Le Bulletin de droit nucléaire est une publication internationale unique en son genre destinée aux juristes et aux universitaires en droit nucléaire. Ses lecteurs bénéficient d’informations exhaustiv...
Published date:
17 December 1997
Le Bulletin de droit nucléaire est une publication internationale unique en son genre destinée aux juristes et aux universitaires en droit nucléaire. Ses lecteurs bénéficient d’informations exhaustiv...
Published date:
17 December 1997
Le Bulletin de droit nucléaire est une publication internationale unique en son genre destinée aux juristes et aux universitaires en droit nucléaire. Ses lecteurs bénéficient d’informations exhaustiv...
Published date:
17 December 1997
Le Bulletin de droit nucléaire est une publication internationale unique en son genre destinée aux juristes et aux universitaires en droit nucléaire. Ses lecteurs bénéficient d’informations exhaustiv...
Published date:
17 December 1997
Le Bulletin de droit nucléaire est une publication internationale unique en son genre destinée aux juristes et aux universitaires en droit nucléaire. Ses lecteurs bénéficient d’informations exhaustiv...
Published date:
17 December 1997
Le Bulletin de droit nucléaire est une publication internationale unique en son genre destinée aux juristes et aux universitaires en droit nucléaire. Ses lecteurs bénéficient d’informations exhaustiv...
Published date:
17 December 1997
Le Bulletin de droit nucléaire est une publication internationale unique en son genre destinée aux juristes et aux universitaires en droit nucléaire. Ses lecteurs bénéficient d’informations exhaustiv...
Published date:
17 December 1997
Le Bulletin de droit nucléaire est une publication internationale unique en son genre destinée aux juristes et aux universitaires en droit nucléaire. Ses lecteurs bénéficient d’informations exhaustiv...
Published date:
17 December 1997
Le Bulletin de droit nucléaire est une publication internationale unique en son genre destinée aux juristes et aux universitaires en droit nucléaire. Ses lecteurs bénéficient d’informations exhaustiv...
Published date:
17 December 1997
Le Bulletin de droit nucléaire est une publication internationale unique en son genre destinée aux juristes et aux universitaires en droit nucléaire. Ses lecteurs bénéficient d’informations exhaustiv...
Published date:
17 December 1997
Le Bulletin de droit nucléaire est une publication internationale unique en son genre destinée aux juristes et aux universitaires en droit nucléaire. Ses lecteurs bénéficient d’informations exhaustiv...
Published date:
17 December 1997
Le Bulletin de droit nucléaire est une publication internationale unique en son genre destinée aux juristes et aux universitaires en droit nucléaire. Ses lecteurs bénéficient d’informations exhaustiv...
Published date:
17 December 1997
Le Bulletin de droit nucléaire est une publication internationale unique en son genre destinée aux juristes et aux universitaires en droit nucléaire. Ses lecteurs bénéficient d’informations exhaustiv...
Published date:
17 December 1997
Le Bulletin de droit nucléaire est une publication internationale unique en son genre destinée aux juristes et aux universitaires en droit nucléaire. Ses lecteurs bénéficient d’informations exhaustiv...
Published date:
17 December 1997
Le Bulletin de droit nucléaire est une publication internationale unique en son genre destinée aux juristes et aux universitaires en droit nucléaire. Ses lecteurs bénéficient d’informations exhaustiv...
Published date:
17 December 1997
The Nuclear Law Bulletin is a unique international publication for both professionals and academics in the field of nuclear law. It provides readers with authoritative and comprehensive information o...
Published date:
15 December 1997
The Nuclear Law Bulletin is a unique international publication for both professionals and academics in the field of nuclear law. It provides readers with authoritative and comprehensive information o...
Published date:
15 June 1997
The workshop was aimed at providing a structured forum whereby implementors, regulators and scientists could interact, contribute to the advancement of the state of the art in this area, discuss the ...
Published date:
5 January 1997
Published date:
1 January 1997
Published date:
1 January 1997
Published date:
1 January 1997
Published date:
1 January 1997
Published date:
1 January 1997
INTRAVAL was set up as an international project concerned with the use of mathematical models for predicting the potential transport of radioactive substances in the geosphere. Such models are used t...
Published date:
1 January 1997
Published date:
1 January 1997
Published date:
1 January 1997
Published date:
1 January 1997
Published date:
1 January 1997
The international study INTRAVAL addressed the validation of models of the transport of radioactive substances through groundwater in the geosphere. The project started in 1987 on the initiative of t...
Published date:
1 January 1997
The Probabilistic System Assessment Group (PSAG) was established by the RWMC in January 1985 (originally under a different name) to help co-ordinate the development in OECD member countries of probab...
Published date:
1 January 1997
In 1994, a Working Group was set up under the PAAG on Integrated Performance Assessments of Deep Repositories (IPAG). The aim of the group is to provide a forum for informed discussion on performance...
Published date:
1 January 1997
The NEA Nuclear Waste Bulletin has been prepared by the Radiation Protection and Waste Management Division of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency to provide a means of communication amongst the various te...
Published date:
1 January 1997
Published date:
1 January 1997
Published date:
1 January 1997
The Nuclear Law Bulletin is a unique international publication for both professionals and academics in the field of nuclear law. It provides readers with authoritative and comprehensive information o...
Published date:
15 December 1996
Studies on fast reactors have historically concentrated on their capability to use plutonium produced in thermal reactors as initial fuel, and subsequently their capacity to produce electricity while...
Published date:
1 November 1996
The Nuclear Law Bulletin is a unique international publication for both professionals and academics in the field of nuclear law. It provides readers with authoritative and comprehensive information o...
Published date:
11 June 1996
The NEA Co-operative Programme for the Exchange of Scientific and Technical Information Concerning Nuclear Installation Decommissioning Projects (CPD) is a joint undertaking which functions within th...
Published date:
9 February 1996
In response to the growing interest in the field of decommissioning of nuclear facilities, the Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD commenced in 1978 a programme of activities in this field. This report...
Published date:
8 February 1996
Published date:
8 February 1996
One of the initiatives of the Clay Club has been to launch a compilation and a review of the relevant literature on the basic concepts and mechanisms which control the movement of water, solute and g...
Published date:
4 January 1996
Published date:
1 January 1996
The NEA Nuclear Waste Bulletin has been prepared by the Radiation Protection and Waste Management Division of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency to provide a means of communication amongst the various te...
Published date:
1 January 1996
Eurochemic was the first joint undertaking of the European Nuclear Energy Agency. The company was established in December 1957 by the governments of thirteen European countries to develop internation...
Published date:
1 January 1996
La Société Eurochemic fut la première entreprise commune de l'Agence européenne pour l'énergie nucléaire, créée en décembre 1957 par les gouvernements de 13 pays européens pour développer la coopérat...
Published date:
1 January 1996
Published date:
1 January 1996
To mark the tenth anniversary of the Chernobyl accident, the NEA Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health published a concise report reviewing the current knowledge of the serious impacts ...
Published date:
1 January 1996
Published date:
1 January 1996
The Co-ordinated Research and Environmental Surveillance Programme relevant to sea disposal of radioactive waste (CRESP) was created in 1981 in the framework of the 1977 Decision of the OECD Council ...
Published date:
1 January 1996
Published date:
1 January 1996