NEA released the International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project (ICSBEP) Handbook which contains criticality safety benchmark specifications
The Serpent-2 software is a three-dimensional continuous-energy neutron and photon transport code, developed at the Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) (Leppänen, 2015), and is one of the most...
The NEA Nuclear Science Committee (NSC) mandated the Expert Group on Multi-Physics Experimental Data, Benchmarks and Validation (EGMPEBV) in 2014 to provide oversight of activities associated with th...
The International Handbook of Evaluated Reactor Physics Benchmark Experiments (IRPhE) contains reactor physics benchmark specifications that have been derived from experiments that were performed at ...
The Shielding Integral Benchmark Archive and Database (SINBAD) database contains compilations for 46 reactor shielding, 31 fusion neutronics and 23 accelerator shielding experiments.
High-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactors are one of the next generation reactor designs. This benchmark consists of a multi-staged code-to-code-to-data thermal hydraulics code validation benchmar...
Lead-cooled Fast Reactors (LFR) are rather new concepts which have gathered increasing international attention after the Generation-IV International Forum (GIF) selected them as promising candidates ...
The NEA thermal hydraulic code validation benchmark for high temperature gas-cooled reactors using HTTF data (HTGR T/H), supervised by the Expert Group on Reactor Core Thermal-Hydraulics and Mechanic...
The goal of the Benchmark for Uncertainty Analysis in Best-Estimate Modelling for Design, Operation and Safety Analysis of Light Water Reactors (LWR-UAM) is to determine the uncertainty in light wate...
This benchmark is organised to examine the models for fission gas release during anticipated operational occurrences (AOOs).
The 2021 edition can be downloaded online.
The International Reactor Physics Experiment Evaluation (IRPhE) Technical Review Group provides the nuclear community with qualified benchmark data sets by collecting reactor physics experimental dat...
The Liquid Metal Fast Reactor (LFMR) is one of the next generation reactor designs. This benchmark consists of steady-state numerical predictions of Texas A&M University (TAMU) separate effect tests ...
Building on the NEA BFBT and PSBT benchmarks, McMaster University, in collaboration with North Carolina State University, launched a CANDU thermal-hydraulic benchmark under the WPRS Expert Group on U...
Collected sources of primary documentation for reactor physics benchmarks.
The expert group dealt with the activities associated with the certification of experimental data and benchmark models along with establishing the processes and procedures for using the data and benc...
Thermal hydraulics and mechanics deals with the physics and mechanics of the flow and energetic transfer of liquids, and its interactions with the structures around them in large complex systems, suc...
The Benchmark for Uncertainty Analysis in Best-Estimate Modelling (UAM) for Design, Operation and Safety Analysis of Light Water Reactors (LWRs) is an international high-visibility benchmark for unce...
3-D Radiation Transport benchmarks dealt with scientific issues in the field of deterministic and stochastic methods and computer codes relative to three dimensional (3-D) radiation transport.
WPEC Subgroup 47 (SG47) works in close coordination with other NEA activities such as WPRS Expert Group on Radiation Transport and Shielding (EGRTS), WPEC SG45, SG46, Collaborative International Eval...