Radiological characterisation is a key enabling activity for the planning and implementation of nuclear facility decommissioning. Effective characterisation allows the extent, location and nature of ...
Published date:
11 February 2017
The Working Group on the Radiological Protection Aspects of Decommissioning Activities at Nuclear Power Plants (WGDECOM) holds its 12th meeting in Germany
Published date:
13 December 2022
Established in 2014, the WGDECOM unites 19 experts from 12 countries in developing a process to better share radiological protection data.
Published date:
21 November 2023
This document is the Rapporteur’s summary of the Workshop on Radiological Characterisation for Decommissioning, held in Nyköping, Sweden on 17-19 April 2012.
Published date:
30 April 2012
Large quantities of materials arising from the decommissioning of nuclear facilities are non-radioactive per se. An additional significant share of materials is of very low-level or low-level radioac...
Published date:
16 August 2017
Published date:
8 February 1996
The removal of fuel from a permanently shutdown nuclear facility eliminates the major source of radiological hazard, a nuclear criticality. Combined with the cessation of operations at high temperatu...
Published date:
25 September 2008
In many countries the industrial activities for the decommissioning of shut down nuclear facilities have increased within the last ten years and are constantly increasing as older facilities retire a...
Published date:
17 April 2001
The radiological concept of clearance can be defined as the release of radioactive materials or buildings from any further regulatory control applied for radiological protection purposes by the compe...
Published date:
19 November 2008
Releasing the site of a nuclear installation from radiological control is usually one of the last steps of decommissioning. To date, site release has been practised in a limited number of cases only ...
Published date:
27 September 2006
In the post-closure phase of a deep geological repository for radioactive waste, significant quantities of gases may be generated from various sources. The most important gas generating process is an...
Published date:
11 March 2015
This report of the NEA Co-operative Programme on Decommissioning (CPD) describes generic results obtained by a CPD Task Group analysing the need for remote technologies. The report examines existing ...
Published date:
26 August 2011
Second Workshop on International Harvesting Co-operation focused on the status of aged metals harvesting and opportunities for international collaborative research.
Published date:
14 December 2022
This status report on Selecting Strategies for the Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities is based on the viewpoints and materials presented at a seminar held in Tarragona, Spain on 1-4 September 2003...
Published date:
2 October 2006
This document was prepared by the Nuclear Energy Agency’s (NEA’s) Working Party on Decommissioning and Dismantling (WPDD) in collaboration with the European Commission’s Directorate General for Energ...
Published date:
20 February 2013
The 13th National Workshop organised by the NEA Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC) took place on 23-25 October in Ohio, United States.
Published date:
22 November 2023
Significant numbers of nuclear facilities will need to be decommissioned in the coming decades. In this context, NEA member countries are placing increasing emphasis on the involvement of stakeholder...
Published date:
14 June 2007
Significant numbers of nuclear power plants will reach the end of their operating lives in the coming decades or may be shut down for economic or other reasons. NEA Member countries are giving increa...
Published date:
14 February 2007
Die internationalen Erfahrungen der vergangenen 20 Jahre zeigen, dass kerntechnische Anlagen sicher abgebaut und stillgelegt werden können, nachdem die Entscheidung getroffen wurde, den Betrieb zu be...
Published date:
21 September 2010
Nuclear sites around the world are being decommissioned and remedial actions are being undertaken to enable sites, or parts of sites, to be reused. Although such activities are relatively straightfor...
Published date:
23 May 2016
As modern nuclear power programmes mature and large, commercial nuclear power plants and fuel cycle facilities approach the end of their useful life by reason of age, economics or change of policy on...
Published date:
16 July 2004
Online Event Focusing on Innovation within Nuclear Decommissioning - 25 March 2021
Published date:
13 January 2023
This document is a summary of the special seminar commemorating the 10th anniversary of the OECD/NEA Working Party on Decommissioning and Dismantling (WPDD), held at the NEA Offices in Issy-les-Mouli...
Published date:
28 March 2012
This document is the (second) provisional summary record of the 14th session of the Working Party on Decommissioning and Dismantling (WPDD), held at the NEA Offices, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France o...
Published date:
19 March 2014
This document is the provisional summary record of the 14th session of the Working Party on Decommissioning and Dismantling (WPDD), held at the NEA Offices, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France on 18-20 Novem...
Published date:
11 February 2014
This document is the revised summary record of the 6th meeting of the Decommissioning Cost Estimation Group (DCEG), held in Issy-les-Moulineaux, France on 18-20 June 2013.
