Published date:
27 June 2014
An international Workshop on Challenges and Enhancements to Defence in Depth (DiD) in Light of the Fukushima Daiichi Accident was jointly organised by the NEA Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activiti...
Published date:
22 May 2014
The Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident demonstrated the importance of increasing the robustness of NPPs to extreme external conditions and beyond design basis accidents. In this respect, the CNRA establi...
Published date:
29 January 2014
The Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident serves as a case study for various disciplines within nuclear sciences. Researchers worldwide in health physics, radio-ecology, severe accident analysis, and human ...
Published date:
6 January 2014
This report issued by Working Group for Inspection Practices (WGIP) aims to examine and evaluate how maintenance programs are inspected and the benefits of the inspections. This information would the...
Published date:
10 December 2013
Published date:
30 May 2013
The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) Working Group on Inspection Practices (WGIP) sponsored the 11th International Workshop on Nuclear Regulatory Ins...
Published date:
24 July 2012
Following discussions at the CNRA meeting held on 7-8 June 2010, the Senior Task Group on Long-term Operation was established to prepare a document on regulatory challenges for long-term operation of...
Published date:
15 May 2012
This appendix provides the complete compilation of responses received to the questionnaire issued in conjunction with the International Operating Experience Feedback Workshop. The workshop was coordi...
Published date:
15 May 2012
Based on the regulatory actions underway or being considered in different member countries concerning their ability to maintain their corporate knowledge with respect to the ageing work force, the Co...
Published date:
10 February 2012
Published date:
14 June 2011
On 25 July 2006, Forsmark Unit 1 experienced a short circuit in the offsite 400kV switchyard causing the inoperability of two emergency diesel generators.
This event identified weaknesses in the ele...
Published date:
16 March 2011
At its May 2009 meeting, the WGOE identified transformer failures as an issue of generic importance. The US NRC had identified that transformer failures had an increasing trend. Transfortmers are non...
Published date:
17 February 2011
The purpose of this task group report is to show existing national trending tasks and to assess the possibilities in trending of internationally reported events. The report discusses the opportunitie...
Published date:
17 February 2011
The Joint CSNI/CNRA Strategic Plan states, the Committees' Operating Plans describe each Committee's organisation, priorities and operating procedures to be used in fulfilling their mandates. The Ope...
Published date:
7 October 2010
This report originated at the 35th meeting of the Working Group of Inspection Practices (WGIP) Members aimed to examine and evaluate the extent corrective action programmes (CAPs) are inspected and t...
Published date:
4 August 2010
Consistent with the CNRA/CSNI Joint Strategic Plan (2005-2009) and CNRA Operating Plan, the WGRNR began in May 2008 a task of examining and documenting the various practices used by regulatory author...
Published date:
17 May 2010
This appendix provides the complete compilation of responses received to the question issued in conjunction with the workshop held on 1-5 June 2008 in Porvoo (Finland), dealing with Training and Qual...
Published date:
4 February 2010
In 2006, the CNRA Working Group on Operating Experience (WGOE) began the task of examining national and international operating events databases in order to identify any potential safety issues relat...
Published date:
19 May 2009
In order to capture the current situation, members of the WGOE IOEF Task Group provided short narratives outlining their national OEF practices. The IOEF Report notes that, in order to get a comprehe...
Published date:
11 May 2009
Fire is a one of the hazards that is most commonly encountered in Nuclear Power Plants and could result in damages to safety related systems and to systems important to obtain and maintain safe shutd...
Published date:
10 February 2009
This revision of the CNRA Historical Record represents an up-to-date accounting of the work performed by the Committee since its conception in 1989. As noted during the 2004 review of the CNRA, “This...
Published date:
8 July 2008
The main objective of the CNRA Working Group on Operating Experience (WGOE) is to share experience and knowledge, analyse and provide expert insights from operating experience to reach timely conclus...
Published date:
22 January 2008
Published date:
17 June 2008
With the development of the Joint CSNI/CNRA Strategic Plan and the drafting of a CNRA Operating Plan, the need to develop operating guidelines was recognised. These documents along with the Review Re...
Published date:
22 January 2008
The Joint CSNI/CNRA Strategic Plan states in its last paragraph that: "CNRA and CSNI each prepare an operating plan which describes in more detail their committeeís organisation, planned activities, ...
