Environmental remediation activities in uranium mines and mills have become increasingly important in the last few decades due to the large number of facilities which have been taken out of operation...
Published date:
14 February 2002
Environmental activities in uranium mining and milling are becoming increasingly important owing to:
- the stricter requirements for new facilities being imposed by many countries in the form of envi...
Published date:
1 January 1999
Le respect de l'environnement prend une importance croissante dans le secteur de la production d'uranium car :
- les nouvelles installations doivent être conformes aux normes de plus en plus stricted...
Published date:
1 January 1999
Produire de l'uranium de façon sûre et responsable sur le plan environnemental est important non seulement pour les producteurs et les consommateurs du produit, mais également pour la société dans so...
Published date:
14 August 2014
Producing uranium in a safe and environmentally responsible manner is not only important to the producers and consumers of the product, but also to society at large. Given expectations of growth in n...
Published date:
14 August 2014
D'importantes quantités d'uranium appauvri ont été produites par suite des activités d'enrichissement effectuées surtout aux Etats-Unis et en Fédération de Russie. Les pays qui en ont en stock ont do...
Published date:
22 August 2001
Ce livre, préparé par des experts des pays membres de l'AEN, contient des données et des analyses relatives à la gestion et à la prolongation de la durée de vie des centrales nucléaires. Il couvre le...
Published date:
28 November 2006
This book, prepared by NEA member country experts, contains data and analyses relevant to nuclear power plant life management and the plants' extended, longer-term operation (LTO). It addresses techn...
Published date:
24 October 2006
Innovation has been a driving force in the successful deployment of nuclear energy and remains essential today for its sustainable future. As nuclear energy is an attractive option for ensuring diver...
Published date:
21 February 2007
L'innovation a été un élément majeur dans le déploiement réussi de l'énergie nucléaire et demeure essentielle aujourd'hui pour son avenir durable. Dans la mesure où l'énergie nucléaire est une option...
Published date:
21 February 2007
Plant life management is becoming an increasingly important topic both in nuclear power plant operations and in international discussions on the role of nuclear energy. As in many other aspects of nu...
Published date:
1 January 1999
Radioactive and stable isotopes are used throughout the world and in many sectors, including medicine, industry, agriculture and research. In many applications isotopes have no substitute, and in mos...
Published date:
6 December 1999
Les radioisotopes jouent un rôle de plus en plus important en médecine pour les diagnostics et la thérapie, dans l'industrie et dans la recherche scientifique. Ils peuvent être essentiels pour notre ...
Published date:
25 February 2005
Radioactive isotopes continue to play an increasingly important role in medical diagnosis and therapy, key industrial applications and scientific research. They can be vital to the health and well-be...
Published date:
25 February 2005
Les isotopes radioactifs et stables sont utilisés dans l'ensemble du monde pour de nombreuses applications liées à la médecine diagnostique et thérapeutique, à l'industrie et à la recherche scientifi...
Published date:
31 December 2001
Isotopes, radioactive and stable, are used worldwide in various applications related to medical diagnosis or care, industry and scientific research. More than fifty countries have isotope production ...
Published date:
31 December 2001
The reliable supply of molybdenum-99 (Mo-99) and its decay product, technetium-99m (Tc-99m), is a vital component of modern medical diagnostic practices. Disruptions in the supply chain of these radi...
Published date:
16 September 2010
Published date:
31 December 1990
Pour une grande partie de la classe politique et de la population, la très longue durée de vie de certains radionucléides contenus dans les déchets radioactifs pose un problème difficile pour le stoc...
Published date:
29 May 2006
For many politicians and members of the public, the very long life of some of the radio-nuclides in radioactive waste is an issue of particular importance in terms of its ultimate disposal. The devel...
Published date:
29 May 2006
Interest in expanding nuclear power to cope with rising demand for energy and potential climate change places increased attention on the nuclear fuel cycle and whether significant moves are being tak...
Published date:
21 December 2011
Chaque année on produit de grandes quantités de déchets dangereux, mais seule une faible proportion est constituée de déchets radioactifs. Si, globalement, on a trouvé des solutions satisfaisantes po...
Published date:
22 April 2011
Large volumes of hazardous wastes are produced each year, however only a small proportion of them are radioactive. While disposal options for hazardous wastes are generally well established, some typ...
Published date:
16 September 2010
Cette étude met en évidence les facteurs clés affectant le calendrier du stockage définitif des déchets radioactifs de haute activité. Elle analyse comment l'acceptation sociale, la robustesse techni...
Published date:
14 August 2008
This study identifies key factors influencing the timing of high-level waste (HLW) disposal and examines how social acceptability, technical soundness, environmental responsibility and economic feasi...
