Proceedings of the 11th International Nuclear Regulatory Inspection Workshop on Experience from the Inspection of aging and equipment qualification, Inspection of competency of operators, and Inspection of licensee s oversight of contractors - Baden, Switzerland, 21 24 May 2012
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The NEA Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) believes that an essential factor in ensuring the safety of nuclear installations is the continuing exchange and analysis of technical information and data. To facilitate this exchange the Committee has established working groups and groups of experts in specialised topics. The Working Group on Inspection Practices (WGIP) was formed in 1990 with the mandate “… to concentrate on the conduct of inspections and how the effectiveness of inspections could be evaluated… ”. The WGIP facilitates the exchange of information and experience related to regulatory safety inspections between CNRA member countries.
These proceedings cover the 11th International Workshop held by WGIP on regulatory inspection activities. This workshop, which is the eleventh in a series, along with many other activities performed by the Working Group, is directed towards this goal. The consensus from participants at previous workshops, noted that the value of meeting with people from other inspection organisations was one of the most important achievements. The focus of this workshop was on experience gained from regulatory inspection activities in three areas:
Inspection of aging and equipment qualification (full title: Inspection of systems, structures and components (SSCs) affected by aging mechanisms and equipment qualification, including equipment with limited access, such as buried piping).
Inspection of competency of operators.
Inspection of licensee’s oversight of contractors.
NEA (2012), Proceedings of the 11th International Nuclear Regulatory Inspection Workshop on Experience from the Inspection of aging and equipment qualification, Inspection of competency of operators, and Inspection of licensee s oversight of contractors - Baden, Switzerland, 21 24 May 2012, OECD Publishing, Paris