The NEA Stakeholder Involvement Workshops (SIWS) are known for fostering active dialogue and collaboration amongst diverse stakeholders. The first of the series was held in 2017, with a focus on stak...
Registrations are open for this event scheduled to take place on 15-17 October 2025.
Optimisation has always been a fundamental concept in decision making for all parts of society, but the way decisions are taken has changed in recent years. Societal considerations towards nuclear-re...
NEA webinars explore a common understanding of optimisation as an approach to decision making.
Optimisation of protection, to keep radiological exposures as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA), taking into account social, economic and, more recently, environmental circumstances, has been cent...
Workshop on the Multifactor Optimisation of Predisposal Management of Radioactive Waste, 10-14 February 2020
Alors que les programmes nationaux de stockage géologique progressent vers leur mise en œuvre, le concept d’« optimisation » et les exigences réglementaires associées suscitent une attention accrue. ...
As national geological disposal programmes progress towards implementation, the concept of “optimisation” and related requirements are receiving increased attention. Exchanges within NEA expert group...
The present document summarizes and reviews the concepts relevant to the optimisation of geological disposal systems as they are outlined in national and international guidance as well as in the work...