The Nuclear Energy Agency’s (NEA) Integration Group for the Safety Case (IGSC) and its predecessor, the Performance Assessment Advisory Group (PAAG), have carried out activities related to the compil...
Published date:
8 November 2024
NEA delegation led by Director-General Magwood was in Romania for a series of meetings and to co-host a workshop.
Published date:
29 June 2023
14 -
15 June 2023
JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel, Bucharest, Romania
Momentum in regards to disposal solutions for radioactive waste has rapidly picked up over the last five years. Several countries have entered the licensing phase of establishing a deep geological re...
Published date:
13 June 2023
The Integration Group for the Safety Case (IGSC) provides advice to the Radioactive Waste Management Committee (RWMC) on major and emerging issues to facilitate the development of waste management st...
Published date:
17 March 2022
The NEA hosted an online expert roundtable discussion on 24 June 2021 on safety case projects of three different types of disposal facilities in member countries.
Published date:
1 July 2021
International experts seek solutions on how regulators and implementers build effective dialogue on radioactive waste management.
Published date:
26 October 2020
NEA News is the professional journal of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA). It features articles on the latest nuclear energy issues concerning the economic and technical aspects of nuclear energy, nucl...
Published date:
1 October 2020
Worldwide consensus exists within the international community that geological repositories can provide the necessary long-term safety and security to isolate long-lived radioactive waste from the hum...
Published date:
25 September 2020
Version 3.0 of the International Features, Events and Processes (IFEP) List for the Deep Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste. This is a comprehensive and structured list of generic FEPs, relevan...
Published date:
18 February 2019
Radioactive waste inventory data are an important element in the development of a national radioactive waste management programme since these data affect the design and selection of the ultimate disp...
Published date:
28 July 2016
This document outlines a proposal to establish a pilot group tasked with exploring the interface between storage and disposal. Presented at the 47th session of the RWMC on 26-27 March 2014.
Published date:
27 February 2014
An important activity of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) in the field of radioactive waste management is the organisation of independent, international peer reviews of national studies and proje...
Published date:
8 October 2012
The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) has an acknowledged role in organising independent, international peer reviews of national programmes and studies in the field of radioactive waste management. The NEA...
Published date:
14 September 2012
This technical guide promotes an integrated approach encompassing the interests of all actors involved (e.g. decommissioners, regulators, the public at large, waste management agencies, transporters,...
Published date:
6 September 2012
At the request of the Belgian Federal government, the OECD-NEA International Review Team (IRT) is reviewing the safety case of the ONDRAF/NIRAS' surface disposal facility for low and intermediate lev...
Published date:
13 March 2012
本報告書は、2007 年に OECD/NEA 放射性廃棄物管理委員会が始めた可逆性と回収可能性(R&R)に関する 4 年間にわたる国際プロジェクトの最終的な詳細報告書である。本プロジェクトの主要なマイルストーンは、文献調査を行うこと、NEA 加盟諸国の R&R に対する考え方を調査すること、および広範な関係者グループ内で議論することであった。この議論は、フランスのランスでの国際会議・意見交換会(...
Published date:
1 January 2012
Experience indicates that RK&M need to be actively managed from the start of the waste management programmes. Several radioactive waste disposal programmes are now approaching implementation. The NEA...
Published date:
1 November 2011
RK&M が廃棄物処分計画の開始時期から積極的に管理されるべきであることについては、経験からも明らか です。...
Published date:
1 November 2011
L’expérience montre qu’il faut entreprendre cette tâche dès le démarrage des programmes de gestion des déchets. Plusieurs stockages de déchets radioactifs sont maintenant proches de leur mise en œuvr...
Published date:
1 November 2011
Alla långsiktiga projekt för hantering av radioaktivt avfall pågår sannolikt i årtionden eller århundraden. Projektet kräver en fysisk plats och det kommer att påverka det omgivande samhället på en r...
Published date:
4 May 2011
The present report outlines the potential merits of R&D work carried out by the regulator. It summarises the results of a questionnaire that was circulated among the members of the Regulators' Forum ...
Published date:
10 November 2010
Les programmes nationaux de gestion des déchets radioactifs se trouvent à des phases diverses dans la recherche de sites d’implantation d’installations et se fondent sur des approches techniques dist...
