Published every year, the NEA Annual report includes an overview of NEA's activities and publications produced during the year, as well as the latest developments in nuclear energy sector around the ...
Published date:
8 December 2023
Publié chaque année, le Rapport annuel de l’AEN présente un aperçu des activités et publications de l’AEN pour une année donnée, ainsi que les derniers développements du secteur de l’énergie nucléair...
Published date:
8 December 2023
The imperative to reduce carbon emissions is profoundly transforming the electricity and energy systems of OECD and NEA countries. This sets in motion a number of interrelated developments that chall...
Published date:
5 March 2024
The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Working Group on the Analysis and Management of Accidents (WGAMA) aims to contribute to the assessment of the prevention, mitigation and management of accidents, ultim...
Published date:
5 October 2023
While there is a growing interest in the deployment of small modular reactors (SMRs) as a promising option to help mitigate climate change, further international efforts are needed to accelerate the ...
Published date:
10 October 2023
Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) is jointly sponsored by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Since 1992, ISOE has provided a forum for...
Published date:
24 October 2023
Knowledge of basic nuclear physics data is essential for the modelling and safe operation of all types of nuclear facilities. The de facto international standard format, Evaluated Nuclear Data File 6...
Published date:
22 September 2023
In May 2022, the Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC) and the Integration Group for the Safety Case (IGSC) held a Joint Workshop with stakeholders from Germany, Sweden and Switzerland to assess the ...
Published date:
21 August 2023
There is a consensus in the international community that geological repositories provide the necessary long-term safety and security to isolate long-lived radioactive waste. However, despite the tech...
Published date:
4 September 2023
The Nuclear Law Bulletin is a unique international publication for both professionals and academics in the field of nuclear law. It provides readers with authoritative and comprehensive information o...
Published date:
22 September 2023
This report further explores some of the key elements presented in The Safety Culture of an Effective Regulatory Body (2016), commonly known as the NEA Green Booklet, and provides both an overview an...
Published date:
10 May 2021
The fundamental objective of all nuclear safety regulatory bodies is to ensure that activities related to the peaceful use of nuclear energy are carried out in a safe manner within their respective c...
Published date:
4 February 2016
This Technical Opinion Paper (TOP) studies the emerging use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) as an additional tool for the evaluation of safety cases implying thermal hydraulics. CFD allows a fi...
Published date:
11 March 2024
Realising the contribution of nuclear energy to achieving net zero carbon emission in 2050 will require raising significant amounts of capital at competitive rates. On the basis of work under the aeg...
Published date:
12 December 2022
Most safety incidents are often not due to a technical fault or the actions of a single individual, but rather originate in a compromised safety culture – the collection of the beliefs, perceptions a...
Published date:
12 March 2024
This report presents practical guidance to enhance leadership for safety in nuclear regulatory bodies. It identifies the effective characteristics, competencies and behaviours of leaders in regulator...
Published date:
12 March 2024
Nuclear Energy Data is the Nuclear Energy Agency’s annual compilation of statistics and country reports documenting nuclear power status in NEA member countries and in the OECD area. Information prov...
Published date:
5 March 2021
Recent interest in small modular reactors (SMRs) is being driven by a desire to reduce the total capital costs associated with nuclear power plants and to provide power to small grid systems. Accordi...
Published date:
22 September 2016
Energy markets will be significantly different in the future. The electricity generation system is becoming more diverse with the development of energy-related technologies including renewable energy...
Published date:
2 December 2021
Nuclear Energy Data is the Nuclear Energy Agency’s annual compilation of statistics and country reports documenting nuclear power status in NEA member countries and in the OECD area. Information prov...
Published date:
1 June 2022
Interest in expanding nuclear power to cope with rising demand for energy and potential climate change places increased attention on the nuclear fuel cycle and whether significant moves are being tak...
Published date:
16 January 2012
Hydrogen is expected to play important roles in decarbonised energy systems, as an energy source for otherwise hard-to-electrify sectors as well as a storage vector to enhance power system flexibilit...
Published date:
21 September 2022
Reducing industrial carbon emissions is one of the most difficult challenges on the path to net zero by 2050 due to the magnitude of greenhouse gas emissions from the industrial sector and technical ...
Published date:
16 June 2022
All credible models show that nuclear energy has an important role to play in global climate change mitigation efforts (e.g. IEA, 2021; BNEF, 2021; IIASA, 2021). Despite clear analyses from many sour...
Published date:
12 May 2022
Hydrogen has the potential to play an important role as a sustainable and environmentally acceptable energy carrier in the 21st century. This report describes the scientific and technical challenges ...
