tail up to 100/150 MeV in order to allow the deconvolution of high-energy quasi-monoenergetic neutron source spectra.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:

Request ID90 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 26-FE-54 (n,2n) SIG  15 MeV-100 MeV  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry High-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
The IRDFF project strives to evaluate, and eventually add to the library, high-threshold reactions with cross section plateaus located between 15/20 MeV and 100/150 MeV to meet the requirements of the accelerator-driven high-energy neutron sources. Note that it is important to know the cross section tail up to 100/150 MeV in order to allow the deconvolution of high-energy quasi-monoenergetic neutron source spectra.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to



Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Fe54n2n.pdf

Request ID91 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 79-AU-197 (n,xn) x=3-5 SIG  20MeV/Thr.-100 MeV  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry High-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
The IRDFF project strives to evaluate, and eventually add to the library, high-threshold reactions with cross section plateaus located between 15/20 MeV and 100/150 MeV to meet the requirements of the accelerator-driven high-energy neutron sources. Note that it is important to know the cross section tail up to 100/150 MeV in order to allow the deconvolution of high-energy quasi-monoenergetic neutron source spectra.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Au(n,xn)_HighEnDos.pdf

Request ID92 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 69-TM-169 (n,xn) x=2-3 SIG  15 MeV-100 MeV  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry High-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
The IRDFF project strives to evaluate, and eventually add to the library, high-threshold reactions with cross section plateaus located between 15/20 MeV and 100/150 MeV to meet the requirements of the accelerator-driven high-energy neutron sources. Note that it is important to know the cross section tail up to 100/150 MeV in order to allow the deconvolution of high-energy quasi-monoenergetic neutron source spectra.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to



Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Tm(n,xn).pdf

Request ID93 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 83-BI-209 (n,xn) x=3-10 SIG  20MeV/Thr.-150 MeV  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry High-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
The IRDFF project strives to evaluate, and eventually add to the library, high-threshold reactions with cross section plateaus located between 15/20 MeV and 100/150 MeV to meet the requirements of the accelerator-driven high-energy neutron sources. Note that it is important to know the cross section tail up to 100/150 MeV in order to allow the deconvolution of high-energy quasi-monoenergetic neutron source spectra.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to



Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Bi(n,xn)_HighEnDos.pdf

Request ID94 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 27-CO-59 (n,xn) x=3-5 SIG  20MeV/Thr.-150 MeV  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry High-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
The IRDFF project strives to evaluate, and eventually add to the library, high-threshold reactions with cross section plateaus located between 15/20 MeV and 100/150 MeV to meet the requirements of the accelerator-driven high-energy neutron sources. Note that it is important to know the cross section tail up to 100/150 MeV in order to allow the deconvolution of high-energy quasi-monoenergetic neutron source spectra.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


  • M. Majerle, P. Bem, et al., Au, Bi, Co and Nb cross-section measured by quasimonoenergetic neutrons from p+7Li reaction in the energy range of 18-36 MeV, Nuclear Physics A 953 (2016) 139
  • M. Majerle, et al., Experimental Validation of IRDFF Cross-Sections in Quasi-MonoEnergetic Neutron Fluxes in 20-35 MeV Energy Range, IAEA report INDC(NDS)-0789, May 2019


Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Co(n,xn).pdf

Request ID95 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 45-RH-103 (n,xn) x=4-8 SIG  Threshold-150 MeV  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry High-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
The IRDFF project strives to evaluate, and eventually add to the library, high-threshold reactions with cross section plateaus located between 15/20 MeV and 100/150 MeV to meet the requirements of the accelerator-driven high-energy neutron sources. Note that it is important to know the cross section tail up to 100/150 MeV in order to allow the deconvolution of high-energy quasi-monoenergetic neutron source spectra.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to

Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Pronyaev-nxn-high-en-dos.pdf

Request ID96 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 57-LA-139 (n,xn) x=4-10 SIG  Threshold-150 MeV  5-10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Dosimetry High-energy 06-OCT-17 06-OCT-17 

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): IRDFF project

The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) aims at providing evaluated neutron dosimetry reactions validated for all applications related to fission reactors and fusion technology development [IAEA2017].


Justification document:
Accurate cross sections as well as spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) in relevant and well-characterized neutron fields are essential for improvement and validation of the evaluated data [Simakov2017].

Comment from requester:
The IRDFF project strives to evaluate, and eventually add to the library, high-threshold reactions with cross section plateaus located between 15/20 MeV and 100/150 MeV to meet the requirements of the accelerator-driven high-energy neutron sources. Note that it is important to know the cross section tail up to 100/150 MeV in order to allow the deconvolution of high-energy quasi-monoenergetic neutron source spectra.


  • [IAEA2017] IAEA CRP on Testing and Improving the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF),
  • [Simakov2017] S. Simakov, et al., “Proposals for new measurements for IRDFF community and HPRL”, September 2017.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to

Additional file attached:Simakov2017.pdf
Additional file attached:Pronyaev-nxn-high-en-dos.pdf

Request ID100 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 92-U-235 (n,f),(p,f) SIG  100 MeV-500 MeV  5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Standard ADS 23-MAR-18 11-APR-18 Y

Requester: Dr Roberto CAPOTE NOY at IAEA, AUT

Project (context):


Improvements in the standard cause all measurements relative to that standard to be improved. See Ref. [1].


