Kick-off meeting preparation for the Framework for Irradiation Experiments (FIDES) Joint Experimental Programmes (JEEPs)
Background and history

The continued evolution of fuel and materials technology, fuel performance, optimisation of operational limits, material ageing, failure limits, etc. requires experimental evidence obtained from tests performed in fuel and materials research facilities. However, the worldwide network of these facilities is in significant decline, especially the research reactors used to test fuel and material behaviour under irradiation.

In this context, the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) launched the new multinational framework for in-pile fuels and material testing: Framework for Irradiation Experiments (FIDES). The main objective of FIDES is to strengthen fuel- and material-related experimental capabilities for the benefit of a broad community of users and a core aspect is to develop a co-ordinated approach for performing key experiments using facilities around the world through Joint Experimental Programmes (JEEPs).

The FIDES structure and current JEEP proposals are shown in the figure below.

Figure of Framework for Irradiation Experiments (FIDES) structure and current Joint Experimental Programmes (JEEPs) proposals 

This was the fourth workshop on experimental fuel and material testing needs, following the workshops on:

Meeting structure and objectives

Please see the agenda above for details on how the meeting were structured. In the first three sessions, half a day was dedicated to discussing in detail the following JEEP proposals:

  • quantifying thermomechanical clad load mechanisms during LWR slow transients (P2M), proposed by SCK-CEN, CEA and EDF
  • LOCA test and PIE in MIR.M1 reactor, proposed by RIAR
  • in-pile creep studies of ATF claddings (INCA), proposed by CVR, UJV, VTT, CEA and Alvel.

The second part of the meeting was dedicated to the FIDES concept, governance, legal aspects and cross-cutting activities.

The overall objective of the workshop was prepare the launch of the three JEEPs proposed above and agree on how FIDES will function.

Materials discussed during the meeting

Draft Framework Agreement (available soon)

Joint Experimental Programmes (JEEPs)

FIDES password protected area (restricted to the FIDES Network, including registered participants and attendees of past workshops)

Background and accompanying materials


The workshop will take place from Tuesday, 3 September from 9 a.m. until Thursday, 5 September 2019 until 1 p.m. at the OECD Conference Centre, room CC15 located at 2 rue André Pascal, 75016, Paris. A cocktail reception will take place on the evening of 3 September 2019.

A photo ID is required to access the conference centre. It is advised to arrive well in advance to allow for additional time to clear security. NEA staff will be onsite to guide participants to the meeting room.

Information about arriving at the OECD, including a link to hotel recommendations in the vicinity, is available on the OECD website.