The NEA Annual Report 2019 provides an overview of the status of nuclear power in NEA member countries and illustrative descriptions of the Agency's activities and international joint projects. 2019 ...
Published date:
12 June 2020
Publié chaque année, le Rapport annuel de l’AEN présente un aperçu des activités et publications de l’AEN pour une année donnée, ainsi que les derniers développements du secteur de l’énergie nucléair...
Published date:
8 December 2023
Published every year, the NEA Annual report includes an overview of NEA's activities and publications produced during the year, as well as the latest developments in nuclear energy sector around the ...
Published date:
8 December 2023
Publié chaque année, le Rapport annuel de l’AEN présente un aperçu des activités et publications de l’AEN pour une année donnée, ainsi que les derniers développements du secteur de l’énergie nucléair...
Published date:
20 November 2024
Published every year, the NEA Annual Report includes an overview of NEA's activities and publications produced during the year, as well as the latest developments in nuclear energy sector around the ...
Published date:
20 November 2024
The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) Working Group on Public Communication of Nuclear Regulatory Organisations (WGPC) acknowledged the wide range of stake...
Published date:
15 June 2020
The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Working Group on Public Communication of Nuclear Regulatory Organisations (WGPC) has dealt with a broad range of communications issues and produced a variety of report...
Published date:
15 June 2020
This publication addresses trends and patterns in material degradation as a function of nuclear power plant ageing, which is a key topic in the regulation of ageing management programmes, codes and s...
Published date:
22 April 2024
After having identified that the public trust towards the regulators could be very different from one country to another even though they are neighbours, the NEA Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activ...
Published date:
15 June 2020
Published date:
29 May 2002
Published date:
3 May 2001
Published date:
15 October 2002
Published date:
13 June 2008
Published date:
24 April 2001
Published date:
1 January 2000
Published date:
15 May 2012
Published date:
26 September 2002
Published date:
3 February 2009
Published date:
11 December 2009
Published date:
9 June 2004
Published date:
20 April 2007
Published date:
31 December 2004
Published date:
9 February 2004
Published date:
2 December 2004
Published date:
26 February 2009
Published date:
1 February 2005
Published date:
21 September 2011
Published date:
31 December 2013
An important factor for public confidence in the nuclear regulator is the general public trust of the government and its representatives, which is clearly not the same in all countries. Likewise, cul...
Published date:
16 May 2006
Nuclear power reactors have become a major source of electricity supply in many countries and, based on the experience of safe and reliable operation, many operators have sought and received authoris...
Published date:
21 September 2012
Published date:
26 March 2004
Published date:
31 December 2004
Published date:
11 December 2001
Published date:
12 October 2001
This report was jointly prepared by the Working Group on Public Communication of NuclearRegulatory organisation of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) an...
Published date:
15 June 2020
Published date:
27 May 2003
The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) Working Group on Public Communication of Nuclear Regulatory Organisations (WGPC) organised the workshop “Crisis ...
Published date:
15 June 2020
Published date:
6 May 2013
Published date:
28 May 2008
Seismic probabilistic safety assessment (SPSA) is a systematic method for examining and evaluating the risk from earthquake-initiated accidents. The significant advances in the area of SPSA since the...
Published date:
27 September 2021
CSNI Technical Opinion Paper No. 17: Fire Probabilistic Safety Assessments for Nuclear Power Plants: 2019 Update provides an authoritative review of the current status and use of the fire PSA in nucl...
Published date:
27 May 2019
Nuclear power plant modifications may be needed for a number of different reasons. These include physical ageing of plant systems, structures and components; obsolescence in hardware and software; fe...
Published date:
3 February 2009
Errors during maintenance and periodic testing are significant contributors to plant events. These errors may not always be revealed by post-maintenance tests and may remain undetected for extended p...
Published date:
26 February 2009
It is a dynamic time for the nuclear power sector. Existing reactor control rooms are undergoing various forms of modernisation. New reactors are being built in many countries and advanced reactors a...
Published date:
11 December 2009
Feedback on operating experience from nuclear power plants is intended to help avoid occurrence or recurrence of safety-significant events. Well-established feedback systems exist on the national and...
Published date:
31 December 2004
This technical opinion paper represents the consensus of risk analysts in NEA member countries on the current state of the art of human reliability analysis (HRA) in probabilistic safety assessment (...
Published date:
9 February 2004
Nuclear licensees are increasingly required to adapt to a more challenging commercial environment as electricity markets are liberalised. One of the costs that is often perceived as being amenable to...
Published date:
9 June 2004
This technical opinion paper provides the reader with a concise description of both the benefits and disadvantages of using probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) to analyse operational events in nucl...
Published date:
2 December 2004
This technical opinion paper represents the consensus of risk analysts in NEA member countries on the current state of the art of level-2 probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) and its applications in...
Published date:
20 April 2007
These technical opinion papers represent the consensus of risk analysts and experts in NEA Member countries on the current state of the art in Fire Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) for nuclear p...
Published date:
26 September 2002