In this context, new reactors are light-water reactors that are in the design or construction phases. The term “advanced reactors” refers to reactors under consideration that are cooled by fluids other than water (e.g. liquid salt).
The Working Group on the Regulation of New Reactors (WGRNR) examines the regulatory issues of the siting, licensing and regulatory oversight for new commercial nuclear power reactors. The WGRNR focuses in particular on construction inspection issues and the sharing of this experience with other working groups of the Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA).
The WGRNR also co-ordinates its activities with the CNRA and the Multinational Design Evaluation Programme (MDEP) in order to ensure that the MDEP's efforts take full advantage of the work already performed by the CNRA.
The Working Group on the Safety of Advanced Reactors (WGSAR) will provide regulatory perspectives through the issuance of technical reports containing discussions of areas in which additional or revised regulatory framework and licensing approaches, including safety research, may be needed to facilitate effective regulation of advanced reactors and to develop common understanding and approaches. The WGSAR will also interact with organisations performing research and design of advanced reactors such as GIF, and co-ordinate the activities with other NEA committees and international organisations (e.g. IAEA and EC) to facilitate exchange of information to ensure consistency of approach and to avoid the duplication of work.