Published date:
31 December 1990
The optimisation of the nuclear fuel cycle is a key issue for the sustainability of nuclear energy. This book presents the papers from a workshop which investigated alternative nuclear energy futures...
Published date:
1 January 1999
Energy and nuclear policy makers face many challenges as they evaluate options to ensure an adequate supply of electricity while pursuing environmental, economic and energy security goals. Many analy...
Published date:
1 January 2000
The concept of sustainable development, which emerged from the report of the 1987 World Commission on Environment and Development (the Brundtland report), is of increasing interest to policy makers a...
Published date:
7 December 2000
Nuclear power plant life management (PLIM) has become an important issue in the context of changing business circumstances caused by regulatory reform of the electricity market. Specifically, the eco...
Published date:
31 December 2001
The objective of the OECD/NEA Information Exchange Programme on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation (P&T), established in 1989, is to enhance the value of basic research in th...
Published date:
19 June 2001
Large stocks of depleted uranium have arisen as a result of enrichment operations, especially in the United States and the Russian Federation. Countries with depleted uranium stocks are interested in...
Published date:
22 August 2001
The role of nuclear energy in a sustainable development context has multiple facets, a significant number of which relate to the nuclear fuel cycle. This report provides a description of the developm...
Published date:
1 January 2002
Published date:
7 May 2002
La mise en oeuvre du Protocole de Kyoto et l'application de ses mécanismes de flexibilité sont au premier plan des débats de politique énergétique dans la plupart des pays de l'OCDE. Le rôle que l'én...
Published date:
26 July 2002
The implementation of the Kyoto Protocol and the application of its "flexible mechanisms" are at the forefront of energy policy debates in most OECD countries. The potential role of nuclear energy in...
Published date:
26 July 2002
The decommissioning of nuclear power plants is a topic of increasing interest to governments and the industry as many nuclear units approach retirement. It is important in this context to assess deco...
Published date:
11 August 2003
Published date:
28 October 2003
The main objective of national energy policies in OECD countries is to ensure the availability of secure and economic supplies with minimal environmental impact. The means of achieving security and c...
Published date:
31 March 2004
L'objectif essentiel des politiques énergétiques des pays de l'OCDE est d'assurer la sécurité d'approvisionnement au meilleur coût tout en respectant l'environnement. Les moyens mis en oeuvre pour at...
Published date:
2 April 2004
This study analyses a range of advanced nuclear fuel cycle options from the perspective of their effect on radioactive waste management policies. It presents various fuel cycle options which illustra...
Published date:
26 May 2006
Pour une grande partie de la classe politique et de la population, la très longue durée de vie de certains radionucléides contenus dans les déchets radioactifs pose un problème difficile pour le stoc...
Published date:
29 May 2006
For many politicians and members of the public, the very long life of some of the radio-nuclides in radioactive waste is an issue of particular importance in terms of its ultimate disposal. The devel...
Published date:
29 May 2006
Cette étude analyse différents cycles du combustible nucléaire avancés du point de vue de leur impact sur la gestion des déchets radioactifs. Elle examine divers cycles et illustre les différences en...
Published date:
4 August 2006
This book, prepared by NEA member country experts, contains data and analyses relevant to nuclear power plant life management and the plants' extended, longer-term operation (LTO). It addresses techn...
Published date:
24 October 2006
Ce livre, préparé par des experts des pays membres de l'AEN, contient des données et des analyses relatives à la gestion et à la prolongation de la durée de vie des centrales nucléaires. Il couvre le...
Published date:
28 November 2006
Interest in nuclear energy continues to grow in many countries as a means to ensure security of energy supply and to limit greenhouse gas emissions from the power sector. In this context, recyclable ...
Published date:
27 April 2007
L'intérêt pour l'énergie nucléaire va croissant dans de nombreux pays en raison de sa capacité d'accroître la sécurité d'approvisionnement énergétique et de réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de se...
