The world’s nuclear power reactors are ageing, with the majority approaching the end of their planned operational lifetimes in the coming years. The adequacy of funding for decommissioning and radioa...
This report is based on a study carried out by the NEA Decommissioning Cost Estimation Group (DCEG) on decommissioning cost elements, estimation practices and reporting requirements. Its findings ind...
This document provides sources used in the NEA SMR Dashboard: Volume II.
The long-term hazard of radioactive waste arising from nuclear energy production is a matter of continued discussion and public concern in many countries. Through partitioning and transmutation (P&T)...
This document is an extension of the NEA/SEN/SIN/AMA(2006)2 report produced by the Writing Group 3 on the extension of CFD to two-phase flow safety problems, which was formed following the recommen...
The Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) is jointly sponsored by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Since 1992, ISOE has provided a forum...
This report includes information provided confidentially by supply chain participants to support this new work of the NEA, which follows previous work undertaken by the High-level Group on the Securi...
At the request of its member countries, the NEA became involved in global efforts to ensure an economically sustainable secure supply of molybdenum-99/technetium-99m. This final concluding report of ...