Several applications of interest in nuclear criticality safety involve random media, which are media where the geometrical and/or material properties can only be described by assigning some probabili...
Once irradiated or “spent” nuclear fuel is unloaded from a reactor it is usually stored at the reactor site for between five and ten years. It is then ready for long-term storage or for reprocessing ...
Principles and Practice of International Nuclear Law examines the various interrelated legal issues for the safe, efficient and secure use of nuclear energy. It provides an overview of the complex bo...
The conflict in Ukraine has highlighted pressing concerns regarding radiological protection and the need to enhance both operational and regulatory resilience during times of armed conflict. While th...
The RegLab inititiave was announced at the World Governments Summit in Dubai.
The NEA Global Forum on Nuclear Education, Science, Technology and Policy (Global Forum) Working Group on Re-Establishing Nuclear Law Education Programmes (GF-WG5 or Working Group 5) is a group of ac...
The Nuclear Law Bulletin is a unique international publication for both professionals and academics in the field of nuclear law.
National legislation: Republic of Türkiye
Presidential Decree on Organisation and Duties of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority
Le Bulletin de droit nucléaire est une publication internationale unique en son genre destinée aux juristes et aux universitaires en droit nucléaire.
Signed in Paris, France, the new Framework Agreement will enter into force on 1 March 2025.
Since 2001, the NEA has been consistently providing educational and training programmes in international nuclear law to students and professionals from around the world. The NEA’s goal is to serve as...
There are a variety of international conventions and agreements in the nuclear field, to which most countries with significant nuclear activities are parties.
Achieving confidence in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy requires the existence of a comprehensive and effective legal framework to protect the health, safety and security of the public and the in...
This country profile of Türkiye provides a detailed review of a full range of nuclear law topics, including: the general regulatory regime, including mining; radioactive substances and equipment; nuc...
The NEA Working Group on Re-Establishing Nuclear Law Education Programmes met to discuss the ongoing work.
The AIxpertise joint project aims to build a structured, collaborative platform for experts to harness Artificial Intelligence (AI) for t...
Meeting the growing needs of the nuclear back-end requires the availability of a dedicated workforce as well as the optimisation of the tasks and schedules due to competing projects and sites. The ad...
The NEA Stakeholder Involvement Workshops (SIWS) are known for fostering active dialogue and collaboration amongst diverse stakeholders. The first of the series was held in 2017, with a focus on stak...
The NEA will hold the Third Stakeholder Involvement workshop to advance the issue of optimisation in decision making on 5-7 September 2023, in close co-operation with all interested NEA Standing Tech...