WPFC Expert Group on Advanced Fuel Cycle Scenarios (EGAFCS)


Under the guidance of the Working Party on Scientific Issues of Advanced Fuel Cycles (WPFC), the Expert Group on Advanced Fuel Cycle Scenarios (EGAFCS) studies the needs associated with the transition from current to future advanced nuclear fuel cycles. 


The objectives of the EGAFCS are:

  • To assemble, organise and understand the scientific issues of advanced fuel cycles, in particular, to support emerging nuclear fuel cycle technologies;
  • To provide a framework for assessing specific national needs related to the implementation of advanced fuel cycles.

These objectives are critical to implementing a sustainable nuclear energy infrastructure and their fulfilment entails:

  • Defining the key scientific issues by collecting and comparing information available from experts in member countries, systematically organising the information and providing a deep level of understanding of each of them;
  • Assembling technical information on the existing and future technologies, including transmutation and storage technologies;
  • Developing and assessing generic scenarios that are representative of the different strategies envisaged in the member countries;
  • Evaluating the potential of systems beyond the current thermal and fast technologies.
Publications and reports


  • 40th meeting (13-14 March 2024, NEA) - planned
  • 39th meeting (23-24 November 2023, remote)
  • 38th meeting (13-14 April 2023, remote)
  • 37th meeting (28-29 November 2022, NEA - hybrid)
  • 36th meeting (23 June 2022, remote)
  • 35th meeting (9-10 March 2022, remote)
  • 34th meeting (10 November 2021, remote)
  • 33rd meeting (13 September 2021, remote)
  • 32nd meeting (24 June 2021, remote)
  • 31st meeting (6 May 2021, remote)
  • 30th meeting (25 March 2021, remote)
  • 29th meeting (25 February 2021, remote)
  • 28th meeting (22 January 2021, remote)

Members' working area

The EGAFCS protected area is now hosted on MyNEA SharePoint

Please follow these steps to connect to SharePoint:

  • Enter your email address and your NEA password (password reminder).
  • Select ‘MyNEA Access Authentication Agent 3.1’.
  • You will receive an email with an additional access code. Enter the access code to log in to the page.

The MyNEA End User Guide is available online here: User's guide: myNEA


WPFC Secretariat