CODAP is the continuation of the 2002-2011 “OECD/NEA Pipe Failure Data Exchange Project” (OPDE) and the work by the Stress Corrosion Cracking Working Group of the 2006–2010 “OECD/NEA SCC and Cable Ageing Project” (SCAP). OPDE was formally launched in May 2002. Upon completion of the 3rd Term in May 2011 the OPDE project was officially closed. SCAP was enabled by a voluntary contribution from Japan. It was formally launched in June 2006 and officially closed with an international workshop held in Tokyo in May 2010. Most of the members of the two projects were the same, often being represented by the same person. The scope of the CODAP is based on a combination of the concepts from the two projects. Thus it encompasses service experience data on metallic piping and non-piping passive components and well as a Knowledge Base as in SCAP but addressing the full range of failure mechanisms as in OPDE.
NEA (2015), First-term Status Report for the Component Operational Experience Degradation and Ageing Programme (CODAP) (2011-2014), OECD Publishing, Paris