The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Working Group on the Analysis and Management of Accidents (WGAMA) aims to contribute to the assessment of the prevention, mitigation and management of accidents, ultim...
Knowledge of basic nuclear physics data is essential for the modelling and safe operation of all types of nuclear facilities. The de facto international standard format, Evaluated Nuclear Data File 6...
The Nuclear Law Bulletin is a unique international publication for both professionals and academics in the field of nuclear law. It provides readers with authoritative and comprehensive information o...
There is a consensus in the international community that geological repositories provide the necessary long-term safety and security to isolate long-lived radioactive waste. However, despite the tech...
In May 2022, the Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC) and the Integration Group for the Safety Case (IGSC) held a Joint Workshop with stakeholders from Germany, Sweden and Switzerland to assess the ...
All low-carbon solutions will be required to achieve the world's net zero targets. Nuclear energy has a role to play in meeting this need. A wave of innovation in small modular reactors (SMRs) is adv...
This document provides sources used in the NEA SMR Dashboard: Volume II.
In the current project, a new systematic approach has been developed, called SAPIUM (systematic approach for input uncertainty quantification methodology) for transparent and rigorous model IUQ. This...
The Expert Group on International Recommendations (EGIR) was re-established by the NEA Committee on Radiological Protection and Public Health (CRPPH) in 2021 to evaluate the International Commission ...
NEA News is the professional journal of the NEA. It features articles on the latest nuclear energy issues concerning the economic and technical aspects of nuclear energy, nuclear safety and regulatio...
Uranium is the main raw material fuelling all nuclear fission reactors today. Countries around the world use it to reliably generate low-carbon electricity, process heat and hydrogen as part of their...
This document provides sources used in the NEA SMR Dashboard.
Female scientists and engineers pioneered the nuclear and radiological fields, with leaders and innovators such as Marie Skłodowska-Curie and Lise Meitner, among many others, establishing the foundat...
The transformative activity of mining has numerous economic, social and environmental impacts that can be both positive and adverse for communities, ecosystems and economies. As the uranium industry ...
This benchmark report has been compiled under the guidance of the NEA Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety (WPNCS) in the Subgroup on the Role of Integral Experiment Uncertainties and Covarian...
Following a safety-oriented, stepwise procedure for geological repository siting, the Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan (NUMO) requested in 2021 that the NEA facilitate an independent in...