NEA Nuclear Education, Skills and Technology (NEST) Framework session at the Conference on Nuclear Training and Education: A Biennial International Forum (CONTE 201) on 10 February 2021.
Published date:
12 April 2021
The NEA spoke with Professor Okamoto, who leads the NEST ARTERD project on the NEST Framework and its objectives.
Published date:
2 November 2021
The Clean Energy Ministerial’s Nuclear Innovation: Clean Energy Future (NICE Future) initiative and the International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC) hosted a webinar on Earth Day, 22 April 2021, on Po...
Published date:
29 April 2021
The NEA has established the Global Forum on Nuclear Education, Science, Technology and Policy, which entered into force on 28 January 2021.
Published date:
29 January 2021
A chat with Stephen King, PhD student and NEST Fellow.
Published date:
5 August 2021
A chat with Todd Allen, Chair and Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences at the University of Michigan, and co-lead of the NEST Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) project.
Published date:
10 June 2021
New NEA task force on partitioning and transmutation kicks off
Published date:
27 January 2021
Sustainable development is a goal that transcends national boundaries and generations of people. It integrates environmental protection, economic growth and social welfare.
Published date:
22 July 2020
The NEA organised a virtual workshop on 7 October 2021 to explore the opportunities and challenges associated with High-temperature reactors for industrial heat applications.
Published date:
8 November 2021
The NEA Data Bank organised its second online training session on FISPACT-II from 18 to 28 October 2021. Facilitated by the code developers at the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, the course a...
Published date:
2 November 2021
Insights from the NEST Framework: A chat with Lea Zimmermann, NEST Fellow
Published date:
5 October 2021
Techniquement, les réacteurs nucléaires de fission, qu’ils soient en service ou en cours de construction, peuvent fournir des produits autres que l’électricité. Cependant, alors que les applications ...
Published date:
1 January 2004
Technically, nuclear fission reactors in operation or being built can supply non-electricity products. However, while non-electrical applications have been considered since the very beginning of nucl...
Published date:
1 January 2004
Insights from the NEST Framework: A chat with Larissa Shasko, PhD student and NEST Fellow.
Published date:
6 September 2021
The feasibility and costs of spent nuclear fuel management and the consequent disposal of ultimate waste continue to be the subject of public debate in many countries, with particular concern often e...
Published date:
23 October 2013
The decommissioning of nuclear power plants is a topic of increasing interest to governments and the industry as many nuclear units approach retirement. It is important in this context to assess deco...
Published date:
11 August 2003
14 -
18 December 2020
Zoom webinar
The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) in collaboration with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) hosted an international, multi-sector workshop on 14-18 December 2020 on safely regulating inn...
Published date:
25 May 2021
Nuclear Education, Skills and Technology
(NEST) Framework Fellows
Larissa Shasko and Stephen King
Thursday, 8 April 2021 at 15:30-16:30 Paris time
Nuclear skills and education are an increasingly i...
Published date:
4 April 2021
NEA Nuclear Education, Skills and Technology (NEST) Framework session at the Conference on Nuclear Training and Education: A Biennial International Forum (CONTE 201) on 10 February 2021.
Published date:
25 February 2021
The NEST Management Board met virtually on 9-10 March 2021 to discuss the ongoing progress made in six NEST Projects and the challenges posed to NEST activities by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Published date:
22 March 2021
This joint report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) is the ninth in a series of studies on electricity generating costs. As countries work towards ensuring ...
Published date:
9 December 2020
This ongoing series on projected costs of generating electricity presents and analyses cost estimates for some 130 power and co-generation (heat and power) plants using coal, gas, nuclear and renewab...
Published date:
15 June 2020
This workshop series will bring together experts from the nuclear energy, sustainability and financing sectors to discuss approaches for financing sustainable, large infrastructure projects with a fo...
Published date:
21 October 2020
14 -
15 January 2021
Virtual (via Zoom)
Vogtle 3, 4 nuclear power plant, Georgia, Photo: Georgia Power.
Published date:
30 January 2021
This workbook has been developed to aid reactor and alternative technology operators identify their full costs associated with the provision of irradiation services for 99Mo production. The workbook ...
Published date:
30 August 2020
This document provides guidance to reactor and alternative production technology (e.g., cyclotrons, accelerators) operators on how to undertake full-cost identification and implement full-cost recove...
Published date:
13 August 2020
13 -
14 February 2014
Paris, France
The Barakah nuclear power plant. Photo: ENEC, United Arab Emirates.
The workshop on 'Modelling Employment in the Nuclear Power Sector' was held at NEA Headquarters in Issy-les-Moulineaux ...
Published date:
13 February 2014
Studies on fast reactors have historically concentrated on their capability to use plutonium produced in thermal reactors as initial fuel, and subsequently their capacity to produce electricity while...
Published date:
1 November 1996
Studies on fast reactors have historically concentrated on their capability of using plutonium produced in thermal reactors as initial fuel, and subsequently their capacity to produce electricity whi...
Published date:
1 November 1995
The quality of the isotopic composition of plutonium fuel degrades as the number of recycles increases in thermal reactors, requiring an increase in the total loading necessary in mixed plutonium-ura...
Published date:
17 November 2020
Published date:
30 June 2020
Published date:
30 June 2020
Published date:
30 June 2020
Published date:
30 June 2020
Published date:
30 June 2020
Published date:
30 June 2020
Published date:
30 June 2020
Published date:
30 June 2020
Published date:
30 June 2020
Published date:
30 June 2020
Published date:
30 June 2020
Published date:
30 June 2020
17 -
18 September 2020
Paris, France
Spent Nuclear Fuel Pool. Photo: Cogema.
The NEA study on the “Adequacy of Funding Arrangements for Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management” is a part of the Programme of Work of...
Published date:
17 September 2020
The NEA has studied multiple recycling issues associated with various reactor systems fuelled with mixed-oxide (MOX) and published a series of computational physics benchmarks. This has led to improv...
Published date:
21 June 2007
The NEA has studied multiple recycling issues associated with various reactor systems fuelled with mixed-oxide (MOX) and published a series of computational physics benchmarks. This has led to improv...
Published date:
21 June 2007
The commercial recycling of plutonium as PUO2/UO2 mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel is an established practice in pressurised water reactors (PWRs) in several countries, the main motivation being the consumptio...
Published date:
10 March 2003
Although the recycling of plutonium as thermal mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel in pressurised water reactors (PWRs) is now well-established on a commercial scale, many physics questions remain. The main quest...
Published date:
23 October 2002
This study analyses the need for adjustments in or new developments of the fuel cycle for Small Modular Reactors.
Published date:
4 November 2020
16 July 2020
Paris, France
The NEA encourages governments to take advantage of the post‑COVID‑19 economic recovery to accelerate the energy transition towards meeting climate objectives.
- Post‑pandemic recovery plans to reconc...
Published date:
21 October 2020
Disruptive technologies for nuclear safety applications
Published date:
13 August 2020