5% of the cross-section

Justification document:

There are discrepancies (see Fig. 24 in section III.E, pp.161-162 of Ref. [1]) between different theoretical calculations, data estimated from the (p,f) reaction, and the only measured data set of U-238(n,f) cross section at those energies [2]. New measurements of absolute cross sections of U-235 or U-238 (n,f) and/or U-235 or U-238 (p,f) reactions in the energy range where pion channels begin to play an important role (100-500 MeV) are needed to solve the discrepancies and to reduce the uncertainties of the Neutron Standards in that energy range.


  1. A.D. Carlson, et al., Evaluation of the Neutron Data Standards, Nuclear Data Sheets 148, 143-188 (2018)
  2. Z.W. Miller, A Measurement of the Prompt Fission Neutron Energy Spectrum for 235U(n,f) and the Neutron-induced Fission Cross Section for 238U(n,f), PhD Thesis, University of Kentucky (2015);

Comment from requester:

At high-energy the (n,f) cross-section can be inferred with rather low uncertainty from (p,f) cross-section measurements, and thanks to this can be used in the neutron standards evaluation.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


  • U-235 measurement performed at n_TOF in 2018


  • B. Marcinkevicius, S. Simakov, V. Pronyaev, 209Bi(n,f) and natPb(n,f) cross sections as a new reference and extension of the 235U, 238U and 239Pu(n,f) standards up to 1 GeV, IAEA Report INDC(NDS)-0681
  • A.D. Carlson et al., Evaluation of the Neutron Data Standards, NDS 148 (2018) 143

Additional file attached:
Additional file attached:

Request ID101 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 92-U-238 (n,f),(p,f) SIG  100 MeV-500 MeV  5 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Standard ADS 23-MAR-18 11-APR-18 Y

Requester: Dr Roberto CAPOTE NOY at IAEA, AUT

Project (context):


Improvements in the standard cause all measurements relative to that standard to be improved. See Ref. [1].


5% of the cross-section

Justification document:

There are discrepancies (see Fig. 24 in section III.E, pp.161-162 of Ref. [1]) between different theoretical calculations, data estimated from the (p,f) reaction, and the only measured data set of U-238(n,f) cross section at those energies [2]. New measurements of absolute cross sections of U-235 or U-238 (n,f) and/or U-235 or U-238 (p,f) reactions in the energy range where pion channels begin to play an important role (100-500 MeV) are needed to solve the discrepancies and to reduce the uncertainties of the Neutron Standards in that energy range.


  1. A.D. Carlson, et al., Evaluation of the Neutron Data Standards, Nuclear Data Sheets 148, 143-188 (2018)
  2. Z.W. Miller, A Measurement of the Prompt Fission Neutron Energy Spectrum for 235U(n,f) and the Neutron-induced Fission Cross Section for 238U(n,f), PhD Thesis, University of Kentucky (2015);

Comment from requester:

At high-energy the (n,f) cross-section can be inferred with rather low uncertainty from (p,f) cross-section measurements, and thanks to this can be used in the neutron standards evaluation.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


  • B. Marcinkevicius, S. Simakov, V. Pronyaev, 209Bi(n,f) and natPb(n,f) cross sections as a new reference and extension of the 235U, 238U and 239Pu(n,f) standards up to 1 GeV, IAEA Report INDC(NDS)-0681
  • A.D. Carlson et al., Evaluation of the Neutron Data Standards, NDS 148 (2018) 143

Additional file attached:
Additional file attached:

Request ID104 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 9-F-19 (n,2n) SIG/SPA  239Pu(n,f)  3 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Fission Dosimetry 26-MAR-18 06-JUN-18 

Requester: Dr Roberto CAPOTE NOY at IAEA, AUT

Project (context):

A better knowledge of the prompt fission neutron spectrum (PFNS) from Pu-239 thermal-neutron induced fission is important for high-burnup fuels and new generation reactors. This is especially true when considering neutron radiation damage from the PFNS high-energy tail, which can be improved thanks to the measurements of spectrum-averaged cross section (SACS) of well-known high-threshold dosimetry reactions.
Deficiency in Pu-239(n,f) PFNS at large outgoing energies may be responsible for the discrepancies shown in Fig. 178 above 7.5 MeV of average reaction energy, see Fig. 178 in Ref. [1].

3% cross-section ratio uncertainty relative to reference cross sections

Justification document:
No SACS measurements exist in Pu-239(nth,f) prompt neutron field. In the latest IAEA evaluation, the extrapolation of Pu-239(nth,f) PFNS to outgoing energies above 8 MeV is based on SACS estimated by interpolation between SACS measured in U-233, U-235 and Cf-252 prompt neutron fields, see page 74-76, Fig. 43 and Table XXVI in Ref. [2].


