This Technical Note reviews the relevant project-specific FEP lists recently developed (i.e. since 2006) by organisations assessing the post-closure safety of the deep disposal of radioactive waste. ...
Published date:
19 December 2013
This document is the agenda of the 32nd meeting of the Management Board of the Co-operative Programme for the Exchange of Scientific and Technical Information concerning Nuclear Installations Dec...
Published date:
9 January 2014
The study report explores the role, needs and expectations of local communities regarding monitoring and RK&M preservation of radioactive waste management (RWM) facilities, in particular deep geologi...
Published date:
21 January 2014
This provisional study report explores the role, needs and expectations of local communities regarding monitoring and RK&M preservation of radioactive waste management (RWM) facilities, in partic...
Published date:
10 October 2013
This document is the summary record of the 2nd meeting of the Salt Club held in Berlin, Germany on 16 September 2013. The Salt Club operates under the aegis of the Integration Group for the Safety Ca...
Published date:
13 March 2014
This document is the (second) provisional summary record of the 14th session of the Working Party on Decommissioning and Dismantling (WPDD), held at the NEA Offices, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France o...
Published date:
19 March 2014
This document is the draft summary record of the 15th meeting of the Integration Group for the Safety Case (IGSC), held OECD Conference Centre, Paris, France on 10-11 October 2013.
Published date:
23 May 2014
In the area of radioactive waste management, the regulator or safety authority has emerged as a principal actor in the eyes of civil society. This study shows how regulators are increasing their inte...
Published date:
13 February 2012
This document describes the achievements and plans of the working parties of the Radioactive Waste Management Committee (RWMC). It was prepared for the 45th session of the RWMC in 2012.
Published date:
16 February 2012
At the request of the Belgian Federal government, the OECD-NEA International Review Team (IRT) is reviewing the safety case of the ONDRAF/NIRAS' surface disposal facility for low and intermediate lev...
Published date:
13 March 2012
This essay focuses on the concepts of “willing potential host” and “willing host” communities in the context of radioactive waste management facility siting. Should criteria for defining these be spe...
Published date:
24 April 2012
This report synthesizes principles for socially responsive siting of radioactive waste management facilities that have emerged from over a decade of learning by the Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (F...
Published date:
24 April 2012
A major activity of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) in the field of radioactive waste management is the organization of independent, international peer reviews of national studies and projects. The N...
Published date:
12 June 2012
This document describes the mandate of the RWMC Expert Group on Waste Inventorying and Reporting Methodology (EGIRM).
Published date:
26 June 2014
A key challenge for some national radioactive waste management programmes and an important learning opportunity for many others will be the licensing of the construction and operation of the first de...
Published date:
3 July 2012
This technical guide promotes an integrated approach encompassing the interests of all actors involved (e.g. decommissioners, regulators, the public at large, waste management agencies, transporters,...
Published date:
6 September 2012
The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) has an acknowledged role in organising independent, international peer reviews of national programmes and studies in the field of radioactive waste management. The NEA...
Published date:
14 September 2012
The Regulators' Forum of the RWMC and the IGSC have both identified the need to explore the challenges and good practice in view of preparing for the construction license of a deep geological reposit...
Published date:
1 March 2011
Over the past two decades the NEA, on behalf of requesting countries, has regularly organised international peer reviews of national safety reports in the field of geological disposal of radioactive ...
Published date:
26 April 2011
At the request of the Swedish government, the OECD-NEA International Review Team (IRT) is examining the application by SKB for a construction license of a spent fuel repository in Sweden. Questionnai...
Published date:
26 July 2011
This strategic plan for RWMC was adopted at the RWMC meeting of March 2011. It expands and details the planning given in the Strategic Plan of the Nuclear Energy Agency for 2011-2016 that was approve...
Published date:
28 July 2011
These fact sheets present the radioactive waste management programmes of 20 OECD/NEA member countries. They include information about the sources, types and quantities of waste as well as how and by ...
Published date:
22 December 2005
This is the final draft of a brochure to be published in December 2011 by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Radioactive Waste Management Committee (RWMC) (in English and in French). This interim file is...
Published date:
25 November 2011
Disposal in engineered facilities built in stable, deep geological formations is the reference solution for permanently isolating long-lived radioactive waste from the human biosphere. This managemen...
Published date:
28 November 2011
This is the final full report of the 4-year international project on Reversibility and Retrievability (R&R) launched in 2007 by the OECD/NEA Radioactive Waste Management Committee (RWMC). Major miles...
