Country-specific Safety Culture Forum (CSSCF) Japan was initiated in late 2022, with the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO), the Federation of Electric Power C...
The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), in co-ordination with the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) of Japan, hosted the “International Conference on Regulators’ Views and Priorities on Nuclear Safety and ...
Rebecca Tadesse, the NEA's Head of the Division of Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning, visited Japan's Ministry of the Environment's headquarters to observe the significant progress mad...
National legislation: Japan
This country profile of Japan provides a detailed review of a full range of nuclear law topics, including: the general regulatory regime, including mining; radioactive substances and equipment; nucle...
This two-day online event will be...
The fourth FACE meeting brought together experts to Cologne, Germany.
Fourth Country-Specific Safety Culture Forum brings together operators, regulators, local governments, international observers.
Japanese version