  1. D. Brown, et al., ENDF/B-VIII.0: The 8th Major Release of the Nuclear Reaction Data Library with CIELO-project Cross Sections, New Standards and Thermal Scattering Data, Nuclear Data Sheets 148 (2018) 1 (
  2. R. Capote et al., Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra of Actinides, Nuclear Data Sheets 131 (2016) 1 (

Comment from requester:
SACS measurements of high-threshold dosimetry reactions are requested to improve further the high-energy tail of Pu-239(nth,f) PFNS above 8 MeV of outgoing energy. These measurements should be performed relative to high-threshold reference cross sections: Al-27(n,a), Au-197(n,2n), Ni-58(n,p).

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of June 2019)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to

Additional file attached:
Additional file attached:

Request ID105 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 25-MN-55 (n,2n) SIG/SPA  239Pu(n,f)  3 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Fission Dosimetry 26-MAR-18 06-JUN-18 

Requester: Dr Roberto CAPOTE NOY at IAEA, AUT

Project (context):

A better knowledge of the prompt fission neutron spectrum (PFNS) from Pu-239 thermal-neutron induced fission is important for high-burnup fuels and new generation reactors. This is especially true when considering neutron radiation damage from the PFNS high-energy tail, which can be improved thanks to the measurements of spectrum-averaged cross section (SACS) of well-known high-threshold dosimetry reactions.
Deficiency in Pu-239(n,f) PFNS at large outgoing energies may be responsible for the discrepancies shown in Fig. 178 above 7.5 MeV of average reaction energy, see Fig. 178 in Ref. [1].

3% cross-section ratio uncertainty relative to reference cross sections

Justification document:
No SACS measurements exist in Pu-239(nth,f) prompt neutron field. In the latest IAEA evaluation, the extrapolation of Pu-239(nth,f) PFNS to outgoing energies above 8 MeV is based on SACS estimated by interpolation between SACS measured in U-233, U-235 and Cf-252 prompt neutron fields, see page 74-76, Fig. 43 and Table XXVI in Ref. [2].


  1. D. Brown, et al., ENDF/B-VIII.0: The 8th Major Release of the Nuclear Reaction Data Library with CIELO-project Cross Sections, New Standards and Thermal Scattering Data, Nuclear Data Sheets 148 (2018) 1 (
  2. R. Capote et al., Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra of Actinides, Nuclear Data Sheets 131 (2016) 1 (

Comment from requester:
SACS measurements of high-threshold dosimetry reactions are requested to improve further the high-energy tail of Pu-239(nth,f) PFNS above 8 MeV of outgoing energy. These measurements should be performed relative to high-threshold reference cross sections: Al-27(n,a), Au-197(n,2n), Ni-58(n,p).

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of June 2019)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to

Additional file attached:
Additional file attached:

Request ID106 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 27-CO-59 (n,2n) SIG/SPA  239Pu(n,f)  3 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Fission Dosimetry 26-MAR-18 06-JUN-18 

Requester: Dr Roberto CAPOTE NOY at IAEA, AUT

Project (context):

A better knowledge of the prompt fission neutron spectrum (PFNS) from Pu-239 thermal-neutron induced fission is important for high-burnup fuels and new generation reactors. This is especially true when considering neutron radiation damage from the PFNS high-energy tail, which can be improved thanks to the measurements of spectrum-averaged cross section (SACS) of well-known high-threshold dosimetry reactions.
Deficiency in Pu-239(n,f) PFNS at large outgoing energies may be responsible for the discrepancies shown in Fig. 178 above 7.5 MeV of average reaction energy, see Fig. 178 in Ref. [1].

3% cross-section ratio uncertainty relative to reference cross sections

Justification document:
No SACS measurements exist in Pu-239(nth,f) prompt neutron field. In the latest IAEA evaluation, the extrapolation of Pu-239(nth,f) PFNS to outgoing energies above 8 MeV is based on SACS estimated by interpolation between SACS measured in U-233, U-235 and Cf-252 prompt neutron fields, see page 74-76, Fig. 43 and Table XXVI in Ref. [2].


  1. D. Brown, et al., ENDF/B-VIII.0: The 8th Major Release of the Nuclear Reaction Data Library with CIELO-project Cross Sections, New Standards and Thermal Scattering Data, Nuclear Data Sheets 148 (2018) 1 (
  2. R. Capote et al., Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra of Actinides, Nuclear Data Sheets 131 (2016) 1 (

Comment from requester:
SACS measurements of high-threshold dosimetry reactions are requested to improve further the high-energy tail of Pu-239(nth,f) PFNS above 8 MeV of outgoing energy. These measurements should be performed relative to high-threshold reference cross sections: Al-27(n,a), Au-197(n,2n), Ni-58(n,p).

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of June 2019)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to

Additional file attached:
Additional file attached:

Request ID107 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 28-NI-58 (n,2n) SIG/SPA  239Pu(n,f)  3 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Fission Dosimetry 26-MAR-18 06-JUN-18 

Requester: Dr Roberto CAPOTE NOY at IAEA, AUT

Project (context):

A better knowledge of the prompt fission neutron spectrum (PFNS) from Pu-239 thermal-neutron induced fission is important for high-burnup fuels and new generation reactors. This is especially true when considering neutron radiation damage from the PFNS high-energy tail, which can be improved thanks to the measurements of spectrum-averaged cross section (SACS) of well-known high-threshold dosimetry reactions.
Deficiency in Pu-239(n,f) PFNS at large outgoing energies may be responsible for the discrepancies shown in Fig. 178 above 7.5 MeV of average reaction energy, see Fig. 178 in Ref. [1].

