Studies on fast reactors have historically concentrated on their capability to use plutonium produced in thermal reactors as initial fuel, and subsequently their capacity to produce electricity while...
Published date:
1 November 1996
Since 2007, the NEA has organised a series of workshops on structural materials for innovative nuclear systems (SMINS). The fifth meeting, held from 8‑11 July 2019 in Kyoto, Japan, was hosted by Kyot...
Published date:
26 November 2020
Published date:
18 March 2009
Published date:
18 March 2009
Overview of the 7th Symposium on Reactor Surveillance and Diagnostics (SMORN-VII), 19-23 June 1995, Avignon, France
Published date:
1 January 1996
The Expert Group on Reactor Physics and Advanced Nuclear Systems (EGRPANS) was created in 2011 to perform specific tasks associated with reactor physics aspects of present and future nuclear power sy...
Published date:
14 January 2013
Under the guidance of the Nuclear Science Committee (NSC) and under the mandate of the Working Party on Multi-scale Modelling of Fuels and Structural Materials for Nuclear Systems (WPMM), the objecti...
Published date:
5 March 2020
Monterey, California, USA, 17 April 2007
Published date:
15 May 2007
The expert group works in co-ordination with Working Party on Scientific Issues of Reactor Systems (WPRS) [including the IRPhE Project], Working Party on Scientific Issues of the Fuel Cycle (WPFC) an...
Published date:
9 March 2020
The expert group critically reviewed integral experiments for validating minor actinide (MA) nuclear data, recommended additional integral experiments needed for validating MA nuclear data and invest...
Published date:
5 March 2021
Published date:
2 June 2015
Published date:
17 May 1999
The expert group dealt with the activities associated with the certification of experimental data and benchmark models along with establishing the processes and procedures for using the data and benc...
Published date:
23 November 2021
New NEA reports on nuclear data evaluation
Published date:
5 August 2020
The objective of the OECD LWR UAM activity is to establish an internationally accepted benchmark framework to compare, assess and further develop different uncertainty analysis methods associated wit...
Published date:
24 May 2012
The quality of the isotopic composition of plutonium fuel degrades as the number of recycles increases in thermal reactors. There are in addition incentives to better utilise fuel by increasing the b...
Published date:
19 July 1995
Published date:
12 November 1996
The main objectives of this expert group are to assess the limitations of the NRT-dpa standard, in the light of both atomistic simulations and known experimental discrepancies; and to revisit the NRT...
Published date:
5 March 2020
The objectives of the expert group are to assess the accuracy and calculation time of the various first principle tools applied in the assessment of the properties of the nuclear materials; assess th...
Published date:
5 March 2020
The expert group was established to develop a nuclear data structure definition that can meet the needs of a broad set of nuclear data users and providers.
Published date:
20 September 2022
The expert group is responsible for managing the activities related to the High Priority Request List (HPRL) for nuclear data, in particular for guaranteeing that the entries are up-to-date and well-...
Published date:
20 September 2022
Published date:
3 March 2010
Published date:
4 February 2008
Materials performance is critical to the safe and economic operation of any nuclear system. As the international community pursues the development of Generation IV reactor concepts and accelerator-dr...
Published date:
21 October 2013
Development of innovative fuels such as homogeneous and heterogeneous fuels, ADS fuels, and oxide, metal, nitride and carbide fuels is an important stage in the implementation process of advanced nuc...
Published date:
12 December 2014
Future fuel cycle characteristics, feasibility and acceptability will be crucial for the continued development of nuclear energy, especially in the post-Fukushima context. Fuel cycle choices have bot...
Published date:
18 July 2013
Regional strategies can provide a useful framework for implementing innovative nuclear fuel cycles. The appropriate sharing of efforts and facilities among different countries is necessary in today’s...
Published date:
27 September 2009
Future nuclear fuel cycles could effectively address radioactive waste issues with the implementation of partitioning and transmutation (P&T). Previous studies have defined the infrastructure require...
Published date:
3 February 2009
Many countries have been performing a wide range of research on the partitioning and transmutation (P&T) of minor actinides and fission products. The aim is to provide greater flexibility in terms of...
Published date:
10 March 2010
As part of the development of advanced nuclear systems, including accelerator-driven systems (ADS) proposed for high-level radioactive waste transmutation and generation IV reactors, heavy liquid met...
Published date:
31 May 2007
Subgroup 7 of the NEA Working Party on International Nuclear Data Co-operation (WPEC) was established to re-evaluate the nuclear data standards cross-section. These cross-section data are the basis f...
Published date:
29 November 2006
This report has been prepared by Subgroup 9 which was set up in 1998 with the aim of investigating discrepancies found between microscopic and macroscopic data for the uranium-235 fission neutron spe...
Published date:
15 July 2003
Present Status of Minor Actinide Data
Published date:
1 January 1999
Published date:
1 January 1998
Isotopic Prediction: Final Report, M.D. DeHart (ORNL), M.C. Brady (SNL), C.V. Parks (ORNL). Publication date June 1996. ORNL-6901
Published date:
1 January 1996
JAERI-Research 96-003, M. Takano, H. Okuno, (JAERI), publication date: February 1996
Published date:
1 January 1996
Results - Conceptual PWR Spent Fuel Transportation Cask, A. Nouri
Published date:
1 January 1998
Impact of Isotopic Inventory Changes due to Control Rod Insertions on Reactivity and the End Effect in PWR UO2 Fuel Assemblies
Published date:
2 June 2015
Nuclide Composition and Neutron Multiplication Factor of a Boiling Water Reactor Spent Fuel Assembly for Burn-up Credit and Criticality Control of Damaged Nuclear Fuel
Published date:
2 October 2015
Isotopic Prediction (Problem Specification). Revised, January 1993 Michaele C. Brady<br>See <a href="/html/science/docs/1996/nsc-doc96-06.pdf">NEA/NSC/DOC(96)6</a>.
Published date:
1 January 1992
Effect of Axial Burnup Profile (Infinite fuel pin array) Makoto Takano (JAERI), Michaele Brady (SNL), Alain Santamarina (CEA), June 1993. See NEA/NSC/DOC(96)1
Published date:
1 January 1993
Simple PWR Spent Fuel Cell (Problem Specification), Makoto TAKANO (JAERI), Michaele BRADY (ORNL), 1991
Published date:
1 January 1991
Hiroshi OKUNO, Yoshitaka NAITO and Yoshihira ANDO (JAERI)
Published date:
1 January 1997
Criticality Calculations of BWR Spent Fuel in Storage and Transport, Hiroshi OKUNO, Yoshitaka NAITO, Yoshihira ANDO
Published date:
30 June 2000
Burn-up Calculations of BWR Fuel Assemblies for Storage and Transport
Published date:
16 January 2002
JAERI-M-94-003 Makoto TAKANO (JAERI), January 1994
Published date:
1 January 1993
Numerical benchmark for the analysis of small-sample reactivity experiments
Published date:
9 June 2016
Results and Analysis of MOX Fuels Depletion Calculations
Published date:
17 April 2003
Reactivity Prediction Calculations for Infinite Arrays of PWR Mox Fuel Pincells
Published date:
17 April 2003
Criticality Calculations of BWR Spent Fuel in Storage and Transportation, Yoshitaka Naito, Hiroshi Okuno and Yoshihara Ando (JAERI)
Published date:
1 January 1996