The main objective of the CNRA Working Group on Operating Experience (WGOE) is to share experience and knowledge, analyse and provide expert insights from operating experience to reach timely conclusions on trends, lessons learnt and effective responses in the short to medium term, and to promote proposals for re-assessment of safety, additional research, new or revised regulatory inspection practices, improvements in managing operations, and other actions to maintain and improve safety in the longer term.
This report addresses the proposal made at the December 2006 CNRA Meeting for the WGOE to review existing International Operating Experience Feedback (OEF) processes and networks, and their connections with National OEF systems and provide recommendations for more effective use of international OEF to improve nuclear safety.
The Task Group included WGOE members and observers from both the IAEA and EC and consulted other interested parties, including: CSNI, CRPPH, WENRA, INPO, INSAG and WANO.