Our deep sympathy goes to all those who have suffered as a result of the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Even though we have seen the pictures on our television screens, it is still difficult to truly comprehend how terrible these experiences must have been. We send our very best wishes to all those involved in the rescue, recovery and rebuilding efforts.
Experimental Data – The EXFOR database contains experimental data from neutron and charged particle induced reactions. It is maintained by the international network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centres (NRDC), which includes the NEA Data Bank. Data recently published in peer-reviewed journals have been compiled in the following EXFOR entries (this list is limited to new entries from the NEA Data Bank and does not show all recent updates to EXFOR).
22796 | M. Mosconi et al., Neutron physics of the Re/Os clock. I. Measurement of the (n,g) cross sections of 186,187,188Os at the CERN n_TOF facility, Physical Review C 82 (2010) 015802 | |
22822 | V. Semkova et al., Neutron activation cross sections for zirconium isotopes, Nuclear Physics A 832 (2010) 149 | |
22939 | I. Dillmann et al., Stellar (n,g) cross sections of p-process isotopes Part I: 102Pd, 120Te, 130,132Ba, and 156Dy, Physical Review C 81 (2010) 015801 | |
22994 | A. Wallner, Nuclear astrophysics and AMS – Probing nucleosynthesis in the lab, Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 268 (2010) 1277 | |
23048 23116 |
S. Vermote et al., Ternary particle emission in spontaneous fission of 250Cf and 252Cf and in neutron induced fission of 249Cf and 251Cf, Nuclear Physics A 837 (2010) 176 | |
23100 | A. Letourneau et al., Emission probabilities of g-rays from 238Np and their use for determination of the thermal neutron capture cross section of 237Np, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 68 (2010) 432 | |
23027 | K. Fujii et al., Neutron physics of the Re/Os clock. III. Resonance analyses and stellar (n,g) cross sections of 186,187,188Os, Physical Review C 82 (2010) 015804 | |
23028 | M. Mosconi et al., Neutron physics of the Re/Os clock. II. The (n,n’) cross section of 187Os at 30 keV neutron energy, Physical Review C 82 (2010) 015803 | |
23065 | S. Kamada et al., Measurements of keV-Neutron Capture Cross Sections and Capture Gamma-Ray Spectra of 77Se, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 47 (2010) 634 | |
23067 | C. Massimi et al., 197Au(n,g) cross section in the resonance region, Physical Review C 81 (2010) 044616 | |
23076 | G. Kessedjian et al., Neutron-induced fission cross sections of short-lived actinides with the surrogate reaction method, Physics Letters B 692 (2010) 297 | |
23094 | J. Marganiec et al., Stellar (n,g) cross sections of p-process isotopes. II. 168Yb, 180W, 184Os, 190Pt, and 196Hg, Physical Review C 82 (2010) 035806 | |
23103 | T. Wang et al., Measurement of keV-neutron capture cross-sections and capture g-ray spectra of 56Fe and 57Fe, Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 268 (2010) 440 | |
23107 | G. Meierhofer et al., Thermal neutron capture cross section of 74Ge, Physical Review C 81 (2010) 027603 | |
23110 | M. Segawa et al., A facility for measurements of (n,g) cross-sections of a nucleus in the range 0.008≤En<20 MeV, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 618 (2010) 153 | |
23112 | B. L. Goldblum et al., Surrogate ratio methodology for the indirect determination of neutron capture cross sections, Physical Review C 81 (2010) 054606 | |
23114 | C. Sage et al., High resolution measurements of the 241Am(n,2n) reaction cross section, Physical Review C 81 (2010) 064604 | |
23117 | G. Tagliente et al., The 92Zr(n,g) reaction and its implications for stellar nucleosynthesis, Physical Review C 81 (2010) 055801 | |
23126 | C. Paradela et al., Neutron-induced fission cross section of 234U and 237Np measured at the CERN Neutron Time-of-Flight (n_TOF) facility, Physical Review C 82 (2010) 034601 |
Evaluated Data – The Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion (JEFF) project is a collaborative effort among NEA Data Bank participating countries to compile, maintain and develop a reference nuclear data library for use in different energy applications. Following the adoption by the French nuclear industry of the latest version of the JEFF library (JEFF-3.1.1, released in 2009), the JEFF collaboration efforts now concentrate on the development of its next major release, the JEFF-3.2 library, which will implement more and further improved nuclear data evaluations and is expected for official release in about 2 to 3 year’s time.
The NEA Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC) provides a worldwide framework for co-operative activities between major nuclear data evaluation projects. Two WPEC subgroups recently completed their work and the final reports are now available. Subgroup 24 was established to develop a methodology for the production of covariance data in the fast neutron region. The report describes the different approaches and compares results obtained with existing nuclear reaction codes. Subgroup 30 focused on improving the accessibility and the quality of the Experimental Nuclear Reaction Data (EXFOR) database. The report describes the translation process from EXFOR into more user-friendly tabulated data files, as well as the various methods developed to verify and correct the contents of the database.
The last computer codes, processed data libraries and compiled integral experiments acquired since the last Newsletter are:
The CD-ROM and DVD robot used at the NEA Data Bank to produce copies of the information it distributes has been upgraded. DVDs are produced for large packages with dual layers. The result of this upgrade and modification is that compatibility problems might arise with operating systems and/or DVD-readers older than 12 years, i.e. released before 1997. Users experiencing problems with old DVD readers should either request information on CD-ROM or upgrade their readers.
For more details see the daily updated list at http://www.oecd-nea.org/tools/abstract/new.
Data now available for the following experiments:
For further information, please see: www.oecd-nea.org/dbcps/
The 2010 edition of the International Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments Project (ICSBEP) handbook is now available. The evaluated criticality safety benchmark data are given in nine volumes. These volumes span over 55,000 pages and contain 516 evaluations with benchmark specifications for 4,405 critical, near critical, or subcritical configurations, 24 criticality alarm placement / shielding configurations with multiple dose points for each, and 200 configurations that have been categorized as fundamental physics measurements that are relevant to criticality safety applications.
The first meetings of four new Experts Groups under the Working Party on Scientific Issues of Reactor Systems were held at NEA Offices in the first week of February. The groups are:
The roles of EGRFP, EGRTS and EGRPANS will include helping to develop the Integral Experiments Databases IFPE, SINBAD and IRPhE, respectively. Work has started on reviewing the contents, structure and future requirements of each database. For IRPhE a study is being made on the development of a database tool to allow users to search for experiments of particular interest, similar to the DICE tool already available for ICSBEP. The next issue of the IRPhE handbook is due in April/May 2011.
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