Exposure of workers to ionising radiation should be kept as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). Approaches to accomplishing this are developed through experience exchange and circumstance evaluatio...
Preparedness and management of nuclear or radiological emergencies are crucial areas for nuclear and non-nuclear member countries. Feedback from international exercises (e.g. INEX) indicate working a...
The practical application of radiological protection policy in international recommendations and national regulations is essential, as is their implementation in the field.
Radiological protection science addresses the radiobiological and epidemiological studies of the harmful effects of ionising radiation. This informs the development of radiological protection policy....
New NEA Expert Group on Comparison and Understanding of Dose Prognosis (EGDP) kicks off, 24 March 2020
Psychosocial aspects of radiological and nuclear emergencies
NEA Expert Group on the Dose Limit for the Lens of the Eye launches survey
Message from the workshop co-organisers:
Dear registered participants, Dear colleagues, Our three organisations, BfS, OECD/NEA and WHO, have been monitoring closely the evolution of the COVID-19 out...
Dear registered participants, Dear colleagues,
Our three organisations, BfS, OECD/NEA and WHO, have been monitoring closely the evolution of the COVID-19 out...
The Expert Group on Occupational Exposure (EGOE) will build on operational and regulatory experience in NEA member countries, focusing on the use of existing databases to identify where and how opera...
Preparedness for Post‑Accident Recovery Process: Lessons from Experience
The workshop provided an opportunity to discuss the major elements at stake for the structuring of a nuclear or radiological post-accident recovery management framework and to interact with Japanese ...
NEA Workshop on Optimisation: Rethinking the Art of Reasonable, 13‑15 January 2020
NEA Workshop on Optimisation: Rethinking the Art of Reasonable
13-15 January 2020Lisbon, Portugal
Hosted by Instituto de Oncologia de Lisboa-Francisco Gentil (IPOLFG) and Instituto Superior Técnico C...
Radiological protection is a term applied to the protection of workers, patients, the public and the environment from the harmful effects of exposure to ionising radiation, and ways to achieve this.
NEA Expert Group on Non‑radiological Public Health Aspects of Radiation Emergency Planning and Response (EGNR) kick‑off meeting on 5 November 2019.
NEA Working Party on Nuclear Emergency Matters (WPNEM) annual meeting, 6‑7 November 2019.
NEA Expert Group on Recovery Management (EGRM) meeting, 1‑2 October 2019.
The IAEA Technical Centre of the Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE), in collaboration with the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Centre, Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China organi...
This 26th Annual Report of the International System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) Programme presents the status of the Programme in 2016. As of 31 December 2016, the ISOE programme included 74 part...