3% cross-section ratio uncertainty relative to reference cross sections

Justification document:
No SACS measurements exist in Pu-239(nth,f) prompt neutron field. In the latest IAEA evaluation, the extrapolation of Pu-239(nth,f) PFNS to outgoing energies above 8 MeV is based on SACS estimated by interpolation between SACS measured in U-233, U-235 and Cf-252 prompt neutron fields, see page 74-76, Fig. 43 and Table XXVI in Ref. [2].


  1. D. Brown, et al., ENDF/B-VIII.0: The 8th Major Release of the Nuclear Reaction Data Library with CIELO-project Cross Sections, New Standards and Thermal Scattering Data, Nuclear Data Sheets 148 (2018) 1 (
  2. R. Capote et al., Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra of Actinides, Nuclear Data Sheets 131 (2016) 1 (

Comment from requester:
SACS measurements of high-threshold dosimetry reactions are requested to improve further the high-energy tail of Pu-239(nth,f) PFNS above 8 MeV of outgoing energy. These measurements should be performed relative to high-threshold reference cross sections: Al-27(n,a), Au-197(n,2n), Ni-58(n,p).

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of June 2019)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to

Additional file attached:
Additional file attached:

Request ID108 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 33-AS-75 (n,2n) SIG/SPA  239Pu(n,f)  3 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Fission Dosimetry 26-MAR-18 06-JUN-18 

Requester: Dr Roberto CAPOTE NOY at IAEA, AUT

Project (context):

A better knowledge of the prompt fission neutron spectrum (PFNS) from Pu-239 thermal-neutron induced fission is important for high-burnup fuels and new generation reactors. This is especially true when considering neutron radiation damage from the PFNS high-energy tail, which can be improved thanks to the measurements of spectrum-averaged cross section (SACS) of well-known high-threshold dosimetry reactions.
Deficiency in Pu-239(n,f) PFNS at large outgoing energies may be responsible for the discrepancies shown in Fig. 178 above 7.5 MeV of average reaction energy, see Fig. 178 in Ref. [1].

3% cross-section ratio uncertainty relative to reference cross sections

Justification document:
No SACS measurements exist in Pu-239(nth,f) prompt neutron field. In the latest IAEA evaluation, the extrapolation of Pu-239(nth,f) PFNS to outgoing energies above 8 MeV is based on SACS estimated by interpolation between SACS measured in U-233, U-235 and Cf-252 prompt neutron fields, see page 74-76, Fig. 43 and Table XXVI in Ref. [2].


  1. D. Brown, et al., ENDF/B-VIII.0: The 8th Major Release of the Nuclear Reaction Data Library with CIELO-project Cross Sections, New Standards and Thermal Scattering Data, Nuclear Data Sheets 148 (2018) 1 (
  2. R. Capote et al., Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra of Actinides, Nuclear Data Sheets 131 (2016) 1 (

Comment from requester:
SACS measurements of high-threshold dosimetry reactions are requested to improve further the high-energy tail of Pu-239(nth,f) PFNS above 8 MeV of outgoing energy. These measurements should be performed relative to high-threshold reference cross sections: Al-27(n,a), Au-197(n,2n), Ni-58(n,p).

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of June 2019)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to

Additional file attached:
Additional file attached:

Request ID109 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 39-Y-89 (n,2n) SIG/SPA  239Pu(n,f)  3 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Fission Dosimetry 26-MAR-18 06-JUN-18 

Requester: Dr Roberto CAPOTE NOY at IAEA, AUT

Project (context):

A better knowledge of the prompt fission neutron spectrum (PFNS) from Pu-239 thermal-neutron induced fission is important for high-burnup fuels and new generation reactors. This is especially true when considering neutron radiation damage from the PFNS high-energy tail, which can be improved thanks to the measurements of spectrum-averaged cross section (SACS) of well-known high-threshold dosimetry reactions.
Deficiency in Pu-239(n,f) PFNS at large outgoing energies may be responsible for the discrepancies shown in Fig. 178 above 7.5 MeV of average reaction energy, see Fig. 178 in Ref. [1].

3% cross-section ratio uncertainty relative to reference cross sections

Justification document:
No SACS measurements exist in Pu-239(nth,f) prompt neutron field. In the latest IAEA evaluation, the extrapolation of Pu-239(nth,f) PFNS to outgoing energies above 8 MeV is based on SACS estimated by interpolation between SACS measured in U-233, U-235 and Cf-252 prompt neutron fields, see page 74-76, Fig. 43 and Table XXVI in Ref. [2].


  1. D. Brown, et al., ENDF/B-VIII.0: The 8th Major Release of the Nuclear Reaction Data Library with CIELO-project Cross Sections, New Standards and Thermal Scattering Data, Nuclear Data Sheets 148 (2018) 1 (
  2. R. Capote et al., Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra of Actinides, Nuclear Data Sheets 131 (2016) 1 (

Comment from requester:
SACS measurements of high-threshold dosimetry reactions are requested to improve further the high-energy tail of Pu-239(nth,f) PFNS above 8 MeV of outgoing energy. These measurements should be performed relative to high-threshold reference cross sections: Al-27(n,a), Au-197(n,2n), Ni-58(n,p).

