The Role of the Inspector during an Emergency - Addendum to the Inspection of Emergency Arrangements [NEA/CNRA/R(2013)2]

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- Adobe Acrobat PDF Document on 1/15/20 at 5:25 PM

A fundamental goal in a regulatory authority’s oversight of nuclear facilities is to establish confidence that adequate arrangements are in place for emergency preparedness and response. The CNRA published a report in 1998 on the inspection of licensee activities in emergency planning [NEA/CNRA/R(98)2].

Significant changes have occurred in the interim period, including early lessons learnt from the Fukushima accident. Therefore, the WGIP determined that it would be prudent for member countries to share good inspection practices associated with emergency arrangements (preparedness and response) in an updated report. In December 2013, the WGIP therefore presented the report entitled Inspection of Emergency Arrangements [NEA/CNRA/R(2013)2] for CNRA approval. While the report was approved at the December 2013 CNRA meeting, members requested that a short addendum be developed to compile member countries experiences of the role of the inspector during an emergency. The present addendum to NEA/CNRA/R(2013)2 identifies six additional commendable practices.