The main mission of the Working Group on Fuel Safety (WGFS) is to advance the current understanding and address cross-cutting issues related to fuel behaviour in accident conditions, including work on associated aspects of thermal-hydraulics, oxidation, chemistry, mechanical behaviour and reactor physics.
Specifically, the WGFS:
The Working Group aims at facilitating international convergence in fuel safety issues, including experimental approaches, interpretation and use of the experimental data or of other relevant information.
Co-operation with other NEA bodies is actively pursued, as appropriate, e.g. with the Working Group on the Analysis and Management of Accidents (WGAMA) on issues involving thermal hydraulics and/or fuel damage, with the Working Group on Fuel Cycle Safety (WGFCS) on fuel-storage issues and with subsidiary bodies of the Nuclear Science Committee (NSC) working on fuel issues. This results in optimisation of both the resources mobilised by member countries for NEA activities and the quality of the work produced.
The Working Group performs its activities mainly through organising topical meetings on specific subjects or through task forces dedicated to covering specific programme items.
Members Area
Legacy WGFS members' area and Current SharePoint members' area (password protected | reminder).
Task groups (password protected | reminder)