During discussions at several meetings, the Working Group on Inspection Practices (WGIP) on management and safety culture issues, it was agreed: it was important that the management of a licensee nee...
Published date:
14 November 2001
In 1995 the WGIP issued Status Report on Inspection Philosophy, Inspection Organisation and Inspection Practices, NEA/CNRA/R(94)3, OCDE/GD(95)3. Included was information on the regulatory bodies in 1...
Published date:
9 November 2001
In late 1998 the Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities agreed that the Working Group on Inspection Practices [WGIP] should discuss the subject of effectiveness of regulatory inspections and prod...
Published date:
7 November 2001
Based on a proposal made by the Japanese delegation, WGIP with the approval of CNRA began a task on the Inspection of Maintenance on Safety Systems during Operation of NPPs is 1999. Response to a sur...
Published date:
23 August 2001
This appendix to the workshop proceedings contains a compilation of the responses to the survey issued to all participants.
These proceedings cover the 5TH International Workshop held by WGIP on regu...
Published date:
23 July 2001
These proceedings cover the 5th International Workshop held by WGIP on regulatory inspection activities.
The focus of this workshop was regulatory inspection activities in 3 main areas: activities re...
Published date:
20 July 2001
Good governance and efficiency in decision making by governmental authorities are increasingly dependent upon mutual trust and confidence between those authorities and the public. This workshop provi...
Published date:
16 May 2001
In many countries the industrial activities for the decommissioning of shut down nuclear facilities have increased within the last ten years and are constantly increasing as older facilities retire a...
Published date:
17 April 2001
At its annual meeting in June 1999, the Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) agreed to hold a Special Issue Meeting in June 2000 on the topic of “Life Extension and Upgrading”. This repo...
Published date:
9 January 2001
At its annual meeting in June 1999, the Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) agreed to hold a Special Issue Meeting in June 2000 on the topic of “Life Extension and Upgrading”. This repo...
Published date:
9 January 2001
As part of the recommendations made in the CNRA report on Future Nuclear Regulatory Challenges, the issue of regulatory effectiveness was considered of high importance. As a result of this report, a ...
Published date:
9 January 2001
The NEA’s Strategic Plan, published in 1999, has recommended that all committees review their programme and working methods, and develop their own strategic plan. As a result, the CNRA Bureau develop...
Published date:
23 May 2000
These commandable practices are extracts from the topcs, which were discussed by the WGIP and were thought to ber reference for Member countries. These are neither international standards nor guideli...
Published date:
11 April 2000
A workshop took place in Budapest between 12 and 14 October 1999 to consider issues concerning assuring nuclear safety competence into 21st century. This was in response to recommendations from the C...
Published date:
10 February 2000
Nuclear Installations decided at its meeting in October 1976, that a Specialist Meeting should be held in 19'7'7 to exchange experience and views on the practices followed in Member countries in regu...
Published date:
29 March 1999
These proceedings cover the 4th international workshop held by WGIP on regulatory inspection activities. The focus of this workshop was regulatory inspection activities in 3 main areas; Older Operati...
Published date:
11 March 1999
Each year the CNRA selects a topic of special interest to members for discussion. The topic chosen for 1998 was Regulatory Aspects of Ageing Reactors. The report predominantly looks at answers provid...
Published date:
4 March 1999
This report presents a comparison of inspection practices in participating OECD countries relating to control room operator and shift supervisor licenses. Key questions for this comparison were ”What...
Published date:
1 January 1998
The report presents information on regulatory inspection activities with respect to emergency planning in NEA Member countries. The focus of the report is on the third section. It reviews the similar...
Published date:
1 January 1998
As a follow-up to the 1995 document on Compilation of Responses to a Questionnaire on the Evaluation of the Safety Performance of Licensees, WGIP members identified several issues where additional in...
Published date:
1 January 1998
This was the 3rd international workshop held by WGIP on regulatory inspection activities. The focus of this workshop was on 3 main topics: Inspection Planning, Plant Maintenance and Assessment of Saf...
Published date:
1 January 1997
Based on a request of Committees, an Organising Committee of Experts on sofware licensing issues was established to develop a state-of-the-art view of the technological problems and methods for ident...
Published date:
1 January 1997
In 1995 the WGIP issued Status Report on Inspection Philosophy, Inspection Organisation and Inspection Practices, NEA/CNRA/R(94)3, OCDE/GD(95)3. Included was information on the regulatory bodies in 1...
Published date:
1 January 1997
The basic description of the reactor core of a nuclear power plant (NPP) is an important part of the Safety Analysis Report in all countries. Due to increased interest by regulatory authorities in th...
Published date:
1 January 1997
As a follow-up to the 1995 Special Issues meeting on Regulatory Approaches to PSA, CNRA agreed to discuss Review Procedures and Criteria for Different Regulatory Applications of PSA in 1997. This rep...
Published date:
1 January 1997
An International Workshop on Steam Generator Tube Integrity in Nuclear Power Plants, sponsored by the Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) and the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Inst...
Published date:
1 January 1996
This report is intended to provide a summary of the current regulatory environment within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Member countries regarding probabilistic sa...
Published date:
1 January 1995
The following inspector qualification guideline has been developed for guidance of qualification of a new inspector recruited to the regulatory body. This guideline has been developed for helping the...
Published date:
1 January 1994
This report, conducted by the Working Group of Inspection Practices, provides a brief description of the different inspection practices of several member countries within OECD. It presents a framewor...
Published date:
1 January 1994
This is the proceedings of the WGIP International Workshop held on 23-25 May 1994 in Helsinki (Finland).
The main objectives were:
- To meet with inspectors from other organisations,
- To exchange inf...
Published date:
1 January 1994
This report provides the conclusions of two surveys send in 1988 and 1989. The work, initiated by the CSNI, has been completed by the newly created CNRA.
It provides a comparison of regulatory practi...
Published date:
1 January 1992
This report provides the proceedings of the WGIP international workshop held from August 29 to September 4, 1992 at the Technical Training Center of the US NRC in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
The objectiv...
Published date:
1 January 1992