Since the beginning of the 1990s, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) has offered its member countries a forum for improving efficiency and effectiveness in nuclear emergency management, focusing in particular on the international aspects of emergency preparedness and response. A central approach to this has been the preparation and conduct of the International Nuclear Emergency Exercise (INEX) series.
The INEX 3 consequence management exercise series was developed by the NEA Working Party on Nuclear Emergency Matters in response to its members’ desire to better prepare for the longer-term response following a nuclear or radiological emergency. INEX 3 was designed and conducted to allow participants to investigate the national and international arrangements for responding to widespread radiological contamination of the environment and the consequence management issues likely to be raised in the medium to long term following such an event. The main areas addressed included agriculture and food countermeasures, decisions on countermeasures such as travel, trade or tourism, recovery management and public information. The exercise series, conducted in 2005-2006, was followed by an evaluation workshop aimed at allowing participants to share their national experiences with INEX 3, compare approaches, analyse the implications on decision making and identify key needs in longer-term consequence management.
This report summarises the development of the INEX 3 exercise, the major evaluation outcomes of the national exercises, and the key policy-level outcomes, recommendations and follow-up activities arising from the exercise and workshop.