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of June 2019)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to

Additional file attached:
Additional file attached:

Request ID110 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 40-ZR-90 (n,2n) SIG/SPA  239Pu(n,f)  3 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Fission Dosimetry 26-MAR-18 06-JUN-18 

Requester: Dr Roberto CAPOTE NOY at IAEA, AUT

Project (context):

A better knowledge of the prompt fission neutron spectrum (PFNS) from Pu-239 thermal-neutron induced fission is important for high-burnup fuels and new generation reactors. This is especially true when considering neutron radiation damage from the PFNS high-energy tail, which can be improved thanks to the measurements of spectrum-averaged cross section (SACS) of well-known high-threshold dosimetry reactions.
Deficiency in Pu-239(n,f) PFNS at large outgoing energies may be responsible for the discrepancies shown in Fig. 178 above 7.5 MeV of average reaction energy, see Fig. 178 in Ref. [1].

3% cross-section ratio uncertainty relative to reference cross sections

Justification document:
No SACS measurements exist in Pu-239(nth,f) prompt neutron field. In the latest IAEA evaluation, the extrapolation of Pu-239(nth,f) PFNS to outgoing energies above 8 MeV is based on SACS estimated by interpolation between SACS measured in U-233, U-235 and Cf-252 prompt neutron fields, see page 74-76, Fig. 43 and Table XXVI in Ref. [2].


  1. D. Brown, et al., ENDF/B-VIII.0: The 8th Major Release of the Nuclear Reaction Data Library with CIELO-project Cross Sections, New Standards and Thermal Scattering Data, Nuclear Data Sheets 148 (2018) 1 (
  2. R. Capote et al., Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra of Actinides, Nuclear Data Sheets 131 (2016) 1 (

Comment from requester:
SACS measurements of high-threshold dosimetry reactions are requested to improve further the high-energy tail of Pu-239(nth,f) PFNS above 8 MeV of outgoing energy. These measurements should be performed relative to high-threshold reference cross sections: Al-27(n,a), Au-197(n,2n), Ni-58(n,p).

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of June 2019)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to

Additional file attached:
Additional file attached:

Request ID111 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 41-NB-93 (n,2n)Nb-92m SIG/SPA  239Pu(n,f)  3 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Fission Dosimetry 26-MAR-18 06-JUN-18 

Requester: Dr Roberto CAPOTE NOY at IAEA, AUT

Project (context):

A better knowledge of the prompt fission neutron spectrum (PFNS) from Pu-239 thermal-neutron induced fission is important for high-burnup fuels and new generation reactors. This is especially true when considering neutron radiation damage from the PFNS high-energy tail, which can be improved thanks to the measurements of spectrum-averaged cross section (SACS) of well-known high-threshold dosimetry reactions.
Deficiency in Pu-239(n,f) PFNS at large outgoing energies may be responsible for the discrepancies shown in Fig. 178 above 7.5 MeV of average reaction energy, see Fig. 178 in Ref. [1].

3% cross-section ratio uncertainty relative to reference cross sections

Justification document:
No SACS measurements exist in Pu-239(nth,f) prompt neutron field. In the latest IAEA evaluation, the extrapolation of Pu-239(nth,f) PFNS to outgoing energies above 8 MeV is based on SACS estimated by interpolation between SACS measured in U-233, U-235 and Cf-252 prompt neutron fields, see page 74-76, Fig. 43 and Table XXVI in Ref. [2].


  1. D. Brown, et al., ENDF/B-VIII.0: The 8th Major Release of the Nuclear Reaction Data Library with CIELO-project Cross Sections, New Standards and Thermal Scattering Data, Nuclear Data Sheets 148 (2018) 1 (
  2. R. Capote et al., Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra of Actinides, Nuclear Data Sheets 131 (2016) 1 (

Comment from requester:
SACS measurements of high-threshold dosimetry reactions are requested to improve further the high-energy tail of Pu-239(nth,f) PFNS above 8 MeV of outgoing energy. These measurements should be performed relative to high-threshold reference cross sections: Al-27(n,a), Au-197(n,2n), Ni-58(n,p).

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of June 2019)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to

Additional file attached:
Additional file attached:

Request ID112 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 53-I-127 (n,2n) SIG/SPA  239Pu(n,f)  3 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Fission Dosimetry 26-MAR-18 06-JUN-18 

Requester: Dr Roberto CAPOTE NOY at IAEA, AUT

Project (context):

A better knowledge of the prompt fission neutron spectrum (PFNS) from Pu-239 thermal-neutron induced fission is important for high-burnup fuels and new generation reactors. This is especially true when considering neutron radiation damage from the PFNS high-energy tail, which can be improved thanks to the measurements of spectrum-averaged cross section (SACS) of well-known high-threshold dosimetry reactions.
Deficiency in Pu-239(n,f) PFNS at large outgoing energies may be responsible for the discrepancies shown in Fig. 178 above 7.5 MeV of average reaction energy, see Fig. 178 in Ref. [1].