Published date:
24 June 2010
Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) are gaining recognition among policymakers and industry players as a promising nuclear technology. SMRs can be defined as nuclear reactors with a power output between 10...
Published date:
13 April 2021
Climate change will create specific risks and challenges for nuclear power plants and the electricity system as a whole. Extreme weather events caused by climate change – such as floods, storms, heat...
Published date:
4 November 2021
Uranium is the main raw material fuelling all nuclear fission reactors today. Countries around the world use it to reliably generate low-carbon electricity, process heat and hydrogen as part of their...
Published date:
3 April 2023
Uranium is the raw material used to produce fuel for long-lived nuclear power facilities, necessary for the generation of significant amounts of low-carbon electricity and other uses, such as heat an...
Published date:
23 December 2020
This handbook makes international guidance on estimating decommissioning costs more accessible by compiling material from two key reports: the International Structure for Decommissioning Costing (ISD...
Published date:
8 February 2024
All low-carbon solutions will be required to achieve the world's net zero targets. Nuclear energy has a role to play in meeting this need. A wave of innovation in small modular reactors (SMRs) is adv...
Published date:
13 March 2023
Small modular reactors (SMRs) are technologies capable of harnessing the energy from nuclear fission reactions to produce heat and electricity with power outputs typically smaller than 300 MWe, with ...
Published date:
28 February 2024
All low-carbon solutions will be required to achieve the world's net zero targets. Nuclear energy has a role to play in meeting this need. A wave of innovation in small modular reactors (SMRs) is adv...
Published date:
20 July 2023
L’un des nombreux enseignements tirés au sujet de la sûreté nucléaire au fil du temps est que les aspects humains sont tout aussi importants que les enjeux techniques de l’exploitation nucléaire. Si ...
Published date:
5 April 2024
One of the many lessons learnt about nuclear safety over the years has been that human aspects of nuclear safety are as important as any technical issue that may arise. The international nuclear comm...
Published date:
5 April 2024
Safety Culture involves everyone whose attitude may influence nuclear safety, not only the utility operators but also the regulatory body. The aim of this document is to focus on the dual role of the...
Published date:
6 January 1999
Since 1998 the NEA Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) has been dealing with the issue of how a regulatory organisation can recognise early, and address safety performance problems that...
Published date:
1 January 2000
In recent years a world-wide trend has been developing to introduce competition in electricity markets. As market competition unfolds, it produces a wide range of safety challenges for nuclear power ...
Published date:
12 February 2001
Ensuring that nuclear installations are operated and maintained in such a way that their impact on public health and safety is as low as reasonably practicable has been and will continue to be the co...
Published date:
3 May 2001
The economic pressures of electricity market competition have led nuclear power plant operators to seek ways to increase electricity production and to reduce operating costs at their plants. Correspo...
Published date:
14 June 2002
The concept of improving nuclear safety versus maintaining it has been discussed at a number of nuclear regulators meetings in recent years. National reports have indicated that there are philosophic...
Published date:
15 October 2002
Each nuclear power plant, fuel cycle facility and nuclear research and test facility that is operating today will eventually reach the end of its useful life and cease operation. During the period of...
Published date:
30 April 2003
Licensee self-assessment (LSA) by nuclear power plant operators is described as all the activities that a licensee performs in order to identify opportunities for improvements. An LSA is part of an o...
Published date:
30 June 2003
In June 2003, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) organised a topical session on the importance of human performance to nuclear safety and the facto...
Published date:
2 December 2004
The desired outcome of nuclear regulatory activities is the safe operation of nuclear facilities in a manner that protects public health and safety, and the environment. The operator has prime respon...
Published date:
20 April 2004
The fundamental objective of all nuclear safety regulatory bodies is to ensure that nuclear utilities operate their plants at all times in an acceptably safe manner. In meeting this objective, the re...
Published date:
25 March 2005
The fundamental objective of all nuclear safety regulatory bodies is to ensure that nuclear utilities operate their plants in an acceptably safe manner at all times. Learning from experience has been...
Published date:
20 February 2006
The fundamental objective of all nuclear safety regulatory bodies is to ensure that nuclear facilities are operated, as well as decommissioned, in an acceptably safe manner. However, in meeting this ...
Published date:
29 February 2008
Contracted services are an integral part of the design, construction and operation of a nuclear facility. Changes in the nuclear industry sector, including varied availability of nuclear expertise, t...
Published date:
31 March 2011
Nuclear power reactors have become a major source of electricity supply in many countries and, based on the experience of safe and reliable operation, many operators have sought and received authoris...
Published date:
21 September 2012