Published date:
15 May 2008
L'intérêt pour l'énergie nucléaire va croissant dans de nombreux pays en raison de sa capacité d'accroître la sécurité d'approvisionnement énergétique et de réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de se...
Published date:
13 June 2007
Interest in nuclear energy continues to grow in many countries as a means to ensure security of energy supply and to limit greenhouse gas emissions from the power sector. In this context, recyclable ...
Published date:
27 April 2007
Cette étude analyse différents cycles du combustible nucléaire avancés du point de vue de leur impact sur la gestion des déchets radioactifs. Elle examine divers cycles et illustre les différences en...
Published date:
4 August 2006
This study analyses a range of advanced nuclear fuel cycle options from the perspective of their effect on radioactive waste management policies. It presents various fuel cycle options which illustra...
Published date:
26 May 2006
The role of nuclear energy in a sustainable development context has multiple facets, a significant number of which relate to the nuclear fuel cycle. This report provides a description of the developm...
Published date:
1 January 2002
Large stocks of depleted uranium have arisen as a result of enrichment operations, especially in the United States and the Russian Federation. Countries with depleted uranium stocks are interested in...
Published date:
22 August 2001
Nuclear Energy Data is the Nuclear Energy Agency’s annual compilation of statistics and country reports documenting nuclear power status in NEA member countries and in the OECD area. Information prov...
Published date:
16 December 2019
Nuclear Energy Data is the Nuclear Energy Agency's annual compilation of statistics and country reports documenting nuclear power status in NEA member countries and in the OECD area. Information prov...
Published date:
14 December 2018
Nuclear Energy Data is the Nuclear Energy Agency's annual compilation of statistics and country reports documenting nuclear power status in NEA member countries and in the OECD area. Information prov...
Published date:
20 November 2017
Nuclear Energy Data is the Nuclear Energy Agency's annual compilation of statistics and country reports documenting nuclear power status in NEA member countries and in the OECD area. Information prov...
Published date:
20 December 2016
Nuclear Energy Data is the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency's annual compilation of statistics and country reports documenting nuclear power status in the OECD area. Information provided by member country ...
Published date:
21 October 2015
Nuclear Energy Data is the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency's annual compilation of statistics and country reports documenting the status of nuclear power in the OECD area. Information provided by member c...
Published date:
8 December 2014
Nuclear Energy Data is the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency's annual compilation of statistics and country reports documenting the status of nuclear power in the OECD area. Information provided by member c...
Published date:
3 December 2013
Nuclear Energy Data is the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency’s annual compilation of statistics and country reports documenting the status of nuclear power in the OECD area. Information provided by member c...
Published date:
24 September 2012
Nuclear Energy Data, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency’s annual compilation of statistics and country reports on nuclear energy, contains official information provided by OECD member country governments...
Published date:
5 October 2011
This new edition of Nuclear Energy Data, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency’s annual compilation of official statistics and country reports on nuclear energy, provides key information on plans for new nu...
Published date:
15 September 2010
This new edition of Nuclear Energy Data, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency’s annual compilation of essential statistics on nuclear energy in OECD countries, provides information on plans for new nuclear...
Published date:
4 September 2009
This new edition of Nuclear Energy Data, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency’s annual compilation of essential statistics on nuclear energy in OECD countries, provides information on the latest plans for ...
Published date:
11 July 2008
This new edition of Nuclear Energy Data, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency’s annual compilation of essential statistics on nuclear energy in OECD countries, offers projections lengthened to 2030 for the...
Published date:
14 June 2007
This new edition of Nuclear Energy Data, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency's annual compilation of essential statistics on nuclear energy in OECD countries, offers a projection horizon lengthened to 202...
Published date:
31 May 2005
This new edition of Nuclear Energy Data, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency's annual compilation of essential statistics on nuclear energy in OECD countries, offers additional graphical information as co...
Published date:
8 June 2004
This new edition of Nuclear Energy Data, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency's annual compilation of essential statistics on nuclear energy in OECD countries, offers additional textual and graphical infor...
Published date:
3 June 2003
This new edition of Nuclear Energy Data, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency's annual compilation of essential statistics on nuclear energy in OECD countries, offers additional textual and graphical infor...
Published date:
13 September 2002
Nuclear Energy Data is the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency's annual compilation of basic statistics on electricity generation and nuclear power in OECD countries. The reader will have quick and easy refer...
Published date:
30 May 2001
2005 was a year of major activity within the nuclear sector. Interest in nuclear energy is growing significantly in many OECD member countries with the construction of new plants, new plans for nucle...
Published date:
13 June 2006