3% cross-section ratio uncertainty relative to reference cross sections

Justification document:
No SACS measurements exist in Pu-239(nth,f) prompt neutron field. In the latest IAEA evaluation, the extrapolation of Pu-239(nth,f) PFNS to outgoing energies above 8 MeV is based on SACS estimated by interpolation between SACS measured in U-233, U-235 and Cf-252 prompt neutron fields, see page 74-76, Fig. 43 and Table XXVI in Ref. [2].


  1. D. Brown, et al., ENDF/B-VIII.0: The 8th Major Release of the Nuclear Reaction Data Library with CIELO-project Cross Sections, New Standards and Thermal Scattering Data, Nuclear Data Sheets 148 (2018) 1 (
  2. R. Capote et al., Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra of Actinides, Nuclear Data Sheets 131 (2016) 1 (

Comment from requester:
SACS measurements of high-threshold dosimetry reactions are requested to improve further the high-energy tail of Pu-239(nth,f) PFNS above 8 MeV of outgoing energy. These measurements should be performed relative to high-threshold reference cross sections: Al-27(n,a), Au-197(n,2n), Ni-58(n,p).

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of June 2019)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to

Additional file attached:
Additional file attached:

Request ID113 Type of the request Special Purpose Quantity
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 69-TM-169 (n,2n) SIG/SPA  239Pu(n,f)  3 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Fission Dosimetry 26-MAR-18 06-JUN-18 

Requester: Dr Roberto CAPOTE NOY at IAEA, AUT

Project (context):

A better knowledge of the prompt fission neutron spectrum (PFNS) from Pu-239 thermal-neutron induced fission is important for high-burnup fuels and new generation reactors. This is especially true when considering neutron radiation damage from the PFNS high-energy tail, which can be improved thanks to the measurements of spectrum-averaged cross section (SACS) of well-known high-threshold dosimetry reactions.
Deficiency in Pu-239(n,f) PFNS at large outgoing energies may be responsible for the discrepancies shown in Fig. 178 above 7.5 MeV of average reaction energy, see Fig. 178 in Ref. [1].

3% cross-section ratio uncertainty relative to reference cross sections

Justification document:
No SACS measurements exist in Pu-239(nth,f) prompt neutron field. In the latest IAEA evaluation, the extrapolation of Pu-239(nth,f) PFNS to outgoing energies above 8 MeV is based on SACS estimated by interpolation between SACS measured in U-233, U-235 and Cf-252 prompt neutron fields, see page 74-76, Fig. 43 and Table XXVI in Ref. [2].


  1. D. Brown, et al., ENDF/B-VIII.0: The 8th Major Release of the Nuclear Reaction Data Library with CIELO-project Cross Sections, New Standards and Thermal Scattering Data, Nuclear Data Sheets 148 (2018) 1 (
  2. R. Capote et al., Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra of Actinides, Nuclear Data Sheets 131 (2016) 1 (

Comment from requester:
SACS measurements of high-threshold dosimetry reactions are requested to improve further the high-energy tail of Pu-239(nth,f) PFNS above 8 MeV of outgoing energy. These measurements should be performed relative to high-threshold reference cross sections: Al-27(n,a), Au-197(n,2n), Ni-58(n,p).

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of June 2019)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to

Additional file attached:
Additional file attached:

k>Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2021)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to

Additional file attached:Simakov_EGHPRL_2021May.pdf
Additional file attached:

Request ID117 Type of the request High Priority request
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 3-LI-0 (d,x)H-3 SIG,TTY  5 MeV-40 MeV  10 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Fusion DONES, IFMIF 15-MAY-21 31-MAY-21 Y

Requester: Dr Stanislav SIMAKOV at KIT, GER

Project (context): Fusion (DONES, IFMIF) and Accelerator driven neutron sources (e.g., SARAF-II)


The Li(d,x)t reactions will produce 80% of tritium in the IFMIF Li loop [1]. Consequently the accuracy of the Li(d,x)t cross section will impact on the efficiency, design and cost of the planned IFMIF radio-protection measures such as replacement of the yttrium and cold traps for the long tritium retaining, prevention of its permeation in atmosphere, etc. [2,3].

[1] S. Simakov et al., “Assessment of the 3H and 7Be generation in the IFMIF lithium loop”, J. Nucl. Mat. 329 (2004) 213
[2] A. Ibarra et al., “The European approach to the fusion-like neutron source: the IFMIF-DONES project”, Nuclear Fusion 59 (2019) 065002
[3] F. Martín-Fuertes et al., “Integration of Safety in IFMIF-DONES Design”, Safety 5 (2019) 74


Uncertainties below 10% as a reasonable compromise between application needs and what is practically achievable using standard techniques.

Justification document:

At the requested deuteron energies from 5 MeV up to 40 MeV there are no experimental data for the 6,7Li(d,x)t reaction cross sections; whereas Tritium TTY was measured only once at 40 MeV. The evaluated major deuteron libraries (ENDF, JEFF, FENDL, TENDL) including the just-released JENDL/DEU disagree with known measurements by a factor 2-3.

More details on the status of cross sections and TTY are available in the following documents:
S. Simakov et al., “Status and benchmarking of the deuteron induced Tritium and Beryllium-7 production cross sections in Lithium”, KIT Scientific Working Papers 147, KIT, June 2020; EFFDOC-1438, JEFF Meetings, NEA, November 2020; Presentation at EG HRPL, WPEC Meetings, NEA, 12 May 2021 (see attached file below).

