The present document is the Proccedings of the Sorption Workshop: Conclusion of NEA Sorption Project Phase II and Status Analysis of Sorption Modelling for PA, held at the NEA Offices in Issy-les-Moulineaux, France on 10-11 October 2005. The NEA sorption project (Phase II) was an international benchmarking exercise based upon a series of seven test cases that were prepared for this purpose. The objective of the individual test cases was for modelling teams to develop a TSM that quantitatively described sorption by the various materials as a function of chemical conditions. The present workshop was conceived to summarise the findings of the project, derive the most important lessons learned and determine the requirements for any future international collaborative effort.
NEA (2005), Proceedings of the Sorption Workshop: Conclusion of NEA Sorption Project Phase II and Status Analysis of Sorption Modelling for PA, OECD Publishing, Paris