Published date:
25 September 2010
National radioactive waste management programmes are in various phases of siting facilities and rely on distinct technical approaches for different categories of waste. In all cases, it is necessary ...
Published date:
6 April 2010
Alors que les programmes nationaux de stockage géologique progressent vers leur mise en œuvre, le concept d’« optimisation » et les exigences réglementaires associées suscitent une attention accrue. ...
Published date:
12 March 2010
As national geological disposal programmes progress towards implementation, the concept of “optimisation” and related requirements are receiving increased attention. Exchanges within NEA expert group...
Published date:
11 March 2010
This document is the summary record of the topical session on Management of Large Components from Decommissioning to Storage and Disposal held at the Working Party on Decommissioning and Dismantling'...
Published date:
22 February 2010
The present report outlines the potential merits of R&D work carried out by the regulator. It summarises the results of a questionnaire that was circulated among the members of the Regulators' Forum ...
Published date:
29 January 2010
In November 2006, Hungary hosted the 6th National Workshop and Community Visit of the NEA Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC). Participants included institutional authorities, local residents and s...
Published date:
12 June 2009
Germany is exploring a new approach towards the final management of its radioactive waste. This international workshop, held in Germany, attracted 65 participants from 13 countries. A little more tha...
Published date:
16 May 2006
Radioactive waste management is an area of public interest in which stakeholder involvement has largely proven itself to be beneficial to all parties and processes concerned. With growing experience,...
Published date:
20 December 2004
Analysis of the long-term safety of radioactive waste repositories, using performance assessment and other tools, is required prior to implementation.The initial stage in developing a repository safe...
Published date:
25 July 2001
Any significant decisions regarding geologic disposal of radioactive waste will need a comprehensive public review and a thorough involvement of all relevant stakeholders, such as waste generators, w...
Published date:
15 December 2000
INTRAVAL was set up as an international project concerned with the use of mathematical models for predicting the potential transport of radioactive substances in the geosphere. Such models are used t...
Published date:
1 January 1997
The Probabilistic System Assessment Group (PSAG) was established by the RWMC in January 1985 (originally under a different name) to help co-ordinate the development in OECD member countries of probab...
Published date:
1 January 1997
The Co-ordinated Research and Environmental Surveillance Programme relevant to sea disposal of radioactive waste (CRESP) was created in 1981 in the framework of the 1977 Decision of the OECD Council ...
Published date:
1 January 1996
INTRAVAL was set up as an international project concerned with the use of mathematical models for predicting the potential transport of radioactive substances in the geosphere. Such models are used t...
Published date:
1 January 1996
INTRAVAL was set up as an international project concerned with the use of mathematical models for predicting the potential transport of radioactive substances in the geosphere. Such models are used t...
Published date:
1 January 1996
The assessment of the long-term safety of radioactive waste repositories includes examining natural or human disruptive events and evaluating their impact. This report reviews the main issues raised ...
Published date:
31 December 1996
L'évaluation de la sûreté à long terme des centres de stockage des déchets radioactifs nécessite notamment d’étudier les événements perturbateurs d’origine naturelle ou humaine et d’en évaluer les im...
Published date:
1 January 1995
The Probabilistic System Assessment Group (PSAG) (formerly the Probabilistic System Assessment Code (PSAC) User Group was established in 1985 by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the Organisation fo...
Published date:
1 January 1993
The Probabilistic System Assessment Group (PSAG) (formerly the Probabilistic System Assessment Code (PSAC) User Group was established in 1985 by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the Organisation fo...
Published date:
1 January 1993
The analysis of the long-term safety of radioactive waste disposal systems requires the use of mathematical models and scenarios that simulate repository behavior in response to future events. This r...
Published date:
2 January 1992
This report presents a collective opinion of the Radioactive Waste Management Committee of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD/NEA) and of the International Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Com...
Published date:
1 January 1991
The Probabilistic System Assessment Group (PSAG) (formerly the Probabilistic System Assessment Code (PSAC) User Group was established in 1985 by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the Organisation fo...
Published date:
1 January 1990
The Probabilistic System Assessment Group (PSAG) (formerly the Probabilistic System Assessment Code (PSAC) User Group was established in 1985 by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the Organisation fo...
Published date:
1 January 1987