Comment from requester:

In the case of the tritium spectroscopy experiments, the tritium double-differential data (DDX) for reaction (d,x)H-3 are desirable to measure in the maximum t-energy range and for the representative emission angles to allow integration of DDX and thus obtaining the production cross section σ(d,x)t. However, an activation experiment measuring tritium by its decay or by other direct means is sufficient.

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2021)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to

Additional file attached:Simakov_EGHPRL_2021May.pdf
Additional file attached:

Request ID118 Type of the request High Priority request
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 68-ER-167 (n,g) SIG,RP  0.01 eV-100 eV  2 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Fission LWR, innovative fuel 09-JUL-21 30-AUG-21 Y

Requester: Dr Antonio GUGLIELMELLI at ENEA-BOLO, ITY

Project (context):


A more precise knowledge of the erbium capture cross section in the most important energy region for LWR technology would reduce the criticality uncertainty margin in the erbia-credit super high burnup (Er-SHB) fuel concept. The Er-SHB concept is a system constituted of LWR fuel assemblies in which all fuel pins are erbia-doped. This system has already been subject to a research phase, and it has been verified that its application on large-scale commercial reactors would allow both to extend the fuel life cycle and to obtain several physical enhancements (i.e., less downgrade of the flux distribution, improving the intrinsic reactor safety parameters, better control of the transient power phase). The adoption of a Er-SHB fuel also allows to manufacture fuel with an enrichment greater than 5 wt% without modifying the current fuel manufacturing facilities that should be handling more enriched (> 5 wt%) uranium fuel, but whose criticality is hold-down by the erbia absorbers. In turn, the improvement of the erbia – especially Er-167(n,g) – capture cross sections, would make possible to assess better the criticality safety of the manufacturing facilities of an erbia-doped highly enriched uranium (Er-HEU) fuel. The erbia cross sections improvement will also allow to significantly reduce the uranium fuel cost because the code used to perform core neutronic design calculations will be able to optimize the uranium mass necessary to reach criticality conditions of an erbia-doped core system with less uncertainty.


< 2% in all the energetic range below 100 eV

The target uncertainty for the Er-167(n,g) cross section is proposed to be less than 2% in order to reach the same level of uncertainty attributable to U-235(n,f) on the integral parameter (criticality coefficient) of a erbia-doped LWR system.

The Sensitivity and Uncertainty (S&U) analysis performed on an erbia-doped LWR system showed that the relevant region should be extended up to 100 eV because of minor but not-negligible contributions beyond 10 eV.

Justification document:

A Sensitivity and Uncertainty study (S&U) has been performed to evaluate the criticality uncertainty contribution of the erbium isotopes on an Er-SHB system. The analysis was performed with the TSUNAMI-2D code of SCALE 6.2.3 tool. The data library used (v7-252) is a 252-energy group library based on ENDF/B-VII.1 evaluation, the covariance data used is a 56-energy group collapsed data based on ENDF/B-VII.1 data. The results showed that Er-167(n,g) is the largest contributor to criticality uncertainty after the U-235 and U-238 cross section reactions. The contribution of Er-167(n,g) to the criticality uncertainty was found equal to 123 pcm, this value has to be considered not negligible for core design purpose and equal to 18% of the total evaluated uncertainty. The uncertainty on the criticality due to the overall erbium isotopes (Er-166, Er-167 and to a lesser extent Er-168 and Er-170) was found equal to 166 pcm. A review of the historical experimental data values at thermal point present in the EXFOR database of the most uncertainty-related important erbium isotopes (i.e., Er-167) showed that the Er-167(n,g) data are inconsistent because they show a standard deviation with respect to the average value equal to 8.4%. An intercomparison between the most recent Er-167(n, g) measures at thermal point also revealed a relative difference roughly equal to 12%. The Er-167(n,g) ENDF/B-VII.1 and B-VIII.0 evaluated uncertainty at thermal energy and in the high-sensitivity region (0.5 - 5 eV) are set to 1.23% and 2.35%, respectively, on the basis of a pragmatic "low-fidelity" approach that would benefit from additional measurements. A data analysis of the experimental and calculated results provided by all criticality facilities of the International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project (ICSBEP) that contain erbia in solid form confirmed that the declared evaluated uncertainty data (i.e., 2.35 %) of the ENDF evaluation would be considered an underestimation of the real uncertainty to be associated with the thermal range of the current Er-167(n,g) nuclear cross section data.

Comment from requester:

The request is on capture, but complementary transmission measurements would help extract more accurate resonance parameters for both neutron and radiative widths.

Depending on the Er-167 sample enrichment used in the experiments, complementary measurements on other major natural erbium isotopes (Er-166, 168, 170) may be necessary to accurately determine the Er-167 cross section and resonance parameters. In addition, Er-166 capture cross section has a slight neutronic impact because of its relatively large evaluated uncertainty (about 8% in the energy range of interest for ENDF/B-VIII.0).