Published date:
22 January 2008
This appendix provides the complete compilation of responses received to the questionnaire issued in conjunction with the workshop announcements. The responses are provided as received, with changes ...
Published date:
29 March 2007
This report is the third in a series of the WGOE (Working Group on Operating Experience) of reports on recurring events. The first two reports NEA/CSNI/R(1999)19 and NEA/CSNI/R(2003)13 discussed a va...
Published date:
5 September 2006
These guidelines have been produced in conjunction with the development of the CNRA Operating Plan. The purpose behind this is to establish a systematic and transparent approach to how the CNRA and i...
Published date:
27 June 2006
The Joint CSNI/CNRA Strategic Plan states in its last paragraph that:
"CNRA and CSNI each prepare an operating plan which describes in more detail their committeeís organisation, planned activities, ...
Published date:
26 June 2006
In 1998, the NEA Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) began an activity, the objective of which was to advance the discussion on how to enhance and measure regulatory effectiveness in re...
Published date:
1 March 2006
This appendix provides the complete compilation of responses received to the questionnaire issued in conjunction with the workshop announcements. The responses are provided as received, with changes ...
Published date:
27 June 2005
In some countries, there is a growing demand for information about NPP performance from the executives, public and media. Such a demand has to be responded to and the information provided need to be ...
Published date:
27 May 2005
This report completes a study that was endorsed by CNRA following discussion on the issue. It is intended to be a basis for a new section in the next revision of the “Status Report on Regulatory Insp...
Published date:
4 April 2005
Published date:
24 November 2014
The organisations, structures and processes of regulatory authorities have evolved over the past 50 or so years. Major changes have taken place following events such as Three Mile Island and Chernoby...
Published date:
15 November 2004
This report presents a comparison of inspection practices at Research Reactors (RR) versus Nuclear Power Plants (Nuclear Power Plants) in participating OECD Nuclear Energy Member Countries. Key quest...
Published date:
5 March 2004
This report presents the WGIP survey on contracted work. The task was undertaken by the WGIP to identify trends and impacts from the use contractors by NPP organisations in member countries. The surv...
Published date:
3 October 2003
This report by the Working Group on Inspection Practices provides information and perspectives on how inspections of nuclear fuel cycle facilities are carried out in NEA member countries.
Published date:
14 March 2003
The attached tables 1,2 are a comparison of international practises with respect to license periods for nuclear-related licensed activities. These tables were prepared by the Canadian Nuclear Safety ...
Published date:
16 September 2002
During discussions at several meetings, the Working Group on Inspection Practices (WGIP) on management and safety culture issues, it was agreed: it was important that the management of a licensee nee...
Published date:
14 November 2001
In 1995 the WGIP issued Status Report on Inspection Philosophy, Inspection Organisation and Inspection Practices, NEA/CNRA/R(94)3, OCDE/GD(95)3. Included was information on the regulatory bodies in 1...
Published date:
9 November 2001
In late 1998 the Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities agreed that the Working Group on Inspection Practices [WGIP] should discuss the subject of effectiveness of regulatory inspections and prod...
Published date:
7 November 2001
Based on a proposal made by the Japanese delegation, WGIP with the approval of CNRA began a task on the Inspection of Maintenance on Safety Systems during Operation of NPPs is 1999. Response to a sur...
Published date:
23 August 2001
In many countries the industrial activities for the decommissioning of shut down nuclear facilities have increased within the last ten years and are constantly increasing as older facilities retire a...
Published date:
17 April 2001
As part of the recommendations made in the CNRA report on Future Nuclear Regulatory Challenges, the issue of regulatory effectiveness was considered of high importance. As a result of this report, a ...
Published date:
9 January 2001
At its annual meeting in June 1999, the Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) agreed to hold a Special Issue Meeting in June 2000 on the topic of “Life Extension and Upgrading”. This repo...
Published date:
9 January 2001
At its annual meeting in June 1999, the Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) agreed to hold a Special Issue Meeting in June 2000 on the topic of “Life Extension and Upgrading”. This repo...
Published date:
9 January 2001
The NEA’s Strategic Plan, published in 1999, has recommended that all committees review their programme and working methods, and develop their own strategic plan. As a result, the CNRA Bureau develop...
Published date:
23 May 2000
These commandable practices are extracts from the topcs, which were discussed by the WGIP and were thought to ber reference for Member countries. These are neither international standards nor guideli...
Published date:
11 April 2000