The NEA Committee on Radiological Protection and Public Health (CRPPH) has actively supported the open process initiated by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) to revise its radiological protection recommendations. Whilst the ICRP has no formal power to impose its recommendations, legislation in most countries adheres to them closely. NEA member countries in the Asia-Pacific area have played an important role in this revision process. The specific views of these members were addressed in three regional conferences on the evolution of the system of radiological protection held in Tokyo in October 2002, July 2004 and July 2006. The publication of these new ICRP recommendations and the success of the previous Tokyo conferences have led the CRPPH to organise a Fourth Asian Regional Conference to discuss the next steps after their publication and implementation.
Specifically, the objectives of this conference are to:
ICRP Recommendations
In recent years, the ICRP has launched an open process to enhance the current set of radiological protection recommendations. The ICRP is presenting new draft proposals and recommendations to the broad radiological protection community and seeking a dialogue with all interested parties or stakeholders. The objective of this open process is to reach a new generation of ICRP recommendations that are as broadly understood and accepted as possible so they will be efficiently implemented. Through such an open process, the ICRP will publish new recommendations on the ICRP website in the near future.
The preliminary focus of the ICRP development has been on new general recommendations, which will replace ICRP Publication 60. As part of this process, the ICRP has also identified a need to clarify and update its views on the radiological protection of the environment. Both of these areas are of great interest to the NEA member countries.
NEA/ICRP dialogue
As an international committee made up of nationally nominated radiological protection authorities and technical experts, the CRPPH has for most of its history actively followed the work of the ICRP. This interest continues as the ICRP develops its new recommendations. Shortly after the ICRP began to develop its new ideas based on Roger Clarke’s article on the controllable dose concept (Journal of Radiological Protection 19 No 2, June 1999), the CRPPH also began working on this issue, focusing on how the system of radiological protection could be made more responsive to decision makers, regulators, practitioners and the public. Through a series of expert groups, topical session discussions with the ICRP Chair and broad stakeholder dialogue fora, the CRPPH has produced a series of documents highlighting relevant issues and proposing possible directions to move forward effectively. Since the release of the new ICRP suggestions in 1999, the CRPPH has published 12 reports specifically addressing development of a new system, all of which are available online.
Welcome and conference opening
9:30 Welcome address
9:50 Welcome address and NEA expectations
Ms. Janice Dunn-Lee
Deputy Director-General
OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
Session 1: The New ICRP General Recommendations
Chair: Dr. Yasuhito Sasaki
Co-Chair: Mr. Peter A. Burns
10:00 The New ICRP System of Radiological Protection
Dr. Lars-Erik Holm
Chair, International Commission on Radiological Protection
11:00 Dialogue with the ICRP Chair:
Questions and Answers for Clarification of the New ICRP Recommendations
Session 2: Special Session on the International Basic Safety Standards
Chair: Dr.Toshiso Kosako
Co-Chair: Dr. Ho-Sin Choi
11:30 Current Situation of Revision Work on the International Basic Safety Standards
12:30 Lunch
Session 3: Challenges in the Implementation of the New Recommendations: Views from National Authorities
Chair: Mr. Jacques Lochard
Co-Chair: Dr. Ohtsura Niwa
14:00 Views from the Japanese Regulatory Authority
Director of Radiation Protection and Accident Management Division, Secretariat of NSC, Japan
Director for Radiation Protection Policy, MEXT, Japan
14:30 Views from the Korean Regulatory Authority
Dr. Ho-Sin Choi
Director, Radiation Safety Regulation Division,
Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS)
14:50 Break
15:20 Views from the Australian Regulatory Authority
Mr. Peter A. Burns
Director, Environmental & Radiation Health Branch
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA)
