SATIF-15: 15th Workshop on Shielding aspects of Accelerators, Targets, and Irradiation Facilities
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan USA, 20-2...
Many of the failures that occur in nuclear fuel rods in light water reactors around the world are caused by the phenomenon of mechanical interaction between pellets and cladding (PCMI). The process i...
The meetings took place in April 2024 in the United States.
The meeting marked an important transition for the framework with the launch of four new Joint Experimental Programmes (JEEPs).
The NEA organised the second International School on Simulation of Nuclear Reactor Systems (SINUS) on the topic of Reactor single- and multi-physics simulations based on Light Water Reactor (LWR) Unc...
The NEA International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project (ICSBEP) and International Reactor Physics Experiments Evaluation Project (IRPhEP) Technical Review Groups, and the Shielding Int...
Established to help fulfil the objectives of the Agency and the Nuclear Science Committee (NSC), the NSC Programme Review Group (PRG) formulates recommendations based on best practices to optimise ac...
Proceedings of the Second Specialists' Meeting on Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets, and Irradiation Facilities (SATIF) at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland on 12-13 October 1995.
Under the guidance of the NEA Nuclear Science Committee (NSC), the Expert Group on Improvement of Integral Experiments Data for Minor Actinide Management (EGIEMAM-II) was established to recommend nec...