Report on the Survey of the Review of New Reactor Applications

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- Adobe Acrobat PDF Document on 1/15/20 at 5:13 PM

During the September 2009 meeting, the WGRNR presented with a draft survey comprising a broad range of questions related to the licensing process, design review and regulatory structure. At that time, it was decided to divide the survey into four parts: general, siting, design and construction. The General Section of the survey was sent to the group at the end of the meeting and member states were requested to provide their responses at the April 2010 meeting.

This report focuses on the results of this General Section and in particular, the general information questions pertaining to the regulatory body including licensing structure and processes. The following pages present a discussion of the results. Each member state was also asked to prepare a summary addressing their country‟s licensing process as well as organisation and public involvement during the licensing process.

The complete survey inputs from the general section are available in the appendices.