The Expert Group on Reactor-based Plutonium Disposition (TFRPD) dealt with the status and trends of reactor physics, fuel performance and fuel cycle issues related to the disposition of weapons-grade...
The Expert Group on Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities (SATIF) dealt with the various aspects of the modelling and design of accelerator shield systems and radiatio...
The expert group provided advice to the Working Party on Scientific Issues of Reactor Systems (WPRS) on the scientific development needs (data and methods, validation experiments, scenario studies) o...
First Information Exchange Meeting on the Nuclear Production of Hydrogen, Paris, France, 2-3 October, 2000 - Programme and abstracts
The benchmark will predict the Critical Heat Flux (CHF).
The NEA organised the first International School on Simulation of Nuclear Reactor Systems (SINUS) on the topic of Reactor single- and multi-physics simulations based on Light Water Reactor (LWR) Unce...
Fluoride salt-cooled high-temperature reactors (FHRs), cooled with liquid (molten) salt, fueled with TRISO-based fuel are a potential molten salt reactor (MSR) design.
Forsmark 1 and 2 Boiling Water Reactor Stability Benchmark
The NEA Nuclear Science Committee (NSC) had previously organised three information exchange meetings to discuss scientific and strategic matters pertaining to the nuclear production of hydrogen. Earl...
Fourth Information Exchange Meeting on thr Nuclear Production of Hydrogen, 13-16 April 2009, Oakbrook, IL, USA - Programme
High-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs), also known as very-high-temperature reactors (VHTR) are Generation IV reactors that can operate at very high temperatures and use a graphite-moderated ga...
The Technical Review Groups for both projects met at the NEA headquarters on 3-7 April 2023.
ICSBEP, SINBAD AND IRPhEP Technical Review Group meetings
The objective of the benchmark was twofold. First, the benchmark aimed to evaluate currently available computational approaches in an effort to understand the strengths and weaknesses of current ther...
The need to refine models for best-estimate calculations based on good-quality experimental data has arisen for various nuclear applications. One of the most extensive and valuable databases availabl...
International Fuel Performance Experiments (IFPE) is a data collection of nuclear fuel performance experiments for the purpose of code development and validation.
The 2021 edition contains data from 169 experimental series that were performed at 57 nuclear facilities.
The International Handbook of Evaluated Reactor Physics Benchmark Experiments (IRPhE) contains reactor physics benchmark specifications that have been derived from experiments that were performed at ...
The IRPhEP Database and Analysis Tool (IDAT) was first released in 2013 and is included on the IRPhE Handbook DVD. This database and corresponding user interface allows easy access to handbook inform...
ICSBEP, SINBAD AND IRPhEP Technical Review Group meetings, October 2021.