Published date:
9 January 2014
This document is the summary record of the 6th meeting of the Decommissioning Cost Estimation Group (DCEG), held in Issy-les-Moulineaux, France on 18-20 June 2013.
Published date:
9 December 2013
This document is the summary record of the 7th meeting of the Decommissioning Cost Estimation Group (DCEG) held in Malmö, Sweden on 10-11 June 2014.
Published date:
8 July 2014
It refers to scientific and technical actions taken to address decommissioning technologies, research and development, as well as safety and environmental risk assessment
Published date:
25 June 2020
The NEA has published a report that surveys the aftermath, lessons, and achievements in Japan and the global nuclear community in the decade since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident.
Published date:
4 March 2021
This report, intended for a broad readership, provides a concise overview of the decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear facilities and associated issues in NEA member countries. It draws upon a d...
Published date:
13 September 2002
International Expert Feedback (IEF) organized by the NEA at the request of the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation (ROSATOM) to assess the sufficiency and applicability of the newly developed met...
Published date:
2 February 2018
The NEA Co-operative Programme for the Exchange of Scientific and Technical Information Concerning Nuclear Installation Decommissioning Projects (CPD) is a joint undertaking which functions within th...
Published date:
9 February 1996
In response to the growing interest in the field of decommissioning of nuclear facilities, the Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD commenced in 1978 a programme of activities in this field. This report...
Published date:
8 February 1996
This report describes the progress and the generic results obtained by the CPD during 1995-2005. Although part of the information exchanged within CPD is confidential in nature and is restricted to p...
Published date:
11 October 2006
The NEA Co-operative Programme for the Exchange of Scientific and Technical Information Concerning Nuclear Installation Decommissioning Projects (CPD) is a joint undertaking among member country orga...
Published date:
7 March 2011
Decommissioning of both commercially used and R&D nuclear facilities is expected to increase significantly in the coming years, and the largest of such industrial decommissioning projects could comma...
Published date:
1 June 2015
This status report was prepared on behalf of the Working Party on Decommissioning and Dismantling (WPDD) by its Task Group on the Release of Materials, Buildings and Sites. It report reflects the vie...
Published date:
10 March 2006
This Strategic Plan is intended to guide the NEA as it seeks to meet the evolving needs of member countries in the application and exploration of nuclear science and technology. The plan includes an ...
Published date:
22 December 2016
At its third meeting, held in Karlsruhe, Germany on 17-19 June 2002, the Working Party on Decommissioning and Dismantling (WPDD) held a Topical Session on Buildings & Sites Release and Reuse. Present...
Published date:
20 November 2002
At its fifth meeting, held in Paris, France on 8-10 November 2004, the Working Party on Decommissioning and Dismantling (WPPD) conducted a topical session on the Funding Issues in Connection with Dec...
Published date:
22 March 2005
At its second meeting, held in Paris, France on 5-7 December 2001, the Working Party on Decommissioning and Dismantling (WPDD) conducted a topical session on Materials Management. Presentations durin...
Published date:
27 May 2002
At its second meeting in Paris, France on 5-7 December 2001, the Working Parting on Decommissioning and Dismantling (WPDD) held a topical sessions on the D&D Safety Case. This report documents that t...
Published date:
8 March 2002
Currently, the format, content and practice of cost estimation vary considerably both within and between countries, which makes it very difficult to compare estimates, even for similar types of facil...
Published date:
22 March 2010
This document appeared in Issue No. 6 of “La Revue Générale du Nucléaire”. It describes the programme of work of the NEA in the field of decommissioning.
Ce document est est apparu au No. 6 de La Rev...
Published date:
1 December 2008
Le problème clé dans le démantèlement des installations nucléaires est l’élimination progressive des risques, au moyen d’une série d’actions de décontamination et de déconstruction qui doivent être r...
Published date:
30 December 2005
À l’heure actuelle, on observe une variabilité considérable dans le format, le contenu et les pratiques d’estimation des coûts, que ce soit à l’intérieur d’un même pays ou lorsque l’on franchit les f...
Published date:
22 March 2010
Virtual Stakeholder Confidence Workshop on the Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities in the United Kingdom, 16 September 2020.
Published date:
9 October 2020
17 -
18 September 2020
Paris, France
Spent Nuclear Fuel Pool. Photo: Cogema.
The NEA study on the “Adequacy of Funding Arrangements for Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management” is a part of the Programme of Work of...
Published date:
17 September 2020
This report contains a compilation of all papers regarding stakeholder involvement in decommissioning given at WPDD meetings and workshops between 2001 and the end of 2004. The compilation, together ...
Published date:
30 August 2006