NEA News is the professional journal of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA). It features articles on the latest nuclear energy issues concerning the economic and technical aspects of nuclear energy, nucl...
Published date:
29 June 2004
Robotics and remote systems (RRS) are essential technologies for work in the radiation environments typically encountered in the nuclear back-end, such as in radioactive waste management and decommis...
Published date:
13 January 2023
Online Event Focusing on Innovation within Nuclear Decommissioning - 25 March 2021
Published date:
13 January 2023
Virtual Stakeholder Confidence Workshop on the Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities in the United Kingdom, 16 September 2020.
Published date:
9 October 2020
The Working Group on the Radiological Protection Aspects of Decommissioning Activities at Nuclear Power Plants (WGDECOM) holds its 12th meeting in Germany
Published date:
13 December 2022
The NEA Committee on Decommissioning of Nuclear Installations and Legacy Management (CDLM) and the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) of the International Co-operative Programme for the Exchange of Scien...
Published date:
30 November 2022
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident: Message from Director-General Magwood
Published date:
11 March 2022
The Expert Group on a Holistic Process for Decision Making on Decommissioning and Management of Complex Sites (HDCS) continues to make progress with its forthcoming report to describe the scope of co...
Published date:
13 December 2021
The Regulators’ Forum (RF), the Radioactive Waste Management Committee (RWMC) and the Committee on Decommissioning of Nuclear Installations (CDLM) held their annual plenary meetings and a joint commi...
Published date:
4 April 2022
Radioactive waste management and decommissioning are knowledge-dependent activities that exist in robust regulatory frameworks and on long timescales, demanding IDKM and presenting unique challenges....
Published date:
25 June 2020
In 2012, following a proposal from Japan, the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) decided to initiate a joint project to conduct a study of the accident progression for the Fukush...
Published date:
1 March 2015
The FSC recently established a new group, Stakeholder Involvement in Decommissioning and Legacy Management (SIDLM), in response to member country needs regarding the methods and best practices to eng...
Published date:
4 October 2021
The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC) acts as a centre for informed exchange of knowledge and experience regarding stakeholder interaction and public participatio...
Published date:
20 January 2022
Published date:
28 July 2021
NEA Expert Group on the Application of Robotics and Remote Systems in the Nuclear Back-end (EGRRS) discusses how to improve the regulatory framework for robotic and remote systems applications.
Published date:
14 December 2021
Treated water currently stored at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station: Message from Director-General Magwood
Published date:
13 April 2021
NEA Forum on Stakeholder Confidence held its annual plenary meeting on 12-14 October 2021.
Published date:
19 October 2021
NEA Working Party on Information, Data and Knowledge Management (WP‑IDKM) held a topical session on IDKM timescales on 1-2 September 2021 towards building a common understanding of the timescales inv...
Published date:
5 October 2021
NEA Expert Group on Archiving for Radioactive Waste Management Activities (EGAR) meeting, 31 May - 1 June 2021.
Published date:
8 June 2021
NEA Working Party on Information, Data and Knowledge Management (WP‑IDKM) plenary meeting, 26-27 January 2021.
Published date:
29 January 2021
NEA Expert Group on the Application of Robotics and Remote Systems in the Nuclear Back‑end (EGRRS) plenary meeting, 7 December 2020
Published date:
16 December 2020
Published date:
24 November 2020
Any long-term radioactive waste management project is likely to last decades to centuries. It requires a physical site and will impact in a variety of ways on the surrounding community over that whol...
Published date:
14 June 2007
This brochure describes the mandate, profile, focus areas, and future challenges of the Regulators’ Forum (RF).
Published date:
10 December 2021
The NEA Co‑operative Programme for the Exchange of Scientific and Technical Information Concerning Nuclear Installation Decommissioning Projects (CPD) held its Technical Advisory Group (TAG) meeting ...
Published date:
3 November 2021
Managing uncertainty in siting and implementation – Creating a dialogue between science and society
Second Joint IGSC - FSC Workshop, 9 October 2019
Published date:
31 May 2021
Flyer Stakeholder Confidence Workshop on the Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities in the United Kingdom
16 September 2020
An International Learning and Sharing Experience
Published date:
31 May 2021
This status report on Decommissioning Funding: Ethics, Implementation, Uncertainties is based on a review of recent literature and materials presented at NEA meetings in 2003 and 2004, and particular...
