Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities Operating Plan 2006-2009

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The Joint CSNI/CNRA Strategic Plan states in its last paragraph that:

"CNRA and CSNI each prepare an operating plan which describes in more detail their committeeís organisation, planned activities, priorities, and operating procedures to be used in fulfilling their mandates in accordance with this strategic plan. Specific attention will be given to ensure that cross-cutting issues are satisfactorily dealt with."

This report represents such an operating plan. The intention is that it should fit onto a new third rung on the ladder representing the hierarchy of documents that govern the work of CNRA. At the top of this hierarchy is the Strategic  plan of the NEA; immediately below that is the Joint CSNI/CNRA Strategic Plan; then comes the new operating plan (this document) and the operating guidelines (separate document). This plan sets the basis for establishing the current CNRA Programme of Work.