Published date:
9 June 2004
The desired outcome of nuclear regulatory activities is the safe operation of nuclear facilities in a manner that protects public health and safety, and the environment. The operator has prime respon...
Published date:
20 April 2004
Published date:
20 April 2004
Published date:
26 March 2004
Published date:
26 March 2004
This technical opinion paper represents the consensus of risk analysts in NEA member countries on the current state of the art of human reliability analysis (HRA) in probabilistic safety assessment (...
Published date:
9 February 2004
Published date:
9 February 2004
Feedback on operating experience from nuclear power plants is intended to help avoid occurrence or recurrence of safety-significant events. Well-established feedback systems exist on the national and...
Published date:
31 December 2004
Published date:
31 December 2004
Published date:
31 December 2004
Published date:
31 December 2004
Incident reporting has become an increasingly important aspect of the operation and regulation of all public health and safety-related industries. Diverse industries such as aeronautics, chemicals, p...
Published date:
16 December 2003
Licensee self-assessment (LSA) by nuclear power plant operators is described as all the activities that a licensee performs in order to identify opportunities for improvements. An LSA is part of an o...
Published date:
30 June 2003
Published date:
30 June 2003
Published date:
27 May 2003
Published date:
27 May 2003
Each nuclear power plant, fuel cycle facility and nuclear research and test facility that is operating today will eventually reach the end of its useful life and cease operation. During the period of...
Published date:
30 April 2003
Published date:
30 April 2003
The concept of improving nuclear safety versus maintaining it has been discussed at a number of nuclear regulators meetings in recent years. National reports have indicated that there are philosophic...
Published date:
15 October 2002
Published date:
15 October 2002
These technical opinion papers represent the consensus of risk analysts and experts in NEA Member countries on the current state of the art in Fire Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) for nuclear p...
Published date:
26 September 2002
Published date:
26 September 2002
The economic pressures of electricity market competition have led nuclear power plant operators to seek ways to increase electricity production and to reduce operating costs at their plants. Correspo...
Published date:
14 June 2002
Published date:
14 June 2002
Published date:
29 May 2002
Published date:
11 December 2001
Published date:
5 December 2001
Published date:
4 December 2001
Published date:
12 October 2001
Published date:
20 July 2001
Major nuclear safety research facilities and programmes are facing increasing budgetary constraints, and in many cases are being closed or terminated. This report identifies major facilities of vital...
Published date:
23 May 2001
Good governance and efficiency in decision making by governmental authorities are increasingly dependent upon mutual trust and confidence between those authorities and the public. This workshop provi...
Published date:
16 May 2001
Ensuring that nuclear installations are operated and maintained in such a way that their impact on public health and safety is as low as reasonably practicable has been and will continue to be the co...
Published date:
3 May 2001
Published date:
3 May 2001
Published date:
24 April 2001
Major nuclear safety research facilities and programmes are facing increasing budgetary constraints, and in many cases are being closed or terminated. This report identifies major facilities of vital...
Published date:
20 April 2001
In recent years a world-wide trend has been developing to introduce competition in electricity markets. As market competition unfolds, it produces a wide range of safety challenges for nuclear power ...
Published date:
12 February 2001
Since 1998 the NEA Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) has been dealing with the issue of how a regulatory organisation can recognise early, and address safety performance problems that...
Published date:
1 January 2000
The Incident Reporting System (IRS) is an essential element of the international operating experience feedback system for nuclear power plants. IRS reports contain information on events of safety sig...
Published date:
1 January 2000
Published date:
1 January 2000
Safety Culture involves everyone whose attitude may influence nuclear safety, not only the utility operators but also the regulatory body. The aim of this document is to focus on the dual role of the...
Published date:
6 January 1999
Published date:
1 January 1999
Published date:
1 January 1998
Published date:
1 January 1998
Published date:
1 January 1997
Published date:
1 January 1997
Published date:
1 January 1997
Published date:
1 January 1995
Published date:
1 January 1993