Published date:
13 June 2007
Published date:
20 June 2007
Published date:
20 June 2007
This study identifies key factors influencing the timing of high-level waste (HLW) disposal and examines how social acceptability, technical soundness, environmental responsibility and economic feasi...
Published date:
15 May 2008
Cette étude met en évidence les facteurs clés affectant le calendrier du stockage définitif des déchets radioactifs de haute activité. Elle analyse comment l'acceptation sociale, la robustesse techni...
Published date:
14 August 2008
Published date:
10 December 2009
Les réactions du public face à l’énergie nucléaire sont fondamentales pour la détermination des politiques nucléaires dans les pays de l’OCDE/AEN, et ces derniers ne pourront faire appel à cette sour...
Published date:
22 March 2010
Published date:
7 September 2010
Large volumes of hazardous wastes are produced each year, however only a small proportion of them are radioactive. While disposal options for hazardous wastes are generally well established, some typ...
Published date:
16 September 2010
The need to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in an effort to tackle climate change has become a major driver of energy policy. Indeed, many believe that an "energy revolution" is needed to decarbon...
Published date:
15 November 2010
Chaque année on produit de grandes quantités de déchets dangereux, mais seule une faible proportion est constituée de déchets radioactifs. Si, globalement, on a trouvé des solutions satisfaisantes po...
Published date:
22 April 2011
Interest in expanding nuclear power to cope with rising demand for energy and potential climate change places increased attention on the nuclear fuel cycle and whether significant moves are being tak...
Published date:
21 December 2011
Interest in expanding nuclear power to cope with rising demand for energy and potential climate change places increased attention on the nuclear fuel cycle and whether significant moves are being tak...
Published date:
16 January 2012
This report assesses the role that nuclear energy can play in supporting the transition to a low-carbon energy system. It begins by considering the greenhouse gas emissions from the full nuclear fuel...
Published date:
18 June 2012
Refurbishment and long-term operation (LTO) of existing nuclear power plants (NPPs) today are crucial to the competitiveness of the nuclear industry in OECD countries as existing nuclear power plants...
Published date:
19 December 2012
L'intérêt porté au développement de l'énergie nucléaire pour satisfaire une demande croissante d'énergie et faire face au changement climatique conduit à s'intéresser de plus près au cycle du combust...
Published date:
31 December 2013
Published date:
23 October 2013
The feasibility and costs of spent nuclear fuel management and the consequent disposal of ultimate waste continue to be the subject of public debate in many countries, with particular concern often e...
Published date:
23 October 2013
Nuclear new build has been progressing steadily since the year 2000, with the construction of 94 new reactors initiated and 56 completed reactors connected to the grid. Among these new reactors are s...
Published date:
20 July 2015
The global response to address climate change is a key policy challenge of the 21st century. Many governments around the world have agreed that action should be taken to achieve large cuts in greenho...
Published date:
5 November 2015
Published date:
17 November 2015
10 -
11 December 2015
Paris, France
The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) organized side events at COP21 to offer an opportunity to learn more about the contribution of nuclear energy to...
Published date:
22 June 2020
20 January 2016
Paris, France
Published date:
24 June 2020
NEA Director General William D. Magwood, IV delivering his opening remarks at the International Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Power in the 21st Century. St Regis Saadiyat Island Resort, Abu Dhabi...
Published date:
31 October 2017
NEA Director General William D. Magwood, IV delivering his opening remarks at the International Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Power in the 21st Century. St Regis Saadiyat Island Resort, Abu Dhabi...
Published date:
31 October 2017
13 April 2018
Paris, France
On 13 April 2018, the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) launched The Full Costs of Electricity Provision.
Electricity production, transport and consumption affect every facet of life. Market prices and pro...
Published date:
15 June 2020
Electricity provision touches upon every facet of life in OECD and non-OECD countries alike, and choosing how this electricity is generated - whether from fossil fuels, nuclear energy or renewables -...
Published date:
13 April 2018
This NEA Policy Brief introduces the ongoing research on the overall costs of electricity, as only certain costs of electricity provision are perceived directly by producers and consumers. Other cost...
Published date:
1 July 2018