Review comment:

The request is well justified, but the target accuracy of less than 2% is very demanding even if focusing the efforts on the thermal region and the low energy resonances. In order to achieve such an accuracy the experimental results should be provided in the form of capture yields for optimal assimilation of the data in the evaluation process, and complementary information from integral measurements might be necessary.

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2022)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:
Additional file attached:

Request ID119 Type of the request High Priority request
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 17-CL-35 (n,p) SIG  100 keV-5 MeV  5-8 Y
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 Fission Gen-IV 09-MAR-22 17-APR-22 Y

Requester: at ,

Project (context): Gen-IV (fast chloride molten salt reactor design)


Requester: Tom Taylor (Moltex Energy) and Tommy Cisneros (TerraPower)

There is currently large uncertainty in reactivity for chloride fast reactors, due mainly to the uncertainty in the Cl-35 (n,p) cross section at high energies. This is a difficulty for chloride fast reactor design because the required fissile loading has large uncertainty, and this uncertainty also propagates to other parameters important to safety, such as reactivity coefficients. Production of S-35 via this reaction is also important for corrosion.

Additionally, above 1.2 MeV there is no uncertainty available for Cl-35 (n,p) in any evaluated library, except TENDL. This makes it difficult to justify a reasonable total uncertainty.

A number of organisations are designing or studying chloride fast reactors and are therefore sensitive to this nuclear data. In addition to Moltex Energy and TerraPower (MCRE and MCFR) the CEA is performing chloride fast reactor R&D. Previous work led by EDF R&D on the REBUS-3700 fast chloride reactor also concluded that more accurate nuclear data for Cl was needed (Mourogov & Bokov, 2006).

It is also worth noting that other Cl nuclear data is important for chloride fast reactors, particularly Cl-35 (n,gamma) and Cl-36 capture, for Cl-36 waste considerations.


To achieve a target k-eff uncertainty < 300 pcm, the table below suggests uncertainties < 2% would be required above ~100 keV. However, such a low uncertainty is unlikely to be achievable using differential measurements. k-eff uncertainty > 300 pcm would be tolerable, given the uncertainty is currently estimated to be at least ~1000 pcm. On this basis a target of 5 – 8 % is suggested.

It is realised that it may be challenging to achieve even this uncertainty. Any reduction in uncertainty, and/or improved covariances, would be valuable. Integral experiments would likely be needed to reduce uncertainties to a level of 2 – 3 %.

Justification document:

33 group sensitivity coefficients have been generated for the main output parameters, as part of a collaboration with ANL (using the PERSENT code and ENDF/B-VII.0 data). Those for Cl-35 (n,p) are large, as expected, see attached Figure 1.

Uncertainties and target uncertainties have then been derived by UPM through WPEC SG46, using this sensitivity data. Using the TENDL-2021 evaluation for Cl-35, and ENDF/B-VII.1 otherwise, gives a total uncertainty of 836 pcm, with 631 pcm from Cl-35 alone, and dominated by the (n,p) cross section (595 pcm, next largest 173 pcm from (n,alpha)). Below is a table showing target accuracy requirements for the top 10 most important reactions for the Moltex SSR-W.

Recent measurements in the US (Batchelder et al., 2019) and (Kuvin et al., 2020) also indicate that the cross section in all libraries could be too high above ~1.2 MeV. Direct perturbation of the Cl-35 (n,p) reaction in this energy range shows large sensitivity (increase of ~1000 pcm for reduction by 50% between 2.23 and 3.68 MeV).

TerraPower indicates also that very recent measurements (Warren, 2021) of the 35Cl(n,p) cross section have significantly disagree with the evaluated nuclear data in ENDF/B-VIII.0 that was not updated in the last update of chlorine nuclear data – ENDF/B-VII.1. The attached Figure 2 presents the discrepancy between evaluated data and recent measurements.

Comment from requester:

The tables below are reproduced, with permission, from A Review of the Nuclear Data Adjustment Activities within WPEC Sub-groups, O. Cabellos, WANDA 2022, March 2022.

Target accuracy requirements for total k-eff uncertainty < 300 pcm, with nuclear data from ENDF/B-VII.1 (Cl-35 uncertainty from TENDL-2021).

Rank# Reaction Energy group Current (%) Target (%) Rel. unc. reduction (%)
1 Cl35 (n,p) 2 6.6 0.9 37.4
2 Cl35 (n,p) 3 12 1.6 14.9
3 Pu239(n,gamma) 4 8.4 1.3 12
4 Cl35 (n,p) 1 8.4 1.2 8.9
5 Pu239(n,gamma) 3 10.4 2.0 4.6
6 Fe56(n,elastic) 3 9.2 1.9 4.3
7 Fe56(n,gamma) 3 16.8 2.8 1.8
8 Pu240(n,gamma) 2 59.3 4.2 1.8
9 Cl35(n,p) 4 11.1 3.7 1.5
10 Fe56(elastic) 2 5.4 1.9 1.3

Boundaries of energy groups

Group#Lower energy (eV)Upper energy (eV)Description
12.23130E+061.96403E+07Above threshold fertile
24.97871E+052.23130E+06Above threshold inelastic
36.73795E+044.97871E+05Continuum to URR

Review comment:

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2022)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to

Additional file attached:Fig1_Sensitivity.png
Additional file attached:Fig2_35Cl_np.png