This report provides the specification for the uncertainty exercises of the international OECD/NEA, NRC and NUPEC BFBT benchmark problem including the elemental task. The specification was prepared j...
Published date:
1 January 2010
Published date:
16 December 2009
Published date:
17 November 2009
Published date:
9 October 2009
This publication reports the conclusions from the work undertaken by Subgroup 23 of the NEA Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC), whose mission was to produce an...
Published date:
27 September 2009
Regional strategies can provide a useful framework for implementing innovative nuclear fuel cycles. The appropriate sharing of efforts and facilities among different countries is necessary in today’s...
Published date:
27 September 2009
The NEA Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety established an Expert Group on Criticality Excursion Analysis in 2001 to explore the performance of various transient codes to evaluate criticality...
Published date:
17 July 2009
Published date:
13 July 2009
Published date:
25 May 2009
Published date:
20 February 2009
Future nuclear fuel cycles could effectively address radioactive waste issues with the implementation of partitioning and transmutation (P&T). Previous studies have defined the infrastructure require...
Published date:
3 February 2009
by Malcom Rand (Chairman), Jean Fuger, Ingmar Grenthe, Volker Neck and Dhanpat Rai
This volume is the 11th in the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Chemical Thermodynamics series. It is based on a cri...
Published date:
22 January 2009
Published date:
9 September 2008
Preservation of know-how in the nuclear field is promoted through the activities of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Data Bank. One area of importance concerns methods for solving radiation transport p...
Published date:
1 September 2008
This publication reports the conclusions from the work undertaken by Subgroup 26 of the NEA Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC), which focused on the developmen...
Published date:
1 September 2008
Structural materials research is a field of growing relevance in the nuclear sector, especially for the different innovative reactor systems being developed within the Generation IV International For...
Published date:
10 July 2008
Published date:
3 April 2008
In the field of coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics computation there is a need to enhance scientific knowledge in order to develop advanced modelling techniques for new nuclear technologies and co...
Published date:
16 November 2007
This publication presents the conclusions of the work undertaken by Subgroup 25 of the NEA Working Party on International Evaluation Co-operation, which focused on the assessment and improvement of t...
Published date:
14 November 2007
Published date:
29 October 2007
by Jordi Bruno (Chairman), Dirk Bosbach, Dmitrii Kulik and Alexandra Navrotsky
This volume provides a state-of-the-art report on the modelling of aqueous-solid solution systems by the combined use of...
Published date:
25 July 2007
The NEA has studied multiple recycling issues associated with various reactor systems fuelled with mixed-oxide (MOX) and published a series of computational physics benchmarks. This has led to improv...
Published date:
21 June 2007
Published date:
21 June 2007
The NEA has studied multiple recycling issues associated with various reactor systems fuelled with mixed-oxide (MOX) and published a series of computational physics benchmarks. This has led to improv...
Published date:
21 June 2007
Published date:
5 June 2007
As part of the development of advanced nuclear systems, including accelerator-driven systems (ADS) proposed for high-level radioactive waste transmutation and generation IV reactors, heavy liquid met...
Published date:
31 May 2007
Published date:
9 May 2007
Published date:
29 December 2006
Published date:
29 December 2006
In the field of coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics computation there is a need to enhance scientific knowledge in order to develop advanced modelling techniques for new nuclear technologies and co...
Published date:
21 December 2006
Published date:
20 December 2006
Published date:
18 December 2006
Subgroup 7 of the NEA Working Party on International Nuclear Data Co-operation (WPEC) was established to re-evaluate the nuclear data standards cross-section. These cross-section data are the basis f...
Published date:
29 November 2006
Nuclear Data for Improved LEU-LWR Reactivity Predictions
Published date:
29 November 2006
Published date:
27 October 2006
The NEA Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety (WPNCS) established an Expert Group on Source Convergence in Criticality Safety Analysis (EGSCCSA) to explore the problems of slow convergence and ...
Published date:
11 September 2006
Average fuel burn-up in light water reactors (LWRs) has steadily increased with time as technological advances have been made. The practical limit is currently in the region of 50 GWd/t. The main dri...
Published date:
22 August 2006
This document serves as a summary of the work of Subgroup 20 (SG20) on covariance matrix evaluation and processing in the resolved/unresolved resonance regions, organised under the auspices of the NE...
Published date:
18 August 2006
Hydrogen has the potential to play an important role as a sustainable and environmentally acceptable energy carrier in the 21st century. Since natural sources of pure hydrogen are extremely limited, ...
Published date:
13 July 2006
Published date:
7 July 2006
Refined models for best-estimate calculations based on good-quality experimental data can improve the understanding of phenomena and the quantification of margins for operating nuclear power reactors...
Published date:
7 July 2006
In the field of coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics computation there is a need to enhance scientific knowledge in order to develop advanced modelling techniques for new nuclear technologies and co...
Published date:
30 June 2006
Published date:
26 June 2006
Published date:
19 May 2006
Published date:
18 April 2006
It is essential to calculate the structural integrity of reactor components with a high degree of accuracy in order to make correct decisions regarding plant lifetime at the design stage, safety marg...
Published date:
11 April 2006
Published date:
7 February 2006
The United States and the Russian Federation have each agreed to dispose of 34 tonnes of weapons-grade plutonium that are beyond their defence needs. One effective way to dispose of this plutonium is...
Published date:
20 January 2006
Neutron Activation Cross-section Measurements from Threshold to 20 MeV for the Validation of Nuclear Models and Their Parameters (Volume 19)
Published date:
12 December 2005
Published date:
26 October 2005