This report provides insights from a survey of Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) member countries on the concepts used to establish effective measures to cope with external flooding hazards and on the term...
Published date:
5 October 2022
Common-cause failure (CCF) events can significantly impact the availability of safety systems of nuclear power plants. For this reason, the International Common-Cause Failure Data Exchange (ICDE) Pro...
Published date:
1 July 2008
The workshop on Debris Impact on Emergency Coolant Recirculation was held in Albuquerque, the United States on 25-27 February 2004. It was organised under the auspices of the NEA Committee on the Saf...
Published date:
24 November 2004
The present document is a summary record of an experts meeting held in Madrid, Spain on 18-19 November 2003. The purpose of the meeting was to determine the interest in member countries for the types...
Published date:
13 January 2004
The CSNI Working Group on Analysis and Management of Accidents (WGAMA) objective is to assess and where necessary strengthen the technical basis needed for the prevention, mitigation and management o...
Published date:
5 December 2013
The CSNI Working Group on Analysis and Management of Accidents (WGAMA) objective is to assess and where necessary strengthen the technical basis needed for the prevention, mitigation and management o...
Published date:
28 November 2013
The CSNI Working Group on Analysis and Management of Accidents (WGAMA) objective is to assess and where necessary strengthen the technical basis needed for the prevention, mitigation and management o...
Published date:
17 December 2013
The CSNI Working Group on Analysis and Management of Accidents (WGAMA) objective is to assess and where necessary strengthen the technical basis needed for the prevention, mitigation and management o...
Published date:
28 November 2013
The NEA Working Group on Fuel Safety (WGFS) is tasked with advancing the understanding of fuel safety issues by assessing the technical basis for current safety criteria and their applicability to hi...
Published date:
18 November 2013
Due to the high safety significance and importance to nuclear regulators NEA Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) initiated in 2009 an international activity on high energy arcing ...
Published date:
25 June 2013
The OECD/NEA-KAERI MATiS-H benchmark was initiated to test the ability of state-of-the-art computational fluid dynamics (CFD) codes to predict important turbulence parameters downstream of a generic ...
Published date:
15 July 2013
The first workshop on Seismic Observation in Deep Borehole and Its Applications (Kashiwazaki WS) was held as an embedded workshop in the First Kashiwazaki Symposium on Seismic Safety of Nuclear Insta...
Published date:
25 April 2013
The purpose of the ICDE Project is to allow multiple countries to collaborate and exchange common cause failure (CCF) data to enhance the quality of risk analyses that include CCF modelling. Because ...
Published date:
3 July 2013
The purpose of the International Common Cause Data Exchange (ICDE) Project is to allow multiple countries to collaborate and exchange Common Cause Failure (CCF) data to enhance the quality of risk an...
Published date:
4 July 2013
The OECD/NEA ROSA Project was performed to resolve issues in thermal-hydraulics analyses relevant to light water reactor (LWR) safety by using the ROSA/LSTF of JAEA for 4 years from April 2005. In pa...
Published date:
30 April 2013
This report has been written in the framework of seismic subgroup of the NEA CSNI Working Group on Integrity and Ageing of Components and Structures (WGIAGE) to provide a brief review of current prac...
Published date:
29 May 2015
Thisi document contains Appendix C of the Proceedings of the Expert Workshop on Human Factors Validation of Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Designs and Modifications held in Charlotte, United States...
Published date:
1 March 2017
This document is Appendix B of the Proceedings of the Expert Workshop on Human Factors Validation of Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Designs and Modifications, held in Charlotte, United States on 19...
Published date:
1 March 2017
Survey of Existing Practices and Status of Benchmark Work
NEA CSNI Working Group on Integrity and Ageing of Components and Structures (WGIAGE) has the main mission to advance the current understandin...
Published date:
17 April 2015
NEA CSNI Working Group on Integrity and Ageing of Components and Structures (WGIAGE) has the main mission to advance the current understanding of those aspects relevant to ensuring the integrity of s...
Published date:
1 June 2015
The Defence in Depth of Electrical Systems (DIDELSYS) Project (2008-2011) was launched after a switchyard-induced voltage surge event at Forsmark nuclear power plant (NPP) in July 2006 which caused t...