Published date:
6 December 2011
The RK&M glossary defines important concepts and terminology for the purposes of the RK&M project. Compiled by the members of the project team, it is intended as a source of terms that are commonly u...
Published date:
7 November 2011
The RK&M glossary defines important concepts and terminology for the purposes of the RK&M project. Compiled by the members of the project team, it is intended as a source of terms that are commonly u...
Published date:
31 October 2013
The RK&M glossary defines important concepts and terminology for the purposes of the RK&M project. Compiled by the members of the project team, it is intended as a source of terms that are commonly u...
Published date:
23 October 2012
This bibliography aims at providing an overview over the work performed in the field of the preservation of records, knowledge and memory in relation with radioactive waste management, especially dis...
Published date:
7 November 2011
This bibliography aims at providing an overview over the work performed in the field of the preservation of records, knowledge and memory in relation with radioactive waste management, especially dis...
Published date:
23 October 2012
The RK&M glossary defines important concepts and terms that are commonly used. It is under continuous development by the project team and represents a peer-reviewed set of terms. It should be pointed...
Published date:
3 March 2014
This bibliography aims at providing an overview over the work performed in the field of the preservation of records, knowledge and memory in relation with radioactive waste management, especially dis...
Published date:
3 June 2014
This bibliography aims at providing an overview of the work performed in the field of preservation of records, knowledge and memory in relation to radioactive waste management, especially disposal. F...
Published date:
6 April 2018
This document provides a brief summary of the decisions made during the 10th meeting of the Working Party on Decommissioning and Dismantling (WPDD), held on 17-19 November 2009.
Published date:
18 January 2010
All RF colleagues are asked to provide written replies to questions listed in this document. Responses will be compiled and analysed, and the analysis will be distributed a few days prior to RWMC-43....
Published date:
29 January 2010
At its 2009 meeting, RWMC members were very positive on starting an initiative on long-term preservation of information and memory. The topic is broad and should be addressed in well-defined packages...
Published date:
3 February 2010
This document is the summary record of the topical session on Management of Large Components from Decommissioning to Storage and Disposal held at the Working Party on Decommissioning and Dismantling'...
Published date:
22 February 2010
At RWMC-42 a decision was made to produce a flyer on the waste management profession. A few countries provided relevant materials. Discussions within the RWMC Bureau produced the hereby provided "vis...
Published date:
2 March 2010
The RWMC Bureau suggests that a text of 10-15 pages be prepared as input to the International Conference on Geological Repositories (ICGR-2011) conference and finalised thereafter. The text would foc...
Published date:
2 March 2010
This document describes the achievements and programme of work of the working parties of the Radioactive Waste Management Committee. It was prepared for presentation at the RWMC-43 meeting held at th...
Published date:
9 March 2010
Long-term preservation of records, knowledge and memory is an important component of the RWMC programme of work. As part of its series of initiatives in this area, the RWMC surveyed national programm...
Published date:
26 March 2010
The work of the RWMC Regulators’ Forum on regulation and safety criteria for geological disposal of radioactive wastes, which culminated in the Tokyo workshop of January 2009, has identified a number...
Published date:
6 May 2010
The RWMC is implementing its programme of work in the field of long-term preservation of information and memory. This document describes proposed goals and deliverables of a RWMC project over the per...
Published date:
18 May 2010
In March 2010 a topical session was held on this subject during the plenary meeting of the RWMC with a view to identify common issues and, in due course, to start the RWMC first international project...
Published date:
25 June 2010
This document contains a summary of the actions taken at the Radioactive Waste Management Committee's (RWMC) Reversibility and Retrievability Project Meeting, held in Paris, France on 21-23 June 2010...
Published date:
20 September 2010
The second phase of the RWMC Reversibility and Retrievability project was a data gathering phase, through use of a questionnaire to elicit information on the current status of disposal programmes in ...
Published date:
22 September 2010
This draft report deals with the concepts of reversibility and retrievability for the deep disposal of high-level radioactive waste and spent fuel. It documents the results of an initiative that was ...
Published date:
24 September 2010
The present report outlines the potential merits of R&D work carried out by the regulator. It summarises the results of a questionnaire that was circulated among the members of the Regulators' Forum ...
Published date:
29 January 2010
The present report outlines the potential merits of R&D work carried out by the regulator. It summarises the results of a questionnaire that was circulated among the members of the Regulators' Forum ...
Published date:
10 November 2010
This document was prepared by the Nuclear Energy Agency's (NEA) Working Party on Decommissioning and Dismantling (WPDD) in collaboration with the European Commission‟s Directorate General for Ene...
Published date:
18 March 2011