The international radiological protection community performed a major status review of the situation around the damaged Chernobyl reactor on the 10-year anniversary of the accident. Since then, studi...
Published date:
10 June 2020
Depositing or updating a computer program to the NEA Data Bank
Published date:
17 June 2020
The NEA Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) established a task group to examine Defence in Depth of Electrical Systems and Grid Interaction (DIDELSYS). The DIDELSYS Project, carri...
Published date:
17 April 2020
A Task Group on the Robustness of Electrical Systems of NPPs in Light of the Fukushima Daiichi Accident (ROBELSYS) had been set up to improve the understanding of nuclear power plant electrical syste...
Published date:
22 April 2020
The Task Group on Sump Clogging had been set up to update the State-of-the-art Report (SOAR) on Knowledge Base for Emergency Core Cooling System Recirculation Reliability issued in 1996, and with foc...
Published date:
28 April 2020
The CSNI Action Plan in the Area of Safety Margins was set up by the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI),
Published date:
27 April 2020
In line with its ambition to be a reference centre for knowledge preservation, the NEA Data Bank also offers the following legacy books from its collection.
Published date:
21 April 2020
Public attitudes to nuclear power are critical in shaping nuclear policies in OECD/NEA countries and the latter will only be able to make use of this energy source if a well-informed public considers...
Published date:
22 March 2010
Communication with society on risks and benefits of nuclear energy is a key issue for policy makers. The study published in 2002 under the auspices of the Committee for Technical and Economic Studies...
Published date:
23 May 2005
While signs of a possible nuclear energy renaissance are visible worldwide, it is highly important to understand better the views of civil society on nuclear technologies, how their risks are perceiv...
Published date:
15 November 2002
While refurbishments for the long-term operation of nuclear power plants and for the lifetime extension of such plants have been widely pursued in recent years, the number of plants to be decommissio...
Published date:
2 March 2016
William D. Magwood IV, Director-General of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), sat down with Rumina Velshi, President and Chief Executive Officer of the CNSC, on 17 January 2020. Ms Velshi has extensive...
Published date:
16 June 2020
The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Working Group on Public Communication of Nuclear Regulatory Organisations (WGPC) has dealt with a broad range of communications issues and produced a variety of report...
Published date:
15 June 2020
This report was jointly prepared by the Working Group on Public Communication of NuclearRegulatory organisation of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) an...
Published date:
15 June 2020
After having identified that the public trust towards the regulators could be very different from one country to another even though they are neighbours, the NEA Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activ...
Published date:
15 June 2020
Este informe fue preparado por el Grupo de Trabajo de Comunicación Pública de las Organizaciones Reguladoras Nucleares (WGPC) del Comité sobre Actividades Reguladoras Nucleares (CNRA) de la Agencia d...
Published date:
15 June 2020
The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) Working Group on Public Communication of Nuclear Regulatory Organisations (WGPC) acknowledged the wide range of stake...
Published date:
15 June 2020
This report was prepared by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) Working Group on Public Communication of Nuclear Regulatory Organisations (WGPC). Th...
Published date:
15 June 2020
The topic of social media as appropriate for further study was first proposed by the NEA Working Group on Public Communication of Nuclear Regulatory Organisations (WGPC) to the NEA Committee on Nucle...
Published date:
15 June 2020
“Social media” is a term referring to various activities that integrate technology, social interaction and content creation. Social media can also be thought of as a way of using technology to “enabl...
Published date:
15 June 2020
The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) Working Group on Public Communication of Nuclear Regulatory Organisations (WGPC) organised the workshop “Crisis ...
Published date:
15 June 2020
This report was prepared by the Working Group on Public Communication of Nuclear Regulatory Organisations (WGPC) of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA). ...
Published date:
15 June 2020
Regulatory authorities develop regulations and the associated practical guidance. Considering the long-term safety of repository, regulators develop operational criteria and optimization for the repo...