Published date:
12 March 2015
This document contains Appendix 2 (cont'd) and Appendix 3 of the workshop on Robustness of Electrical Systems (ROBELSYS) of Nuclear Power Plants in Light of the Fukushima Daiichi Accident, held in Pa...
Published date:
12 March 2015
Based on the conclusions of the previous benchmark exercise, the NEA Working Group on Analysis and Management of Accidents (WGAMA) felt it worthwhile to extend the accident analysis scope by examinin...
Published date:
19 June 2015
Spent fuel pools (SFPs) are large accident-hardened structures that are used to temporarily store irradiated nuclear fuel. Due to the robustness of the structures, SFP severe accidents have long been...
Published date:
4 May 2015
The work described in this report was conducted as a joint task under the CSNI Working Groups on Human and Organisational Factors (WGHOF) and Risk Assessment (WGRISK). The task has two primary purpos...
Published date:
1 March 2015
One of the imperatives following the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station is for the nuclear science and industry communities to ensure that knowledge gaps in nuclear safety are id...
Published date:
1 February 2017
PREMIUM is the follow-up of a series of projects promoted by NEA/CSNI and focused on the issue of best estimate plus uncertainty (BEPU) analysis of thermo-hydraulic accident scenarios in nuclear plan...
Published date:
24 August 2017
The theme of this workshop, held in Charlotte, United States on 19-21 February 2015, was “Establishing Reasonable Confidence in the Human Factors Validation of Main Control Room Systems of Nuclear Po...
Published date:
2 June 2017
Since the time of the first LOCA experiments, which were largely conducted with fresh fuel, changes in the fuel design, the introduction of new cladding materials and in particular the move to high b...
Published date:
10 October 2016
Since 2002, the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) has sponsored the Melt Coolability and Concrete Interaction (MCCI) co-operative project in two phases in order to investigate ex-vessel melt coolability an...
Published date:
1 January 2017
The present document deals with scaling in nuclear-system thermal hydraulics (SYS TH), including the connection with nuclear-reactor safety technology (NST). Scaling has constituted “an issue” since ...
Published date:
1 March 2017
Probabilistic Structural Integrity of a Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR) Pressure Vessel (PROSIR ) was a round robin exercise with the primary objective to issue some recommendations of best practices...
Published date:
1 December 2016
This report summarises the responses provided by the member organisations of the Working Group on Integrity and Ageing of Components and Structures (WGIAGE) of the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear...
Published date:
11 October 2016
The use of computer codes is required in safety evaluation of light water reactors (LWRs) in order to simulate plant behaviour during design basis event (DBE) and beyond-DBE (BDBE). This involves co...
Published date:
1 June 2017
The objective of the Post-BEMUSE Reflood Model Input Uncertainty Methods (PREMIUM) benchmark is to progress on the issue of the quantification of the uncertainty of the physical models in system ther...
Published date:
28 April 2016
The overall objective of the THAI-2 project is to address open questions concerning the behaviour of hydrogen, iodine and aerosols in the containment of water-cooled reactors during design-basis or s...
Published date:
1 February 2017
Operating experience from nuclear installations worldwide has shown that combinations of fires and other events, in particular external and internal hazards, occur throughout their entire lifetime. ...
Published date:
27 July 2016
Reactivity-initiated accident (RIA) fuel rod codes have been developed for a significant period of time and validated against their own available database. However, the high complexity of the scenari...
Published date:
1 February 2016
Reactivity-initiated accident (RIA) fuel rod codes have been developed for a significant period of time and validated against their own available database. However, the high complexity of the scenari...
Published date:
19 April 2016
The workshop objectives relative to reviewing and discussing the state-of-the-art knowledge of iodine and ruthenium behaviour in NPP accidents gained through research projects and progress made in th...
Published date:
30 May 2016
Single-phase computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is used more and more for design and safety issues related to light-water reactor (LWR) thermal hydraulics. Over the past ten years, the Working Group ...
Published date:
1 February 2016
Criticality safety is an integral component of ensuring the continued safe operation of current reactor and fuel cycle facilities, as well as addressing new and interesting challenges that are expect...
Published date:
31 August 2016
Published date:
25 July 1994
Published date:
6 March 1998
Published date:
21 September 2005
Published date:
20 September 2005
Published date:
20 September 2005
Published date:
12 October 2007
Published date:
14 November 2007
Published date:
15 November 2007