15:40 Views from the Chinese Authorities
Dr. Zi Qiang Pan
ICRP Main Commission
Science and Technology Commission
China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA)
Dr. Yihua Xia
Dept. of Health Physics
China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE)
16:10 Views from Indonesia
Speaker: To be determined
Session 4: Views from the Japanese Nuclear Industry and Radiation Protection Professionals on the ICRP Recommendations
Chair: Dr. Zi Qiang Pan
Co-Chair: Dr. Michiaki Kai
16:30 Views from Japanese Industry
Speaker: To be determined
16:50 Views from Radiation Protection Professionals
Dr. Kazuo Sakai
Chair of Committee for International Correspondence,
Japan Health Physics Society (JHPS)
17:10 Views from the Medical Profession
Speaker: Dr. Tsuneo Ishiguchi
Japan Radiological Society (JRS)
Aichi Medical University
17:30 End of Day one
18:30 Reception
Session 5: Challenges in the Implementation of the New Recommendations: Views from the NCRP (USA) and Russian Federation
Chair: Dr. Lars-Erik Holm
Co-Chair: Dr. Takashi Nakamura
9:30 Views from the NCRP (USA)
Dr. Thomas Tenforde
President of the National Council On Radiation
Protection and Measurements, (NCRP, USA)
10:30 Views from Russia
Speaker: to be determined
11:30 Lunch
Session 6: Panel Discussion: Panel members will respond to questions from participants
13:30 Topic: Issues of Implementation of the New Recommendations
Moderator: Dr. Hans Riotte, NEA
Panel members:
Session 7: Synthesis of the Meeting
14:30 The Asian Perspective
Dr. Yasuhiro Yamaguchi
CRPPH Bureau
14:45 Implications for ICRP Developments
Dr. Lars-Erik Holm
ICRP Chair
15:00 The CRPPH Perspective
Mr. Jacques Lochard
15:15 Conference end
This conference will be organised by the CRPPH, in collaboration with the ICRP, and co-organised by the NSC and MEXT.
The working language of the conference will be English, with simultaneous interpretation between English and Japanese.
Programme committee
Masahiro AOKI (NSC, Japan)
Lars-Erik HOLM (ICRP Chair)
Yasuo KIRYU (MEXT, Japan)
Jacques LOCHARD (CRPPH Chair)
Hiroshi NOGUCHI (JAEA, Japan)
Yasuhito SASAKI (ICRP Main Commission Member)
Local arrangements
The meeting will be held at:
The Toshi Center Hotel
2-4-1, Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo, 102-0093
Tel: +81-3-3265-8211
How to travel to the Toshi Center Hotel
Documents for the meeting will be made available on this page as they become available.
Bibliography of CRPPH publications concerning the evolution of the system of radiological protection
1. The Process of Regulatory Authorisation | Le processus d'autorisation réglementaire (2006)
A Report by the CRPPH Expert Group on the Regulatory Application of Authorisation (EGRA)
NEA 2006
2. Evolution of the System of Radiological Protection
Second Asian Regional Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 28–29 July 2004
NEA 2005
3. Optimisation in Operational Radiological Protection
A Report by the Working Group on Operational Radiological Protection of the Information System on Occupational Exposure
NEA 2005
4. The Future Policy for Radiological Protection | Politique future en matière de protection radiologique (2003)
A Stakeholder Dialogue on the Implications of the ICRP Proposals - Summary Report, Lanzarote, Spain, 2-4 April 2003
NEA 2004
5. Future Policy for Radiological Protection
Workshop Proceedings, Lanzarote, Spain, 2-4 April
NEA 2003
6. Possible Implications of Draft ICRP Recommendations
NEA, 2003
7. Evolution of the System of Radiological Protection
Asian Regional Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 24-25 October 2002
NEA 2003
8. A New Approach to Authorisation in the Field of Radiological Protection
The Road Test Report
NEA, 2003
9. Radiological Protection of the Environment | Protection radiologique de l'environnement
Summary Report of the Issues
NEA, 2003
10. Radiological Protection of the Environment: The Path Forward to a New Policy?
Workshop Proceedings, Taormina, Sicily, Italy, 12-14 February 2002
NEA, 2003
11. The Way Forward in Radiological Protection | Vers un nouveau système de protection radiologique (2002)
An Expert Group Report
NEA, 2002
12. A Critical Review of the System of Radiation Protection | Analyse critique du système de protection radiologique
First Reflections of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency’s Committee on Radiological Protection and Public Health
NEA, 2000