The Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) Workshop on Structural Reliability Evaluation and Mechanical Probabilistic Approaches of NPP Components was held in Lyon, France on 25-27 September, hosted by Electricité de France, with the support of the USNRC (USA), the SKI (Sweden) and the GRS (Germany).
The CSNI and its Working Group on Integrity and Ageing of Components and Structures (WGIAGE) considered there was a need to clearly understand how calculations were performed in the different NEA member countries. Consequently, in June 2001 the CSNI initiated a benchmark on the probabilistic approach to examine the reactor pressure vessel – the Probabilistic Structural Integrity of a PWR Reactor Pressure Vessel (PROSIR) Benchmark. The workshop's main objective was originally to discuss and disseminate the results of the OECD/NEA PROSIR Benchmark. However, this objective was broadened to cover probabilistic approaches of mechanical components in nuclear power plants, and assessed the current practices and the state of the art with respect to these approaches. Information obtained as a result of this assessment will be utilised to develop a consensus on these approaches and identify issues or “gaps” in the present knowledge for the purpose of formulating and prioritising needs in this area.