The 2025 edition of the IRPS will be held in person at Stockholm University, Sweden, from 11-15 August 2025, in co-operation with the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) and the Centre for Radia...
The biggest challenge for organisations during prolonged disruptions is the availability of a workforce with the required skills and competencies. In addition, in such situations, there is a need for...
Meeting the growing needs of the nuclear back-end requires the availability of a dedicated workforce as well as the optimisation of the tasks and schedules due to competing projects and sites. The ad...
Ensuring the security of electricity supply and advancing towards net zero emissions will require large amounts of reliable low-carbon electricity generation capacity. As the only dispatchable low-ca...
Registration for the Third Preparatory Webinar is now open here.
The third preparatory webinar in preparation for the Fourth NEA Stakeholder Involvement Workshop will focus on Building Effective Frameworks for Inclusive Stakeholder Engagement.
The NEA Stakeholder Involvement Workshops (SIWS) are known for fostering active dialogue and collaboration amongst diverse stakeholders. The first of the series was held in 2017, with a focus on stak...
Pictured: Spot, the agile mobile robotic dog at the Calder Hall nuclear power station. Photo credit: Sellafield Ltd.
The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and Sellafield Ltd are jointly organising an inter...
The Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion File (JEFF) Nuclear Data Library Project is a collaboration between NEA Data Bank participating countries. The JEFF library combines the efforts of its differen...
Photo credit: Joel A. Kulesza, Roger Lee Martz, LANL LA-UR-17-23854
----------------------------------The course is full -----------------------------------
Dates: 7-11 April 2025Time: 17:00-21:00 (CEST, Paris time)/10:00-14:00 (CDT USA/Mexico)/12:00-16:00 (UTC-3, Argentina)Minimum enrollment: 12 participantsMaximum enrollment: 15 participantsRegistratio...
Radioactive waste is produced in all phases of the nuclear fuel cycle and from the use of radioactive materials in industrial, medical, defence and research applications. After creation and use, many...
Women are under-represented in the nuclear energy sector, especially in leadership roles. The future of the nuclear industry requires a robust and diverse workforce to not only drive performance and ...
The NEA will organise the third International School on Simulation of Nuclear Reactor Systems (SINUS) on the topic of Reactor single- and multi-physics simulations based on Light Water Reactor (LWR) ...
The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and CIEMAT are co-organising the Seventh International Workshop on Structural Materials for Innovative Nuclear Systems (SMINS-7). The workshop will be held in Mad...
The next annual Benchmarks Workshops of the Working Party on Scientific Issues and Uncertainty Analysis of Reactor Systems (WPRS) will be hosted by the Department of Engineering of the University of ...
The 2025 Interna...