Published date:
15 June 2020
Benchmarks and databases for data and code validation maintained by the NEA division of Nuclear Science (Nuclear Science Committee)
Published date:
15 April 2020
Сразу после аварии на АЭС “Фукусима-Даичи” стали подниматься вопросы о будущем рынка урана, в том числе о количестве реакторов, которые предполагалось построить в ближайшие годы, количестве урана, не...
Published date:
30 July 2012
Comme les matières radioactives rejetées tout au long des principales étapes de la production d'énergie nucléaire peuvent avoir un effet sur la santé publique et l'environnement, il convient d'en ten...
Published date:
1 January 2000
Given its potential significance for public health and the environment, the impact of radioactive releases during important steps of nuclear energy production must be considered when selecting among ...
Published date:
1 January 2000
For practical reasons, the consequences of nuclear reactor accidents are often measured in economic terms. Figures currently available, however, show significant discrepancies. For this reason, the N...
Published date:
1 January 2000
Since the accident of Chernobyl in 1986, many countries have intensified their efforts in nuclear emergency planning, preparedness and management. Experience from the NEA nuclear emergency exercises ...
Published date:
1 January 2000
Our modern, information society is increasingly interested in transparency and participation in many aspects of government, and this is particularly true in areas involving public health and environm...
Published date:
1 January 2000
Eurochemic was the first joint undertaking of the European Nuclear Energy Agency. The company was established in December 1957 by the governments of thirteen European countries to develop internation...
Published date:
1 January 1996
La Société Eurochemic fut la première entreprise commune de l'Agence européenne pour l'énergie nucléaire, créée en décembre 1957 par les gouvernements de 13 pays européens pour développer la coopérat...
Published date:
1 January 1996
The NEA Nuclear Waste Bulletin is prepared by the Radiation Protection and Radioactive Waste Management Division of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency in order to provide a means of communicaton amongst ...
Published date:
27 February 2001
Since the beginning of the 1990s, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) has offered its member countries a forum for improving efficiency and effectiveness in nuclear emergency management, focusing in...
Published date:
31 December 2008
The International Nuclear Emergency Exercise (INEX) series, organised under the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Working Party on Nuclear Emergency Matters (WPNEM), has proven successful in testing, ...
Published date:
29 July 2013
One of the most important aspects of post-accident consequence management is the involvement of stakeholders: in the planning, preparation and execution as well as in sustaining efforts over the long...
Published date:
4 October 2011
The NEA has a long tradition of expertise in the area of nuclear emergency policy, planning, preparedness and management. Through its activities in this field, it offers member countries unbiased ass...
Published date:
7 September 2018
Supplements to JEFF Report 23
Published date:
26 May 2020
Published date:
26 May 2020
The tasks and duties of liaison officers are detailed in this
Published date:
26 May 2020
Access to the Computer Program Service is regulated, the main points of which are as follows.
Published date:
26 May 2020
The Computer Program Service (CPS) is part of an intergovernmental organisation. As such, it follows the rules established by its participating countries.
Published date:
26 May 2020
Reports collected and organised by Enrico Sartori, last Secretary of NEACRP.
Published date:
19 May 2020
Dr. J.D. Lewins, has made available three of his books (for which he owns the copyright) for free distribution by the NEA Data Bank.
- Importance: The Adjoint Function
- Nuclear Reactor Kinetics and Con...
Published date:
27 April 2020
Professor M.M.R Williams, the copyright owner, has released three of his legacy books for free distribution by the NEA Data Bank.
Published date:
23 April 2020
Description of the Evaluated Nuclear Data Libraries
Published date:
30 January 2020
Radioactive waste management is embedded in broader societal issues such as the environment, risk management, energy, health policy and sustainability. In all these fields, there is an increasing dem...
Published date:
1 January 2016
Life Fellow, Praelector, Magdalene College Cambridge
Published date:
13 May 2020
Rules for updating a program distributed by the NEA Data Bank
Published date:
16 April 2020
NJOY - Data Processing System of Evaluated Nuclear Data Files in ENDF format
Published date:
24 April 2020