NEA News is the professional journal of the NEA. It features articles on the latest nuclear energy issues concerning the economic and technical aspects of nuclear energy, nuclear safety and regulatio...
Published date:
16 November 2024
NEA News is the professional journal of the NEA. It features articles on the latest nuclear energy issues concerning the economic and technical aspects of nuclear energy, nuclear safety and regulatio...
Published date:
23 May 2024
NEA News is the professional journal of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA). It features articles on the latest nuclear energy issues concerning the economic and technical aspects of nuclear energy, nucl...
Published date:
29 June 2004
Published every year, the NEA Annual Report includes an overview of NEA's activities and publications produced during the year, as well as the latest developments in nuclear energy sector around the ...
Published date:
20 November 2024
Emergency preparedness programmes around the world are designed to protect people from the health effects arising from radiological releases. The science behind these programmes is both well known an...
Published date:
23 October 2024
Publié chaque année, le Rapport annuel de l’AEN présente un aperçu des activités et publications de l’AEN pour une année donnée, ainsi que les derniers développements du secteur de l’énergie nucléair...
Published date:
20 November 2024
The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), in co-ordination with the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) of Japan, hosted the “International Conference on Regulators’ Views and Priorities on Nuclear Safety and ...
Published date:
26 July 2024
The brochure provides background information about the NEA.
Published date:
10 September 2018
Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) is jointly sponsored by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Since 1992, ISOE has provided a forum for...
Published date:
24 October 2023
Publié chaque année, le Rapport annuel de l’AEN présente un aperçu des activités et publications de l’AEN pour une année donnée, ainsi que les derniers développements du secteur de l’énergie nucléair...
Published date:
8 December 2023
Published every year, the NEA Annual report includes an overview of NEA's activities and publications produced during the year, as well as the latest developments in nuclear energy sector around the ...
Published date:
8 December 2023
The NEA Annual Report 2019 provides an overview of the status of nuclear power in NEA member countries and illustrative descriptions of the Agency's activities and international joint projects. 2019 ...
Published date:
12 June 2020
The Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) is jointly sponsored by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Since 1992, ISOE has provided a forum...
Published date:
21 November 2022
The Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) is jointly sponsored by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Since 1992, ISOE has provided a forum...
Published date:
18 March 2021
The international radiological protection community performed a major status review of the situation around the damaged Chernobyl reactor on the 10-year anniversary of the accident. Since then, studi...
Published date:
6 January 2002
Much has been learnt in the ten years since the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and the subsequent accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, but significant challenges still remain.
This ...
Published date:
3 March 2021
The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Strategic Plan serves as a guiding instrument that reflects the priorities of its member countries as the Agency addresses evolving needs in the exploration and a...
Published date:
25 January 2022
This Strategic Plan is intended to guide the NEA as it seeks to meet the evolving needs of member countries in the application and exploration of nuclear science and technology. The plan includes an ...
Published date:
22 December 2016
The field of emergency management is broad, complex and dynamic. In the post-Fukushima context, emergency preparedness and response (EPR) in the nuclear sector is more than ever being seen as part of...
Published date:
12 January 2018
More than ten years after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, many lessons have been learnt that have helped improve preparedness for nuclear emergencies and awareness of the global r...
Published date:
18 May 2022
Les milieux de la radioprotection à l'échelle internationale ont dressé un important bilan de la situation aux alentours du réacteur endommagé de Tchernobyl à l'occasion du dixième anniversaire de l'...
Published date:
31 December 2003
Published date:
28 July 2021
The decisions made about protective actions of people and the environment in situations involving exposure to ionising radiation have tended to be driven by subjective judgements about the health ris...
Published date:
26 February 2021
To mark the tenth anniversary of the Chernobyl accident, the NEA Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health published a concise report reviewing the current knowledge of the serious impacts ...
Published date:
1 January 1996
Many countries are dealing with challenges stemming from nuclear and radiological legacy sites. In particular, managing these sites in an open and transparent fashion while taking into account the vi...
Published date:
29 September 2020
European countries of the OECD have been affected by the widespread dissemination of the radioactive material released from the Chernobyl reactor accident in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, ...
Published date:
11 September 1987
The Twenty-Fifth Annual Report of the ISOE Programme presents the status of the ISOE programme for the year of 2015.
Published date:
27 May 2020
Twenty-Seventh Annual Report of the ISOE Programme, 2017
Published date:
27 May 2020
This 26th Annual Report of the International System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) Programme presents the status of the Programme in 2016. As of 31 December 2016, the ISOE programme included 74 part...
Published date:
7 May 2019
In response to the growing interest in the field of decommissioning of nuclear facilities, the Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD commenced in 1978 a programme of activities in this field. This report...
Published date:
8 February 1996
Published date:
8 February 1996
Virtually all national and international radiation protection regulations and standards are based on the recommendations published by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). N...
Published date:
17 March 2003
Developed and reviewed by experts of the EC, IAEA and NEA, input for this report includes information and experience concerning decommissioning cost items and cost-item definitions. The resulting lis...
Published date:
28 February 1999
Ionization Chamber Smoke Detectors (ICSDs) containing radioactive sources appear at present to be an important application of ionizing radiation. In the past their use has been directed mainly toward...
Published date:
13 October 1977
The Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) has become a unique, worldwide programme on the protection of workers at nuclear power plants. It includes a vast network for exchanging experie...
Published date:
26 October 2005
The development of new radiological protection recommendations by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) continues to be a strategically important undertaking, both nationally...
Published date:
9 February 2004
One of the main challenges facing radiological protection experts is how to integrate radiological protection within modern concepts of and approaches to risk governance. It is within this context th...
Published date:
26 October 2005
The Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE), a joint initiative of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), has become a unique worldwide pro...
Published date:
16 July 2003
The societal aspects of risk governance are increasingly becoming a part of public decision-making processes. This tendency is particularly evident in matters dealing with the protection of human hea...
Published date:
1 February 2002
The Fifth International Nuclear Emergency Exercise (INEX-5) was developed in response to NEA member countries' desire to test and demonstrate the value of changes put in place following the Fukushima...
Published date:
2 October 2018
Published date:
31 December 2008
Published date:
29 July 2004
Published date:
5 December 2003
Published date:
7 January 2003
Since the discovery of radiation at the end of the 19th century, the health effects of exposure to radiation have been studied more than almost any other factor with potential effects on human health...
Published date:
3 March 2016
Decisions regarding radiological protection are informed by science, including its uncertainties, influenced by stakeholder concerns, driven by prevailing circumstances, and broadly based on values a...
Published date:
17 February 2011
Global demand for electricity continues to grow and numerous new nuclear power plants (NPPs) are being planned or constructed in NEA member countries. Most of these new NPPs will be of the third gene...
Published date:
5 October 2010
Since 2002, the NEA has been actively facilitating the detailed discussion of the evolving system of radiological protection in an Asian context. Its work in this area has included four previous conf...
Published date:
24 September 2010
The collective experience of the NEA Working Party on Nuclear Emergency Matters (WPNEM), and in particular, the experience from the International Nuclear Emergency Exercise (INEX) series, has shown t...
Published date:
5 October 2010
Since its inception the NEA Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health (CRPPH) has been involved in the assessment and implementation of the recommendations of the International Commission o...
Published date:
13 March 2008