Published date:
23 October 2006
Workshop on Competency Management of Regulators (COMAREG), 18-20 May 2021
Published date:
31 May 2021
Published date:
30 March 2021
NEA Forum on Stakeholder Confidence updates
Published date:
25 February 2021
This report describes the progress and the generic results obtained by the CPD during 1995-2005. Although part of the information exchanged within CPD is confidential in nature and is restricted to p...
Published date:
11 October 2006
The NEA Co-operative Programme for the Exchange of Scientific and Technical Information Concerning Nuclear Installation Decommissioning Projects (CPD) is a joint undertaking among member country orga...
Published date:
7 March 2011
This report of the NEA Co-operative Programme on Decommissioning (CPD) describes generic results obtained by a CPD Task Group analysing the need for remote technologies. The report examines existing ...
Published date:
26 August 2011
This report of the NEA Co-operative Programme on Decommissioning (CPD) presents the generic results obtained by a CPD Task Group on Decontamination and Dismantling (D&D) of Concrete Structures that u...
Published date:
28 July 2011
The NEA Co-operative Programme for the Exchange of Scientific and Technical Information Concerning Nuclear Installation Decommissioning Projects (CPD) is a joint undertaking which functions within th...
Published date:
9 February 1996
The release of radioactive materials from regulatory control is subject to release limits which are often based on published recommendations of international organisations, which aim to minimise radi...
Published date:
12 April 2006
Decommissioning of nuclear facilities and related remedial actions are currently being undertaken around the world to enable sites or parts of sites to be reused for other purposes. Remediation has g...
Published date:
18 August 2014
In response to the growing interest in the field of decommissioning of nuclear facilities, the Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD commenced in 1978 a programme of activities in this field. This report...
Published date:
8 February 1996
Published date:
8 February 1996
Ce rapport de synthèse sur la façon de Choisir des stratégies de démantèlement des installations nucléaires repose sur les points de vue et les informations présentés au cours d’un séminaire organisé...
Published date:
2 October 2006
La libération des sites d’installations nucléaires des contrôles radiologiques est généralement l’une des dernières étapes du déclassement. À ce jour, seul un petit nombre de projets en ont fait l’ob...
Published date:
27 September 2006
Tout projet de gestion de déchets radioactifs à long terme durera vraisemblablement des décennies, voire des siècles. Il nécessitera un site et influera de bien de manières sur la communauté environn...
Published date:
14 June 2007
À l’heure actuelle, on observe une variabilité considérable dans le format, le contenu et les pratiques d’estimation des coûts, que ce soit à l’intérieur d’un même pays ou lorsque l’on franchit les f...
Published date:
22 March 2010
L’expérience des projets de démantèlement de centrales nucléaires laisse entendre que l’on pourrait simplifier ces opérations si l’on y accordait davantage d’attention au moment de la conception ou p...
Published date:
16 April 2010
Le problème clé dans le démantèlement des installations nucléaires est l’élimination progressive des risques, au moyen d’une série d’actions de décontamination et de déconstruction qui doivent être r...
Published date:
30 December 2005
As modern nuclear power programmes mature and large, commercial nuclear power plants and fuel cycle facilities approach the end of their useful life by reason of age, economics or change of policy on...
Published date:
16 July 2004
It refers to scientific and technical actions taken to address decommissioning technologies, research and development, as well as safety and environmental risk assessment
Published date:
25 June 2020
This document is the final agenda of the NEA Workshop on Information, Data and Knowledge Management (IDKM) held at the NEA offices in Boulogne-Billancourt, France on 22-24 January 2019.
Published date:
22 January 2019
17 -
18 September 2020
Paris, France
Spent Nuclear Fuel Pool. Photo: Cogema.
The NEA study on the “Adequacy of Funding Arrangements for Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management” is a part of the Programme of Work of...
Published date:
17 September 2020