NEA Forum on the Fukushima Accident:Insight and Approaches - Forum Proceedings, Paris, France, 8 June 2011

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The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) sponsored a Forum on Insights and Approaches as a result of the Fukushima Accident. The forum was held at the OECD Conference Center in Paris, France, on 8 June 2011. It was organised in conjuinction with the 7 June 2011 Ministerial Meeting on Nuclear Safety hosted by the French government, in their role as the G8-G20 Chair for 2011. This Forum was the first international regulatory meeting with industry that focused exclusively on the Fukushima accident and the path forward.

The main objectives of the forum were to provide the opportunity to exchange information on emerging lessons learnt, safety implications and national activities in response to the Fukushima accident, and to define areas where internation co-operation could be of benefit.