The world’s nuclear power reactors are ageing, with the majority approaching the end of their planned operational lifetimes in the coming years. The adequacy of funding for decommissioning and radioa...
The Workshop on the Multifactor Optimisation of Predisposal Management of Radioactive Waste held on 10-14 February 2020 fostered a rich exchange among participants that highlighted the broad spectrum...
A new NEA report on Ensuring the Adequacy of Funding for Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management was launched in an online expert roundtable on 18 June 2021, where the NEA presented analysis...
NEA News is the professional journal of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA). It features articles on the latest nuclear energy issues concerning the economic and technical aspects of nuclear energy, nucl...
The purpose of the event is to share experiences in the management of radioactive waste, with the aim of increasing the visibility of progress, good practice and effective solutions.
The Expert Group on Characterisation Methodology of Unconventional and Legacy Waste (EGCUL) was established under the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Radioactive Waste Management Committee (RWMC) and it ...
The NEA will host the Sixth International Conference on Geological Repositories (ICGR-6) on 4-8 April 2022 in Helsinki, Finland.
This document is the fifth of the five interrelated reports of the Radioactive Waste Repository Metadata Management (RepMet) Initiative. The series of reports discusses the key aspects of data and re...
This document is the fourth of the five interrelated reports of the Radioactive Waste Repository Metadata Management (RepMet) Initiative. The series of reports discusses the key aspects of data and r...
This document is the third of the five interrelated reports of the Radioactive Waste Repository Metadata Management (RepMet) Initiative. The series of reports discusses the key aspects of data and re...
This document is the second of the five interrelated reports of the Radioactive Waste Repository Metadata Management (RepMet) Initiative. The series of reports discusses the key aspects of data and r...
The Regulators’ Forum (RF), the Radioactive Waste Management Committee (RWMC) and the Committee on Decommissioning of Nuclear Installations (CDLM) held their annual plenary meetings and a joint commi...
The Sixth International Conference on Geological Repositories (ICGR-6) gathered participants in in Helsinki, Finland, on 4-8 April.
The Euratom Conferences FISA 2022 – EURADWASTE ’22 will take place on 30 May – 3 June 2022 in Lyon, France.
This will be the 10th edition of the Euratom research and training conferences on fission s...
The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the Nuclear Damage Compensation and Decommissioning Facilitation Corporation (NDF) are organising an international workshop on the characterisation of large quanti...
NEA News is the professional journal of the NEA. It features articles on the latest nuclear energy issues concerning the economic and technical aspects of nuclear energy, nuclear safety and regulatio...
The FSC workshop participants discussed best practices for community and youth engagement around the topic of radioactive waste disposal.
How can knowledge of high-level radioactive waste existence, nature and history be passed on to future generations? The NEA Expert Group on Awareness Preservation (EGAP) has been focusing on this que...
The Integration Group for the Safety Case (IGSC) was established in 2000 by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Radioactive Waste Management Committee (RWMC) in recognition of the need for continued...
Following a safety-oriented, stepwise procedure for geological repository siting, the Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan (NUMO) requested in 2021 that the NEA facilitate an independent in...
The Horonobe International Joint Project (HIP) is a collaborative project between the NEA and Japan Atomic Energy Agency established in February 2023.
NEA Regulators' Forum meet at the NEA in Paris to discuss regulatory issues
Momentum in regards to disposal solutions for radioactive waste has rapidly picked up over the last five years. Several countries have entered the licensing phase of establishing a deep geological re...
NEA delegation led by Director-General Magwood was in Romania for a series of meetings and to co-host a workshop.
A collective statement of the NEA Radioactive Waste Management Committee from 2014 states that maintaining records, knowledge and memory (RK&M) for a radioactive waste repository after its closure wi...
COVID-19 caused a series of major changes in society, including in the way people communicate and engage with each other. The impact on communication and stakeholder engagement activities was particu...
In October 2022, the NEA Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC) organised, in collaboration with the Belgian Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Materials (ONDRAF/NIRAS), a national work...
The Integration Group for the Safety Case (IGSC) has been organising a series of symposia every five years focusing on the development of a competent and robust safety case since 2007, in co‑operatio...
The 13th National Workshop organised by the NEA Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC) took place on 23-25 October in Ohio, United States.
The NEA Radioactive Waste Management Committee (RWMC) created the Ad-hoc Group on the Extended Storage and Transportation (AhGEST) in 2021. Following the work on these two topics, AhGEST presented it...
Some 100 international experts convened in New Jersey, U.S for the Workshop on Extended Storage and Transportation of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste from Current and Future Reactor Technologies.
Safe disposal of radioactive waste (RW), including spent fuel, must take into consideration long timescales as implied by radioactive waste management (RWM). The NEA Radioactive Waste Management Comm...
The NEA Joint Project on Waste Integration for Small and Advanced Reactor Designs (WISARD) will start in 2025.
Ahead of the project launch, the NEA organised a meeting to discuss the progress.
The opening session of the Seventh International Conference on Geological Repositories (ICGR-7) in Busan, Korea. Photo: Krystal Kenney
There is consensus within the international scientific communi...
The committee supports member countries in the development of safe and economically efficient management of all types of radioactive waste (including spent fuel) based on the latest scientific and te...
The goal of EGCUL is to share state-of-the-art knowledge and experience in characterising a large amount of unknown waste derived from nuclear accidents and past nuclear activities.